摘要:22.A.to satisfy B.satisfy C.to satisfying D.satisfying


     People are so  busy these days that  many  people have no time  to  cook.  This becomes a problem,
because most families  love home cooking!  The food tastes  good and warm,  and a family meal  brings
everyone together. In some families, meals are often the only times everyone sees one another at the same
     Another reason  people enjoy  home cooking is that it is  often a way of showing love.  A  parent who
makes some cookies (小甜饼) is not just satisfying (满足 ) a child's sweet tooth.  She or he is sending a
message. The message says, " I care about you enough to spend an hour making cookies that you will eat up in 15 minutes if I let you. "
     There is also something about the smell of home cooking. The smell of home cooking  pleases people
of all ages. It makes most of us feel good and loved-even if we are the ones doing the cooking! Next time you smell a cake making, stop for a moment and pay attention to your mood(心情 ). 
1. Why do fewer people cook now?
A. They have no time.              
B. Many people are too busy.
C. Many people don't like cooking.  
D. They don't like family meals.
2. A parent spends an hour making cookies      
A. just to satisfy her or his child's sweet tooth            
B. only to send a message
C. to let a child eat up in 15 minutes                  
D. often to show her or his  love
3. The writer thinks the smell of home cooking 
A. makes us happy.          
B. makes us be interested in cooking
C. makes us pay attention to our mood          
D. makes us love others
4. What's the main(主要)) idea of this passage?
A. Family meals are important.  
B. How to make cookies.
C. People are too busy to cook.    
D. Homemade cookies taste better.

When Mr. David retired(退休), he bought a small house in a village near the sea. He liked it and hoped to live a quiet life in it. But to his surprise, many visitors came to see his house in summer holidays, for it was the most interesting building in the village. From morning to night, there were visitors outside the house. They kept looking into the rooms through the windows and many of them even went into the house. He decided to drive the visitors away. So he put a notice (公告)on the window. The notice said, “If you want to satisfy your curiosity(好奇心),come in and look around. Price: twenty dollars.” Mr. David was sure that the visitors would stop coming, but he was wrong. More and more visitors came and Mr. David had to spend every day showing them around his house. “I came here to retire, not to work as a guide(导游)”, he said angrily. In the end, he sold the house and moved away.

1.Mr. David’s house was      that many visitors came to see it.

A.so small

B.so quiet

C.so interesting

D.such interesting

2.Mr. David put a notice on the window in order      .

A.to drive the visitors away

B.to satisfy the visitors curiosity

C.to let visitors come in and look around

D.to get some money out of the visitors

3.The notice made the visitors      .

A.more interested in his house

B.lost interest in his house

C.angry at the unfair price

D.feel happy about the price

4.After Mr. David put up the notice      .

A.the visitors didn’t come any more

B.fewer and fewer visitors came to see his house

C.more and more visitors came for a visit

D.no visitor would pay the money for a visit

5.At last he had to sell his house and move away because       .

A.he did not like it at all

B.he could not work as a guide

C.he made enough money and wanted to buy a new expensive house

D.he could not live a quiet life in it



Hi, everybody!

Welcome to our newly-opened Richards Cinema Bookstore!

Now let me introduce to you some of the new film books in our store.

Are you Chinese film fans? OK, here comes the latest 25 New Takes about Chinese films. It is a collection of 25 fresh readings of different Chinese films from the 1930s to the present. In recent years, Chinese films are very popular in the States, such as Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon, Hero, and Flowers of Shanghai.

Do you like French films? Well, here is The French Cinema Book. It covers French films from the 1890s to the beginning of the 21st century. It is written for all lovers of French cinema: students and teachers, specialists and fans, and so on.

Maybe you are Indian film fans and star-chasers. Then here is Encyclopedia (百科全书) of Indian Cinema. The book is a complete introduction to all the best Indian films. It also offers a full list of names of the famous and successful film stars in the past ten years. You know, the Indian film industry is the largest in the world after our Hollywood.

If you like British films, we have The British Cinema Book. It is a good review of British cinema. This book contains a good many nice pictures.

In our bookstore, you can also find books about Mexican, Japanese, Australian, German and Italian films.

Well, please help yourselves to some coffee or tea, and have a good time here!

1.The speaker of the passage is most probably _______.

A.the writer of 25 New Takes                B.a tourist in the cinema bookstore

C.the manager of the cinema bookstore        D.a reader of Encyclopedia of Indian Cinema

2.How many Asian countries does the speaker refer to when he talks about the film books?

A.Two.             B.Three.            C.Four.             D.Nine.

3.Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A.Indian cinema is second only to Hollywood.

B.The British Cinema Book includes a complete list of names of stars.

C.Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon is well received in the States.

D.The French Cinema Book covers over a century's French films.

4.The purpose of the speaker is_______.

A.to satisfy the visitors' various tastes

B.to keep the writers in the cinema bookstore

C.to offer the visitors chances to meet the film stars

D.to have the readers into film producers



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