摘要:30.A.don't B.can't C.aren't D.doesn't


We  26  a survey about different   27  transportation last week.We asked students28  their favorite kinds of transportation. 29  are some of the results.Most students come to school  30  bike and they like  31  bikes.Of course, bikes are  32  than cars and buses.Some students like cars  33  they are safer than bikes.Cars are also faster than bikes and buses.Among some students, buses are not popular, because they often have  34  passengers(旅客).Buses are also dirtier and more crowded.However(然而),  35  many people can afford(买得起) a car.
【小题1】A.did         B.make              C.have
【小题2】A.kind of      B.kinds of             C.a kind of
【小题3】A.from                                         B.with        C.about
【小题4】A.Here                                        B.There            C.They
【小题5】A.on                                            B.by            C.ride
【小题6】A.by                                           B.on            C.riding
【小题7】A.cheaper                                      B.more expensive         C.cheap
【小题8】A.though       B.because            C.but
【小题9】A.too much                                   B.a lot         C.too many
【小题10】A.not        B.don't                 C.aren't


We  26  a survey about different   27  transportation last week.We asked students28  their favorite kinds of transportation. 29  are some of the results.Most students come to school  30  bike and they like  31  bikes.Of course, bikes are  32  than cars and buses.Some students like cars  33  they are safer than bikes.Cars are also faster than bikes and buses.Among some students, buses are not popular, because they often have  34  passengers(旅客).Buses are also dirtier and more crowded.However(然而),  35  many people can afford(买得起) a car.

1.A.did         B.make              C.have

2.A.kind of      B.kinds of             C.a kind of

3.A.from                                         B.with        C.about

4.A.Here                                        B.There            C.They

5.A.on                                            B.by            C.ride

6.A.by                                           B.on            C.riding

7.A.cheaper                                      B.more expensive         C.cheap

8.A.though       B.because            C.but

9.A.too much                                   B.a lot         C.too many

10.A.not        B.don't                 C.aren't



We  26  a survey about different   27  transportation last week.We asked students28  their favorite kinds of transportation. 29  are some of the results.Most students come to school  30  bike and they like  31  bikes.Of course, bikes are  32  than cars and buses.Some students like cars  33  they are safer than bikes.Cars are also faster than bikes and buses.Among some students, buses are not popular, because they often have  34  passengers(旅客).Buses are also dirtier and more crowded.However(然而),  35  many people can afford(买得起) a car.
小题1:A.did         B.make              C.have
小题2:A.kind of      B.kinds of             C.a kind of
小题3:A.from                                         B.with        C.about
小题4:A.Here                                        B.There            C.They
小题5:A.on                                            B.by            C.ride
小题6:A.by                                           B.on            C.riding
小题7:A.cheaper                                      B.more expensive         C.cheap
小题8:A.though       B.because            C.but
小题9:A.too much                                   B.a lot         C.too many
小题10:A.not        B.don't                 C.aren't

Welcome to City Library

City Library is open to everyone from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm every day.You can borrow books,CDs and videos.You can surf the Internet,too.


·Picture books for kids

·Books in 36 languages

·Story books

You can read magazines and newspapers in the reading room on the second floor.Don’t take them out.Put them back where you take after reading.



·Language learning(French,Japanese and English)

You can enjoy listening to the CDs in a special room on the third floor,one dollar an hour.You can borrow them back to your home Free!


·All kinds of films

·TV plays

You can't watch them here.You can borrow them,one dollar for two videos.


·The Internet room is on the first floor,two dollars an hour.You aren't allowed to play computer games.

1.When can you go to the library?

A.At any time.       B.In the day.         C.At night.

2.What can you do in the library?

A.Read newspapers.                                 B.Play computer games.

C.See a film.

3.Where can we enjoy the CDs in the library?

A.On the third floor.                                 B.On the second floor.

C.On the.first floor.

4.Tom surfed the Internet for 2 hours and borrowed 4 videos.How much did he pay?

A.$8.                   B.$6.                    C.$12.

5.In which part may we read this passage in the newspaper?

A.Sports.              B.News.               C.Ads.


Britain Today


     British people like good food, and more than half of them go to a restaurant every month. Fast food is also very popular— 30% of all adults have a hamburger every three months, but

46% have fish and chips!


     British people don't do a lot of sports. Only 17% of people go swimming every week, about 9% go cycling and 8% play golf—and only 6% of people play football( but 32% go to watch it ).

     Cinema and TV

     Films are very popular in Britain, and about 60% of people between 15 and 24 go to the cinema every month. At home, men watch TV for about three hours every day — two quarters more than women.


     British people love going on holiday, and have 56 million holidays every year. Most of these holidays aren't in the UK—27% are in Spain,10% are in the USA, and 9% are in France. Maybe this is because the weather in Britain isn't very good!

1.Which food could be more popular among British adults, a hamburger or fish and chips?

    A.A hamburger.                                B.Fish and chips.

    C.Both.                                       D.Neither.

2.Which of the followings can show the right percentage (百分比) about Sports in Britain?


3.Those who are interested in movies are ____.

A.men                                    B.women

C.old people                               D.young people

4.How long do British women spend watching TV every day?

A.Three hours.                             B.Three hours and a half

C.Two hours                                     D.Two hours and a half

5.British people's favorite country for a holiday is ____.

    A.Spain     B.France         C.America               D.Australia


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