摘要:5. (B)听下面的对话独白.每段对话或独白后有几小题.请根据你所听到的内容.从所给的A.B.C三个选项中选出一个适当的答语.每段对话或独白读两遍.听第6段材料.回答6-7题:











6What are they talking about?

AThe dining room

BThe bedroom

CThe house

7How is the kitchen?

AIt is large

BIt is nice

CIt is modern


8Which bank was robbed last night?

AThe bank in Green Street

BThe bank near Green Street

CThe bank near the railway station

9How much money was taken?

ANot one dollar

BAll of the money in the bank

CSome of the money in the bank

10How many robbers were caught at first?





11Where are the man and the woman talking?

AAt home

BIn the shop

CIn the office

12Who does the man want to buy a present for?

AHis friend

BHis mother

CHis father

13Why doesn't the man take the wallet?

ABecause he dislikes the colour

BBecause it is too expensive for him

CBecause there is no place to put photos

14How much money does the man just have with him?




15What does the man decide to buy at last?


BA wallet



16Which floor do they start from?

AThe first floor

BThe second floor

CThe fourth floor

17What can they see on the second floor?

ATechnology in the old days

BInventions in different centuries

CModern inventions in the 20th century

18Where can they have a drink?

AOn the first floor

BOn the second floor

COn the fourth floor

19Which is the most helpful way to find more information about the museum?

ASearching the Internet

BAsking the guide for help

CBuying books or magazines

20What is the speaker?





1.A.It's James.

B.It's Billy's.

C.It's on the desk.

2.A.She is sleeping.

B.She is a teacher.

C.She is well.

3.A.On the third floor.

B.It's very big.

C.He is working in it.

4.A.Never mind.

B.Not a bit.

C.Of course.

5.A.At three in the afternoon.

B.About tomorrow's class.

C.In Class One.



6.What will the weather be like on Friday?

A.It'll be sunny.

B.It'll be rainy.

C.It'll be windy.

7.What time does the girl go to bed on Saturday evening?

A.At 9∶30.

B.At 11∶00.

C.At 12∶00.

8.What's the present for Anna?

A.A bike.

B.A dictionary.

C.A dress.

9.What does Annie mean?

A.She knows the man's name.

B.She has seen the man before.

C.She doesn't know the man at all.

10.What did the man and his father think of the game?

A.They liked the game very much.

B.The game wasn't very exciting.

C.It was bad to leave at the half time.




11.How far is Green Street?

A.Half an hour's walk.

B.Four hours' walk.

C.Half an hour's bus ride.

12.When will the next bus come?

A.At about 7∶30.

B.At about 1∶30.

C.At about 4∶00.

13.How will the man probably go to Green Street?

A.By bus.

B.On foot.

C.By taxi.


14.What does the man want to know about the trip?

A.Where to go.

B.When to leave.

C.How much to pay.

15.Which is the man interested in?




16.What will the man probably do?

A.He will visit countryside.

B.He will go to France.

C.He will stay here for 3 weeks.


17.What are they taking about?

A.A football match.

B.Around the World.

C.TV programs.

18.When will the program Around the World begin?

A.At nine o'clock.

B.At one o'clock.

C.Tomorrow morning.

19.What do you think Sally will do?

A.She will turn off the TV and go to sleep.

B.She will read a newspaper instead.

C.She will watch the football match.

20.What do we know from the dialogue?

A.They are both going to watch the football match.

B.They watch TV every night.

C.Both of them like watching football matches.


21.What did the old man think was important to kids?

A.Playing modern games.

B.Keeping small animals.

C.Telling right from wrong.

22.Where were the boys?

A.In the park.

B.On the street.

C.At home.

23.What were the boys doing?

A.Telling a story.

B.Waiting for the old gentleman.

C.Discussing who could take the cat.

24.Why did the boys agree to give the cat to the old man?

A.Because the old man was their teacher.

B.Because they thought the old man told the biggest lie.

C.Because they wanted the old man to tell a lie.

25.What can we learn from the passage?

A.The old man didn't want the cat at all.

B.The boys didn't think they should tell lies.

C.The boys thought the old man had never told a lie.









5.A.It is six o’clock. B.It’s October 10th. C.It’s a public holiday.

6.A.Fourteen. B.Sixteen. C.Fifteen.

7.A.Not at all. B.That’s all right. C.Certainly.Here you are.

8.A.Either is OK. B.Thank you. C.This way, please.

9.A.It is wet. B.It was sunny. C.It is cloudy.

10.A.Yes, I think so. B.I’ll do it. C.Yes, it’s difficult.

11.A.No, I can’t. B.Yes, I can. C.Of course, go ahead.

12.Three years ago. B.In three years. C.For three years.

13.A.It’s from China. B.He likes it very much. C.He thinks it’s 10 yuan.

14.A.I hate you. B.I don’t want to stay here. C.Sorry.It’s getting late and I must go now.


15.Did the woman know who won the match?

A.It’s hard to say. B.No, she didn’t. C.Yes, she did.

16.Where is the woman from?

A.New York. B.England. C.London.

17.Where are the two speakers?

A.In a classroom. B.On a farm. C.In a dining room.

18.What’s Li Ying’s son.

A.He is an engineer. B.He is a doctor. C.He is a cook.

19.What kind of music does the man like?

A.Jazz. B.Rock music. C.Pop music.

20.Who gave the party for the girl?

A.her aunt. B.He friend. C.Her mother.

21.What is the man probably going to do?

A.To take a train. B.To take a taxi. C.To take a bus.

22.What’s wrong with Mike?

A.He hurt his foot. B.He hurt his leg. C.Nothing was wrong with him.

23.What are they doing?

A.They are singing songs. B.They are walking. C.They are making a phone call.

24.Why hasn’t Jane received the email?

A.Because she is ill. B.Because she is too tired. C.Because here computer doesn’t work.



25.What was the won doing last month?

A.Se was taking care of her sick mother

B.She was writing a novel.

C.She was taking care of her father while she was writing a novel.

26.How is the woman’s father now?

A.He was getting worse.

B.He is much better.

C.He doesn’t feel well.

27.What does the woman want the man to do?

A.To read a novel.

B.To move the heavy box.

C.To take her father to the hospital.


28.Why do Lan Lan’s parents send her to s sports school?

A.Because Lan Lan likes sports.

B.Because they live near the school.

C.Because Lan Lan is a lazu girl.

29.What does Lan Lan drink for breakfast?



C.Orange juice.

30.How does she go to the gym every morning?

A.By bus.

B.On foot.

C.By bicycle.




Number 1                                     

M: Hey, Betty! How do you study for a test?

W: I study by listening to tapes.

Number 2                                     

M: Sally, did you use to be afraid of tigers?

W: Yes, I did.

Number 3                                     

M: I think we should be allowed to play soccer after class.

W: I agree.

Number 4                                     

M: It’s Celia’s birthday tomorrow. I don’t know what I should get her.

W: If I were you, I would get her a scarf.



M: Hi, Maria! Whose backpack is this?                           

W: I don’t know. Look, there is a hair band in it. So the owner can’t be a boy.

M: It could be Lily’s hair band. She has long hair.

W: You’re right. The backpack might belong to Lily.


W: Have you done your homework, John?                         
M: Not yet.
W: Then why are you watching TV now?
M: This is my favorite baseball game.
W: You can watch it after you finish your homework.
M: But the show will be over.
W: There will be another game next week.
M: Please?
W: You know the rules, John.
M: I hate the rules! I can’t wait till I grow up.


W: Hi, Lewis! I’m so glad the holiday is finally here.

M: Me too. Imagine! We’ve got three days in a row.

W: So, where’re you going?

M: I don’t have any plans yet. I’ll just play it by ear. How about you, Tina?

W: We’re going hiking and camping in the mountains.

M: That sounds exciting!

W: Would you like to join us?

M: Hmm, let me think about it. I’ll let you know later.


M: Gina, I was invited to a party. I don’t know what to wear and I need your help. 

W: Well, what kind of party is it?

M: It is an important party for all junior students.

W: When is the party?

M: 8:00 pm, next Friday evening.

W: Oh, that is one week from today. You have enough time to get prepared. And if I were you, I

 would wear a shirt and tie. But don’t wear a suit. That makes you look old.

M: I agree. But what if I don’t know anyone?

W: Well, if I were you, I would talk to someone first. It is not good to be too shy, right?

M: Yes, you are right.

W: Don’t worry. Everything will be fine. Have a good time at the party.

M: Thanks.


Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to our Summer Camp Day! It is a team competition taking place once every year both at the festival and on our website!

There are four teams: red, yellow, blue, and purple. You can join a team by joining the team’s Facebook group. Within each group, team members work together on how they can win the competition, and decide more fun things like team songs, team flags and so on.

Each year, one team will be named the Summer Camp Day Champion. The winning team will be decided at the end of the festival, and we will fly their flag that day. The winning team will also get a party.

As a team member, you have to wear your team color and encourage your teammates, or join in games. The games include spelling game, guessing game, water ball game and soccer game. If you win a game, you will get prizes like T-shirts or some other souvenirs. Most of the games will be during the day on Saturdays, and the winning team’s party will be on Sunday afternoon.

I hope you will enjoy yourself in our summer camp! 


W: Hello, Hoffman Travel Agency.

M: Hello. I’d like to book a flight from Beijing to Shanghai, please.

W: I see. May I have your name, please?

M: Thomas Green. T-H-O-M-A-S. Thomas. G-R-E-E-N, Green.

W: Got it. So when are you travelling?

M: I’d like to fly next Monday, November 25th.

W: Wait a moment, please. (Pause) We have one ticket left.

M: Perfect! How much is the ticket?

W: It is only 840 RMB.

M: Well, that’s a pretty fair price.

W: A ticket to Shanghai for next Monday, November 25th. OK, your ticket has been booked. The flight number is CA1589 from Beijing International Airport Terminal Three to Shanghai Hongqiao Airport. The departure time is 8:30 p.m.

M: Thank you so much! By the way, can I bring my pet with me?

W: I’m sorry. Pets are not allowed.

M: Oh, I see. Thanks.

W: You are welcome. Goodbye.                                

M: Bye.



5. What’s in the backpack?

A. A notebook.       B. A pencil box.      C. A hair hand

6. Whose backpack could it be?

  A. Jack’s            B. Lily’s           C. Maria’s


7. What is John doing now?

  A. Watching TV.       B. Doing homework.      C. Playing baseball.

8. What does John hate?

  A. The shows.         B. The rules        C. The games.


9.How long will the holiday be?

  A. Two days.           B. Three days.     C. Four days.

10. What is Tina going to do during the holiday?

  A. Go hiking and camping.       B. Go to the beach.      C. Visit the museum.


11. When is the party?

  A. Next Sunday evening.      B. Next Saturday evening.      C. Next Friday evening.

12. What will the boy probably wear for the party?

  A. A shirt and tie.         B. A suit and shirt.        C. A suit and tie.

13. What can we know about the boy?

  A. He has no friends.           B. He needs more time.      C. He wants some advice.


14. How can you join the team?

  A. By joining a party on Saturdays.      

B. By joining a group on Facebook.   

C. By joining games on the Internet.

15. Which game is not talked about?

A. Guessing game.      B. Spelling game.      C. Dancing game.

16. What does the speaker want to do?

  A. To tell us about a competition.      

B. To introduce a competition team.     

C. To encourage us to win the game.




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