摘要:31.Have they decided for Beijing? A.when will they leave B.when do they leave C.when they would leave D.when they will leave


These days computer games have become more and more popular in many cities and towns. A lot of small shops along busy 26 have changed into computer game houses in order to get more 27 . These places are always crowded with people.

In the computer game houses, people  28 a lot of money matching on the machines, It's   29  for one to beat a computer, but one can do well after trying again and again. Peo?ple want to  30  when they play computer games. The more they  31 , the more they want to win, and at last they even can't   32    without it.

The result is that some people don' t want to 33 and they play in computer game houses for hours and hours. For school boys, things are  34 . They don't want to have 35 . When school is over, they rush to the computer game houses near their   36 .

Some of them can get enough money from their 37 . Some of them are not   38 enough to get the money. So they have to steal or rob others' and become  39 .

Computer game addiction(上瘾) is a  40 problem in our life. Something has to be done to stop it.

(  )26. A. streets    B. schools     C. towns    D. cities

(  )27. A. boys    B. money    C. computers       D. houses

(  )28. A. take    B. spend    C. cost         D. pay

(  )29. A. possible  B. easy         C. good     D. hard

(  )30. A. read    B. learn     C. win     D. download

(  )31. A. lose        B. try       C. waste    D. watch

(  )32. A. come        B. eat       C. study    D. live

(  )33. A. watch TV      B. go out    C. stay there   D. work

(  )34. A. better   B. exciting    C. even worse  D. interesting

(  )35.A. lessons   B. games    C. families     D. sports

(  )36.A. classes       B. rooms    C. schools    D. shops

(  )37. A. classmates B. teachers        C. sisters      D. parents

(  )38. A. lucky   B. unlucky    C. careful    D. polite

(  )39. A. good       B. bad       C. rich       D. poor

(  )40. A. important  B. serious     C. unusual     D. wonderful


Scientists think that there has been life for__31_ of years. However we haven’t found life on other planets _32_ . The earth is a planet and it _33__ around the sun. Seven other planets also go _34_ the sun. The sun and its planets are __35  the solar system. The solar system is a small part of our galaxy.

  Scientists __36_ lots of spacecraft to look at other planets in the solar system, and some spacecraft have gone __37_ the solar system. However, no one __38_ any life in space yet.

  But why has no one from other planets sent us a message ? Have they tried to send _39_ to us ? _40_so many stars in the universe, are we alone, or is there life out there in space ? We don’t know.

31. A. thousands          B. millions       C. hundreds     D. billion

32. A. already       B. never         C. yet          D. just

33. A. go            B. turn          C. travel       D. goes

34. A. to            B. back          C. around      D. into

35. A. called         B. call           C. calling      D. calls

36. A. send         B. sent           C. have sent     D. will send

37. A. out          B. beyond        C. into         D. up

38. A. discovered  B. discovers     C. has discovered   D. have discovered

39. A. message     B. informations    C. information     D. news

40. A. With        B. Have          C. Use         D. Because


   A zebra and a horse are good    31   .One day, they talk about   32   clothes. The zebra says to the horse. "Your    33    clothes are beautiful. I   34    white clothes, too." The horse is very happy and    35    the zebra his white clothes.

    The next day, the zebra meets a   36   .The zebra runs away, but the tiger can  37  run after him    38    he can see his white clothes.

    The zebra   39    the white clothes. Then the tiger cannot see him   40   the trees. The zebra goes home and doesn't wear the white clothes again.

31. A. sisters       B. brothers         C. cousins          D. friends

32. A. his            B. its                  C. their               D. her

33. A. green        B. black              C. white             D. brown

34. A. want         B. have               C. make             D. take

35. A. returns      B. keeps             C. borrows         D. lends

36. A. lion           B. tiger               C. fox                D. dog

37. A. never        B. sometimes      C. always                  D. seldom

38. A. because           B. so                  C. that                D. then

39. A. picks up    B. looks for        C. puts on          D. takes off

40. A. between    B. among                  C. around                  D. near


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