摘要:2.The first time.the man put the cat . A.in a zoo B.in his driveway C.in a park


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Receiver:Li Zhiyuan@163. com
Subject:How to protect the clean water?
Dear Li Zhiyuan, I feel very excited about my visit to Fuzhou and meeting you for the first time! But I’m still not sure about the following questions:1. Are there any rivers or lakes in your city? 2. Is the water dirty or clean? Why? 3. Did you do anything useful to protect the clean water? Please let me know. 
                                                                                                                                         Your friend,  
                                                                                                                                         Wei Huanjing  
Dear Wei Huanjing,
       I am very excited to receive your e-mail.  I am interested in your questions. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________     
Looking forward to meeting you soon.
                                                                                                                                             Li Zhiyuan

A man hated his wife’s cat and decided to throw it away.

      One day, he drove it over one mile from his home and left it in a park. But when he got home, he saw that his wife was playing with the cat.

      The next day he drove the cat about three miles away. He put the cat out of the car and went home. Driving back his driveway(私人车道), the cat was there already.

      The man keep taking the cat further and further away and the cat would always get home before him. At last he decided to drive more than ten miles away. He turned right, then left, past a bridge, then right again and another right until he thought he was far enough from home and left the cat there.

      Hours later the man was still driving home. He was lost! He called home and asked his wife, “Jen, is the cat there?”

      “Yes,” his wife answered, “why do you ask?”

      The man answered, “Put it on the phone. I’m lost and need directions.”

1.The first time the man drove out, he _____.

      A. sold the cat

B. took the cat home

C. left the cat in the park

2.Which of the following is TRUE?

      A. The man liked his wife’s cat and often played with it.

      B. Every time the man threw the cat away, it came home earlier than the man.

      C. The last time the man threw the cat away, it lost its way and didn’t come back.

3. Why did the man call home?

      A. Because he was lost.

B. Because he missed his wife very much.

      C. Because he wanted to know if the cat was at home.

4.How far away did the man take the cat the last time?

      A. Over 1 mile.            B. About 3 miles.          C. More than 10 miles.



Mary was an operator(接话员) 911 in Los Angeles. One Thursday morning, she was surprised to get a call from a little girl. She said, “Mom my ill, Mom my ill,’ again and again, Mary soon found the address of the call. She called the police. In a minute, the policemen and doctors arrived at the house. They broke the door open. They couldn’t believe their eyes. The little child was so young that she could not walk! She was sitting beside her mother and holding her mother’s hand. Tears were running down her face.
The doctors gave the women some medicine and soon she woke up. Later, she told people, “Everyone was surprised that my daughter could call 911. On Monday I tried to teach her how to call 911, but she couldn’t do it. ” Mary was surprised, too. “It’s the first time I have seen a two-year-old child call 911.”
【小题1】What did the girl really want to say?
A. “Mom, I’m ill.”
b. “My mom is ill.”
C. “Mom and I are ill.”
【小题2】How did the policemen feel when they got into the room?
A. Strange.            B. Normal.        C. Surprised.
【小题3】How did the policemen get into the room?'
A. By breaking the door.
b. With the girl’s help.
C. Through the window
【小题4】What does the underlined(下划线的) word “it” mean?
A. 911.            B. Calling 911.        C. Walking.
【小题5】What can we learn from the passage?
A. The little girl was so clever that she could call 911 when she was 2.          
B. The love for her mother created the miracle(奇迹).        
C. The mother knew she had to teach the little girl how to call 911.

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