摘要:2.I’ll take a camelwith me. animal can be a good friend. A.A B.An C.The D./


 When I was at university,I studied very hard.But a lot of my friends did very little work.Some did just enough to pass exams.Others didn’t do quite enough.Fred Baines was one of them.He spent more time drinking in the Students’ Union than working in the library.

  Once at the end of the term,we had to take an important test in chemistry.The test had a hundred questions. In my room the night before the test,Fred was watching TV.Fred usually worried a lot the night before a test.But on that night he looked perfectly calm.Then he told me of his plan.“It’s very simple.There are a hundred questions and I have to get fifty correct to pass the test.I’ll take a coin into the examination room.I haven’t studied a chemistry book for months,so I’ll just toss the coin.That way,I’m sure I’ll get half the questions right.”

  The next day,Fred came happily into the exam room.As he sat tossing a coin for half an hour he marked down his answers.Then he left,half an hour before the rest of us.

  The next day,he saw the chemistry professor in the corridor.“Oh,good,”he said,“Have you got the result of the test?”The professor looked at him and smiled,“Ah,it’s you,Baines.Just a minute.”Then he reached into his pocket and took out a coin.He threw it into the air,caught it in his hand and looked at it.

  “I’m terribly sorry,Baines,”he said,“You failed!”

1.This story mainly wants to tell us ________.

A.chemistry is really hard to learn

B.there were too many questions for students to prepare for

C.good exam results needs hard study

D.tossing a coin can not always decide the result

2.Fred Baines was one of those who ________.

A.did just enough to pass the exam

B.didn’t work hard enough for their studies

C.had too much other work for the Students’ Union

D.were quite good at passing exams

3.Fred came happily into the exam room because ________.

A.he had got ready for the exam

B.he knew the answers already

C.the other students would be behind him

D.he had his way to finish the exam

4.The chemistry exam in fact ________.

A.was not very hard

B.took the other students an hour to finish

C.had more than one hundred questions

D.needed to be done by tossing a coin

5.The professor tossed the coin to tell Baines that ________.

A.he was satisfied with his way for the exam

B.he wanted to make friends with him

C.his way for the exam would never work

D.the exam result depended on the coin




Mr Knight was the manager of a hotel. One weekend all of the hotels in the city were 36_____ because there was an important meeting. On Friday night, three men came into the hotel and asked for rooms. Mr Knight said that there were 37_____ rooms ready for use because of the meeting. The three men were very 38____ because they had no place to stay.
Mr Knight wanted to help them. He remembered that Room 418, a very small room, was empty. He asked the men 39____ they would share a room. The three men said they would.
Mr Knight told that the room would be thirty dollars: ten dollars 40_____ each one. Each man gave him ten dollars, and then they went up to the room.
Mr Knight soon began to feel 41_____. “Thirty dollars is a lot to ask as a price for that small room.” He thought. He said to his assistant, “Here’s five dollars. Give it to the men in Room 418. I asked them too 42______money for their room.”
The assistant tool the money. 43____ he was on the way to Room 418, he started to think: “How can three men divide five dollars? I’ll keep two dollars. The men will be happy to get anything back. I’ll take a little money and Mr Knight will 44_____ know.” So the assistant returned one dollar to each man.
Each man had paid ten dollars. After the assistant returned one dollar to each one, each man had 45_____ paid only nine dollars. There were three men $9×3=$27. The assistant kept $2. $27+$2=$29. Where is the missing dollar?

A.AfterB.BeforeC.As soon asD.While


 When I was at university,I studied very hard.But a lot of my friends did very little work.Some did just enough to pass exams.Others didn’t do quite enough.Fred Baines was one of them.He spent more time drinking in the Students’ Union than working in the library.
  Once at the end of the term,we had to take an important test in chemistry.The test had a hundred questions. In my room the night before the test,Fred was watching TV.Fred usually worried a lot the night before a test.But on that night he looked perfectly calm.Then he told me of his plan.“It’s very simple.There are a hundred questions and I have to get fifty correct to pass the test.I’ll take a coin into the examination room.I haven’t studied a chemistry book for months,so I’ll just toss the coin.That way,I’m sure I’ll get half the questions right.”
  The next day,Fred came happily into the exam room.As he sat tossing a coin for half an hour he marked down his answers.Then he left,half an hour before the rest of us.
  The next day,he saw the chemistry professor in the corridor.“Oh,good,”he said,“Have you got the result of the test?”The professor looked at him and smiled,“Ah,it’s you,Baines.Just a minute.”Then he reached into his pocket and took out a coin.He threw it into the air,caught it in his hand and looked at it.
  “I’m terribly sorry,Baines,”he said,“You failed!”
【小题1】This story mainly wants to tell us ________.

A.chemistry is really hard to learn
B.there were too many questions for students to prepare for
C.good exam results needs hard study
D.tossing a coin can not always decide the result
【小题2】Fred Baines was one of those who ________.
A.did just enough to pass the exam
B.didn’t work hard enough for their studies
C.had too much other work for the Students’ Union
D.were quite good at passing exams
【小题3】Fred came happily into the exam room because ________.
A.he had got ready for the exam
B.he knew the answers already
C.the other students would be behind him
D.he had his way to finish the exam
【小题4】The chemistry exam in fact ________.
A.was not very hard
B.took the other students an hour to finish
C.had more than one hundred questions
D.needed to be done by tossing a coin
【小题5】The professor tossed the coin to tell Baines that ________.
A.he was satisfied with his way for the exam
B.he wanted to make friends with him
C.his way for the exam would never work
D.the exam result depended on the coin


Mr Knight was the manager of a hotel. One weekend all of the hotels in the city were 36_____ because there was an important meeting. On Friday night, three men came into the hotel and asked for rooms. Mr Knight said that there were 37_____ rooms ready for use because of the meeting. The three men were very 38____ because they had no place to stay.

   Mr Knight wanted to help them. He remembered that Room 418, a very small room, was empty. He asked the men 39____ they would share a room. The three men said they would.

   Mr Knight told that the room would be thirty dollars: ten dollars 40_____ each one. Each man gave him ten dollars, and then they went up to the room.

   Mr Knight soon began to feel 41_____. “Thirty dollars is a lot to ask as a price for that small room.” He thought. He said to his assistant, “Here’s five dollars. Give it to the men in Room 418. I asked them too 42______money for their room.”

The assistant tool the money. 43____ he was on the way to Room 418, he started to think: “How can three men divide five dollars? I’ll keep two dollars. The men will be happy to get anything back. I’ll take a little money and Mr Knight will 44_____ know.” So the assistant returned one dollar to each man.

Each man had paid ten dollars. After the assistant returned one dollar to each one, each man had 45_____ paid only nine dollars. There were three men $9×3=$27. The assistant kept $2. $27+$2=$29. Where is the missing dollar?

1.A. quiet   B. empty       C. full          D. noisy

2.A. no     B. some        C. many        D. three

3.A. happy  B. unhappy      C. pleased      D. hungry

4.A. if      B. what          C. that        D. how

5.A. for     B. to            C. with        D. on

6.A. sad     B. afraid         C. boring      D. sorry

7.A. more    B. little          C. much       D. many

8.A. After    B. Before        C. As soon as    D. While

9.A. just     B. also          C. never         D. perhaps

10.A. actually  B. already       C. exactly       D. extremely


 When I was at university,I studied very hard.But a lot of my friends did very little work.Some did just enough to pass exams.Others didn’t do quite enough.Fred Baines was one of them.He spent more time drinking in the Students’ Union than working in the library.
  Once at the end of the term,we had to take an important test in chemistry.The test had a hundred questions. In my room the night before the test,Fred was watching TV.Fred usually worried a lot the night before a test.But on that night he looked perfectly calm.Then he told me of his plan.“It’s very simple.There are a hundred questions and I have to get fifty correct to pass the test.I’ll take a coin into the examination room.I haven’t studied a chemistry book for months,so I’ll just toss the coin.That way,I’m sure I’ll get half the questions right.”
  The next day,Fred came happily into the exam room.As he sat tossing a coin for half an hour he marked down his answers.Then he left,half an hour before the rest of us.
  The next day,he saw the chemistry professor in the corridor.“Oh,good,”he said,“Have you got the result of the test?”The professor looked at him and smiled,“Ah,it’s you,Baines.Just a minute.”Then he reached into his pocket and took out a coin.He threw it into the air,caught it in his hand and looked at it.
  “I’m terribly sorry,Baines,”he said,“You failed!”
【小题1】This story mainly wants to tell us ________.
A.chemistry is really hard to learn
B.there were too many questions for students to prepare for
C.good exam results needs hard study
D.tossing a coin can not always decide the result
【小题2】Fred Baines was one of those who ________.
A.did just enough to pass the exam
B.didn’t work hard enough for their studies
C.had too much other work for the Students’ Union
D.were quite good at passing exams
【小题3】Fred came happily into the exam room because ________.
A.he had got ready for the exam
B.he knew the answers already
C.the other students would be behind him
D.he had his way to finish the exam
【小题4】The chemistry exam in fact ________.
A.was not very hard
B.took the other students an hour to finish
C.had more than one hundred questions
D.needed to be done by tossing a coin
【小题5】The professor tossed the coin to tell Baines that ________.
A.he was satisfied with his way for the exam
B.he wanted to make friends with him
C.his way for the exam would never work
D.the exam result depended on the coin

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