摘要:1.tidy 2.high


It was early morning. Peter Corbett helped Mark Wellman out of his wheelchair and onto the ground. They stood before El Captain, a huge rock almost 1.2 kilometers high. Mark had long dreamed to climb El Captain when he was a child. At the age of twenty?one, he had fallen while climbing mountain, losing his legs. But he never lost his love for life.?
Mark knew he couldn't finish the climb alone, but his friend Peter would be there to lend a helping hand. They thought it would take seven days to reach the top. Now Peter climbed about 30 meters up and hit a piton(岩钉) into the rock. Fastening(拴紧) one end of a 50?meter rope(绳子) to the piton, he let the other end of the rope fall down. Mark caught the rope and fastened it to his belt. He next reached above his head and fastened a T-bar(丁字铁) to the rope. Mark took a deep breath, pushed the T?bar up almost as far as his arms could reach, and began the first pull?up. High above, Peter let out a cheer, “You're on your way.”?
For the first four days the two men progressed upward(向上) without accident. But on the fifth day, a very strong wind began to blow, making it hard for Mark to hold on to his rope. But Mark kept on pushing up the T-bar and pulling himself up.?
It took them one day more than they had expected. But as the two heads appeared the group of people waiting on the top went wild with joy.?
Mark Wellman showed that if you set your heart and mind on something, no wall is too high, no dream impossible.
【小题1】 With the help of his friend, Mark could climb up El Captain about  meters in height each day.?
A.300 B.150 C.50 D.30?
【小题2】While climbing, Mark .?
A.carried the T-bar on his back and stepped upward?
B.pushed up the T-bar and pulled himself up?
C.sat in his wheelchair and pushed himself up?
D.held on to the rope drawn up by his friend?
【小题3】Which is the correct order of the steps before Mark's climbing??
a. push up the T-bar
b. tie the rope to his belt?
c. hit the piton into the rock
d. fasten the T-bar to the rope?
e. tie the rope to the piton?
【小题4】Which of the following is true of Mark Wellman? ?
A.He realized his dream without anyone helping him. ?
B.He was badly injured when he climbed El Captain. ?
C.He dreamed to climb up El Captain for a long time. ?
D.He climbed up the rock by using a tool for the disabled.?
【小题5】What can we learn from the passage??
A.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
B.Dreams will come true in the end. ?
C.Each step is important to success.
D.Nothing can stop a strong will.?

I won’t forget her advice

I had a very special teacher in high school many years ago. Her husband died of a heart attack. About a week after his death, she shared some of her insights(见解)with us.

The class was nearly over. She said, “Before class is over, I would like to share with all of you an important thought.”

“Each of us is put here on Earth to learn, share, love, enjoy and give all by ourselves. We must make the best of every single day.”

Her eyes were beginning to water and she went on, “So I would like you all to make me a promise. From now on, on your way to school, or on your way home, find something beautiful to notice. It doesn’t have to be something you see — it could be a nice smell — perhaps of freshly baked bread, or it could be the sound of the breeze slightly blowing the leaves in the trees.”

“Please look for these things, and love them. For, although it may seem common, these things are the stuff(素材)of life. They are the little things we are put here on Earth to enjoy. They are the things we often take for granted. We must make it a point to notice them, for at any time it can all be taken away.”

The class was completely quiet. We picked up our books and went out of the room silently. That afternoon, I noticed more things on my way home from school than I had that whole term.

I usually think of that teacher and try to enjoy all of those things that we sometimes overlook (忽略).

Take notice of something special you see during your lunch hour today. Walk barefoot along the beach at sunset. For as we get older, it is not the things we did that we regret(后悔), but the things we didn’t do.

1.What happened to the teacher’s husband?

A.He was ill.

B.He died of a heart attack.

C.He made a promise.

D.He became a teacher, too.

2.The high school teacher shared her insights with her students ____________.

A.on her way to school

B.on her way home

C.at the beginning of class

D.at the end of class

3.The underlined word “breeze” (in Paragraph 4) means ____________?

A.colourful cloud

B.white snow

C.light wind

D.heavy rain

4.What is the teacher’s advice?

A.We should love life and enjoy things around us.

B.We should share our important thoughts with others.

C.We should never feel sorry for what we have done.

D.We should do importand things and overlook little ones.



American schools begin in September after the long summer holidays. There are two terms in a school year, the first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June. Most American children go to public schools.
High school students study only four or five subjects at a time. They usually go to the same classes every day, and they have an assignment(课外作业) for every class. After class they have many activities.
After high school, many students go to college. They can go to a small one or a large one. They usually have to pay a lot of money for college education (教育). But there are scholarships (奖学金) for good students, and many college students work part time in order to get money for their education.
【小题1】How long do American students study in school every year? 

A.8 months B.9 monthsC.10 months D.11 months
【小题2】High school students take ______ subjects at a time.
A.all B.four C.five D.B or C
【小题3】______ can get scholarships.
A.Many college studentsB.All the students
C.Good high school studentsD.Good college students
【小题4】Many college students work part time because ______ .
A.they have many activities
B.they have a lot of free time
C.they like doing things
D.they have to pay a lot of money for their education
【小题5】According to the passage, which sentence is Not true?
A. American schools have long summer holidays.
B. There are two terms in the USA.
C. American students don’t do exercises after class.
D. They do part time job to get money to pay for their education.



Maria Gomez was born in Peru(秘鲁).She grew up in a small village. She  1  when she was six years old. She went to elementary school,but she 2 to high school. Her family was very  3 ,and she had to go to work when she was thirteen years old. She  4 in a shoe factory.

When Maria was seventeen years old,her family   5  to the United States. First they lived in Los Angeles,and then they moved to San Francisco. When Maria  6  in the United States,she was not very happy.

She missed her friends in Peru,and she didn’t  7 a word of English. She began to study English at night  8  worked in a factory during the day.

Maria studied very hard,and now she speaks English well. She’s still  9  at night,but now she’s studying typing. She wants   10 a secretary. Maria still misses her friends. But she’s very happy now,and she hopes she will have a good future(将来)in the new country.

1.A. went to school B. go to school   C. goes to school   D. begins school

2.A.went            B. didn’t go         C. began      D. wasn’t

3.A.rich            B. poor           C. happy          D. glad

4.A.works       B. is working   C. is going to work D. worked

5.A.moved       B. go             C. stayed         D. lived

6.A.reached     B. arrived      C .got             D. moved

7.A.tell            B. talk           C. know           D. say

8.A.when        B. so             C. or             D. and

9.A.studying        B. studied        C. study          D. studies

10.A.to do      B. do             C. to be          D. be



I won’t forget her advice

I had a very special teacher in high school many years ago. Her husband died of a heart attack. About a week after his death, she shared some of her insights(见解)with us.

The class was nearly over. She said, “Before class is over, I would like to share with all of you an important thought.”

“Each of us is put here on Earth to learn, share, love, enjoy and give all by ourselves. We must make the best of every single day.”

Her eyes were beginning to water and she went on, “So I would like you all to make me a promise. From now on, on your way to school, or on your way home, find something beautiful to notice. It doesn’t have to be something you see — it could be a nice smell — perhaps of freshly baked bread, or it could be the sound of the breeze slightly blowing the leaves in the trees.”

“Please look for these things, and love them. For, although it may seem common, these things are the stuff(素材)of life. They are the little things we are put here on Earth to enjoy. They are the things we often take for granted. We must make it a point to notice them, for at any time it can all be taken away.”

The class was completely quiet. We picked up our books and went out of the room silently. That afternoon, I noticed more things on my way home from school than I had that whole term.

I usually think of that teacher and try to enjoy all of those things that we sometimes overlook (忽略).

Take notice of something special you see during your lunch hour today. Walk barefoot along the beach at sunset. For as we get older, it is not the things we did that we regret(后悔), but the things we didn’t do.

1.What happened to the teacher’s husband?

A.He was ill.

B.He died of a heart attack.

C.He made a promise.

D.He became a teacher, too.

2.The high school teacher shared her insights with her students ____________.

A.on her way to school

B.on her way home

C.at the beginning of class

D.at the end of class

3.The underlined word “breeze” (in Paragraph 4) means ____________?

A.colourful cloud

B.white snow

C.light wind

D.heavy rain

4.What is the teacher’s advice?

A.We should love life and enjoy things around us.

B.We should share our important thoughts with others.

C.We should never feel sorry for what we have done.

D.We should do importand things and overlook little ones.



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