摘要: ― Would you like the environment? ― I don’t know. What can I do?A.help save B.helping save C.to help saving D.to help save




  Anyhow, in my opinion, er…how to say, the chances that there is life on Mars are very slim.You know, er, you know the environment there is very harsh and I can't see any chances that there are beings on it.Besides, we know that 95 percent of the air there is carbon dioxide.People cannot, er, people cannot breathe there.There is no oxygen.


  You said what?You said there was no oxygen, no water on Mars?Well, listen to me, Barney, you know what Mars looks like?Red!Right!It's red!And, you know why it is red?I bet you don't.I tell you it's the RUST!What makes the iron rusty?The iron and the oxygen!!Scientists find rust does exist on Mars.If there were rust, there would be oxygen!If there were oxygen, then water must exist there!


  I do believe you, Gary.But it means nothing about our topic today!Yes, rust consists of oxygen, but, well, it is not the direct proof to support that there is life!Cause we never saw any life of them!I won't believe it unless I see with my own eyes; only then, I shall believe there is life on Mars.However, the rust is a new idea.And, to be frank, if there were no other beings in the Milk Way, or in the universe, what a great waste it would be!You know the universe is very large, larger than you can imagine.If there are only we, the human beings, there, how lonely we are!


1.What does the word“slim”mean according to what Barney says?


2.What makes Mars appear red according to what Gary says?


3.Translate the sentence“If there were rust, there would be oxygen!If there were oxygen, then water must exist there!”into Chinese.


4.What does“it”refer to in the sentence“I won't believe it unless I see with my own eyes”according to Sylvia?





Mr. Green:Hello! This is English-help Centre.  1 

Li Lei:Yes.I have some problems with English.

Mr. Green:  2 

Li Lei:First, I can’t speak English well.

Mr. Green:  3   Why not join a language club to practice English?

Li Lei:OK, I’ll try it.Also I can’t understand the teacher when she talks to the class.

       Mr. Green:Listening to more tapes will help a lot.Remembering the words of English songs also helps a lot.

Li Lei:  4   I’ll do that as much as possible.

Mr. Green:You’re welcome.  5 

A.Don’t worry.

B.I hope your English will improve soon.

C.Can I help you?

D.Thank you very much.

E.What are your problems?

1.____________  2.____________  3.____________  4.____________  5.____________ 


Tony:Hi, Joy.Would you like to help to save the environment?

Joy:  6   What can I do?

Tony:Well, first, you can start by turning off the lights.

Joy:Yes.That’s easy.Sometimes I turn on the lights without thinking.What’s next?

Tony:Second, listen.  7   Don’t take a bus or a taxi if you don’t have to.

Joy:That will save money, too.  8 

Tony:  9 

Joy:Mm, newspapers, magazines, mails … We get a lot of paper at home.Good idea.

Tony:And last, take a bag when you go shopping.  10 

Joy:OK.My parents do most of the shopping.I’ll tell them.

A.You can ride a bike.

B.I don’t know.

C.Don’t use plastic bags.

D.What else?

E.Try to recycle paper.


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