摘要: There a picture on the wall. A.is B.am C.are


My name is Tony.This is my room.There is a shirt __1__ the bed.It's __2__.I also have a pair(双)of __3__.They are blue,too.There is a desk and a chair in __4__ room.A football is under the __5__.I like it very much.I __6__ play football very well.I often play it with my friends.A picture is on the wall.You can see four people in it.The man and the woman are my  __7__.They work in a school and teach Chinese.They are __8__.The little girl is my __9__.She is very lovely(可爱的).She is only three years old.She doesn't go to school,so she __10__ read or write.I have a happy family.

1.A.in                   B.on                       C.with

2.A.white                    B.green                    C.blue

3.A.shoes                     B.coats                   C.shirts

4.A.his                        B.her                      C.my

5.A.room                      B.desk                    C.floor

6.A.can                       B.am                      C.does

7.A.mother                  B.parents                C.father

8.A.teachers                B.doctors                 C.workers

9.A.mother                 B.brother                C.sister

10.A.can                     B.can't                    C.must


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