摘要: There are people in the picture. A. one B. two C. three D. four


Do you like to visit the zoo in our city? Zoo is a good place ___(16)____. There is a zoo ____(17)___a river and a small mountain. It’s very big and there are a lot of tall trees in it. We can see a lot of golden fish(金鱼) in it, they have all kinds of ____(18)_____ . Some are red, some are yellow, some are white and some are black. They are swimming in the water. And they are very _____(19)_____.
We can see a hill. About twenty ____(20)____ are playing on it. Some are asking people for ____(21)_____. The little monkeys are in their mothers’ arms. They are very interesting and children_____(22)_____ them very much. We can also see the elephants. They are very strong(强壮的). The ____(23)_____are very tall. The pandas’ house is next to the monkey hill. There are ____(24)___ pandas ---one is sitting in the trees and the other is sleeping on the grass. They look very shy and cute. What ___(25)___ animals do you like?
【小题1】 A has fun     B. have fun     C. have a fun      D. to have fun
A.acrossB.next toC.betweenD.near
A.otherB.the otherC.anotherD.others
Everyone needs friends. But how do you find real friendship and keep it?
The American writer Sally Seamans tells young students some smart ways to find friends.       16      . You plant the seed (种子) and take care of it to make it grow.
First, you should choose a friend. What makes a good friend? It is not because a person has money or good looks.         17         For example, if you have a bad day, a good friend could listen to your complaints (抱怨) and do his or her best to help you. To make a friend, you can’t be too shy. You should make each other happy and share your lives.
But things can not always be happy.         18          What should you do when you have a fight with your friend?          19          When there is no one around, have a good talk. If he or she doesn’t want to talk, you can write a letter.
There are three steps to be friends again:
Tell him or her how you are feeling,       20         Remember that friendship is one of the most important things in your life.
A.say what your friend did wrong and talk about why you did this or that.
B.Sally says founding friendship is just like planting a tree
C.A good friend should be kind and patient.
D.Even the best friends have fights.
E. You have to talk to him or her.
F. Getting angry easily can make you lose friends.

In the 13th century, the famous Italian traveler, Marco Polo, traveled a long way to China. During his stay in China, he saw many wonderful things. One of the things he discovered was that the Chinese used paper money. In Western countries, people did not use paper money until the 15th century. However, people in China began to use paper money in the 7th century.

A Chinese man called Cai Lun invented paper almost 2000 years ago. He made it from wood. He took the wood from trees and made it into paper. He then put these pieces of paper together and made them into a book.

Now paper still comes from trees. We use a lot of paper every day. If we keep on wasting so much paper, there will not be any trees left on the earth. If there are no trees, there will be no paper. Every day, people throw away about 2,800 tons of paper in our city. It takes 17 trees to make one ton of paper. This means that we are cutting nearly 48,000 trees every day. Since it takes more than 10 years for a tree to grow, we must start using less paper now. If we don’t, we will not give enough time to grow more trees to take the place of those we use for paper.

So how can we save paper? We can use both sides of every piece of paper, especially then we are making notes. We can choose drinks in bottles instead of those in paper packets. We can also use cotton handkerchief and not paper ones. When we go shopping, we can use fewer paper bags. If the shop assistant does give us a paper, we can save it and reuse it later.

Everyone can help to save paper. If we all think carefully, we can help protect trees. But we should do it now, before it is too late.

1. When he was in China, Marco Polo ________.

A.saw many wonderful things

B.read a lot of books

C.discovered Cai Lun invented paper

D.learned to make paper

2.About ________ tons of paper are thrown away every day in our city.

A.48,000           B.1,700             C.2,000            D.2,800

3.Which of the following is NOT the way of saving paper?

A.To use cotton handkerchiefs instead of paper ones.

B.To grow more trees.

C.To use both sides of very piece of paper.

D.To use the paper bags from shops more than once.

4.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.About 48,000 trees can be used to make 2,800 tons of paper.

B.If we keep on wasting paper, we will have no paper to use.

C.The Chinese used paper money much earlier than the people in western countries.

D.It is never too late to plant trees for paper.

5.Which is the best title of the passages?

A.Cotton Handkerchiefs Back Again

B.Cai Lun, the Great Inventor

C.Saving Paper

D.The history of Paper



As everyone knows, there are many  16  of transportation in the world, like bicycles, buses, ships, trains and  17  .
If you are in big  18 like Shanghai or Beijing, maybe you get to school   19  a subway or you have to  20  to school because you live in a mountain village. Here I am just trying to say something about 21  .
Ten years 22 , bicycles were very 23 in most villages.  24  family had one or two of bicycles. Children got to school by bicycle;  25  rode bicycles to go shopping. Then motorcycles (摩托车)   26  to become popular. People no longer rode bicycles because motorcycles ran   27  faster.  But now, in some countries,bicycles are highly suggested
  28  the main means of transportation. They think buses, cars and motorcycles pollute(污染) the air but bicycles   29  . So, to live a low-carbon life,   30  a bike is a good way.

A.otherB.othersC.the otherD.another
A.on footB.walkC.walksD.runs
A.AllB.BothC.Every D.Most
A.notB.don’tC.doesn’t D.didn’t
A.ridingB.ridesC.rode D.ride


There are many ways for us to reduce(减少) waste. For   16  , we can reduce paper and plastic bags. We can also recycle newspapers, glass, and cans(易拉罐) to make new things. Here are some useful ways to   17   waste.

Write on   18   sides of paper

Many people write on only one side of their paper. Why not stop wasting the other side? Some students only use half the pages of their   19   before getting new ones. Try to use up all the paper. People often give cards on birthdays or festivals. How about trying to   20   e-cards instead?

Don't throw away your old batteries.

Maybe you do not know that old batteries make the earth   21  . This is because they have poisonous parts in them. So, don't throw away batteries.   22   them together. Try to use rechargeable(充电的) batteries for your games and CD players.

Give off all your unwanted clothes

There are many poor families in China. You may ask your mother to   23   your unwanted clothes. Then you can pass them on to those poor children. You will feel

  24   that you are helping someone else. Also, you can understand   25   your friends or relatives(亲戚) want them before throwing them away.

1.A. reason            B. example         C. use             D. people

2.A. produce           B. protect         C. reduce          D. pollute

3.A. every             B. both            C. all             D. one

4. A. exercises        B. schoolbags      C. notebooks       D. papers

5.A. send              B. buy             C. receive         D. waste

6.A. dry               B. rich            C. clean           D. dirty

7.A. Throw             B. Keep            C. Try             D. Lose

8.A. like              B. sell            C. throw           D. collect

9.A. angry             B. tired           C. moved           D. happy

10.A. that B. if   C. though   D. what



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