摘要: A. look B. book C. good D. bikeB. 听录音.选择所听句子的正确答语.


Most American families like to have a holiday in summer. Summer is a good season _36_ holidays. It is very _37_ during  the months of July and August. Children do not go to school during these _38 months.

Some _39_ like to stay at home during the holiday. They work in the garden, _40_  friends, _41_ books, or watch TV. Many families _42_ their lunch to a park or somewhere far from the city. They like to eat where there are many trees or there is a nice lake. _43_they live near the sea, they often go to the beach. They can fish, swim or  enjoy the sun there.

America is a large country. Many families travel by_44_ or by train to see interesting places. They also travel by plane to a foreign (外国的)country. Many big cities have many famous buildings, theatres, shops and  _45_places for travellers (旅行者).

1.A. to              B. of              C. for             D. about

2.A. hot             B. cold            C. rainy            D. cloudy

3.A. one             B. two            C. three            D. four

4.A. people          B. peoples          C. man            D. woman

5.A. look            B. visit             C. find            D. look at

6.A. see             B. watch           C. look            D. read

7.A. have            B. has             C. take            D. takes

8.A. When          B. Because          C.Where          D. If

9.A. car              B. a car           C. cars            D. buses

10.A. other         B. the others          C. others        D. the other



Mike was a little boy. One day Mike went with his father to      his grandparents by train.      the train, Mike put his head out of the window. His father said, “Mike, be      ! Don’t put your head out of the window!” But Mike didn’t       his father. His father could do      .

Then Mike’s father wanted to        a joke on his son. He took Mike’s cap quietly, hid (藏) it      his back and said, “You see, your cap has flown(飞)       .” Mike touched his head and it was really gone. The boy looked      and then he began to cry. He wanted to get his cap back.

“Don’t worry, son.” said his father, “I have a strange      to get your cap back.” “     can you get it back?” asked Mike in surprise.

His father said, “Close your eyes and whistle(吹口哨)once, and maybe your cap will come back.” Mike came       to the window, closed his eyes and whistled. Just at that       , his father quickly put the cap on the son’s head.

“Oh! It is       !” Mike laughed. He was pleased, then he quickly took his father’s cap and       it out of the window. “Now it is your turn to whistle, Dad!” he said happily.

1.A. look           B. see             C. watch          D. notice

2.A. At             B. Of             C. To             D. In

3.A. quick          B. happy           C. careful         D. quiet

4.A. answer         B. look at          C. hear            D. listen to

5.A. nothing        B. anything         C. some           D. any

6.A. do            B. work            C. play            D. take

7.A. before         B. behind           C. after           D. at

8.A. away          B. high             C. around         D. out

9.A. worried        B. glad             C. happy          D. nervous

10.A. road           B. path             C. way           D. street

11.A. Why           B. How            C. What           D. Where

12.A.on             B. in               C. up            D. out

13.A. while         B. second            C. minute        D. moment

14.A. terrible        B. wonderful         C. bad           D. lovely

15.A. threw         B. placed            C. brought        D. got





 My mum only had one eye. She cooked for students and teachers to    16    the family when I was young.

   One day my mum came to  17  hello to me in primary school. I was so embarrassed(尴尬的) that I threw her a hateful  18  and ran out.

   The next day at school, one of my classmates said, “Your mum only has one eye!” and   19     at me.

   I hated my mum and decided to leave her, so I studied very hard. Later I got a chance to go abroad to study and I left my mother. 20 graduation I worked, bought a house and got    21  there. Then I had kids of my own. I was happy with my wife and my kids. But one day someone knocked at my door. It was my  22   !When she stood by the door, my children laughed at her, and I   23   at her, “How dare you come to my house and scare my children! GET OUT OF HERE NOW!” And to this, my mum  24   answered, “Oh, I’m so sorry. I may have got the wrong   25   ,”and she disappeared.

   One day, a letter regarding a school reunion(聚会) came to my house. So I  26   to my wife that I was going on a business trip. After the reunion, I went to the old house.

   My neighbors said that she    27    . I did not have a single tear. They handed me a letter that she had wanted me to have.

   My dearest son,

    I am thinking  28  you all the time. I’m sorry that I came to your house and scared your  29  .

     I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion. But I may not be able to even get out of bed to see you. I’m sorry that I was still an embarrassment to you when you were growing up.

   You see…when you were very little, you got into an accident, and lost your eye. As a mother, I couldn’t stand watching you grow up with one eye. So I gave you    30    .

   …  With all my love to you!

                                                                Your mother

1.A. support     B. provide       C. offer          D. prefer

2.A. speak              B. talk             C. say              D. tell

3.A. cry                B. look       C. laugh              D. smell

4.A. smiled         B. shouted          C. knocked          D. laughed

5.A. After    B. Since     C. Before           D. Until

6.A. worried   B. excited      C. married      D. satisfied

7.A. Dad                B. friend               C. son              D. Mum

8.A. said               B. screamed         C. talked           D. added

9.A. quietly    B. happily      C. loudly               D. angrily

10.A. name              B. address     C. number               D. city

11.A. laid    B. told           C. lied                 D. lay

12.A. returned   B. moved       C. hurt                 D. died

13.A. over                  B. of       C. out             D. about

14.A. wife              B. son    C. family             D. daughter

15.A. his               B. yours        C. hers                 D. mine



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