摘要:2.Are they all happy?A.Yes.they do. B.No.they don't. C.Yes they are.



  When you speak,or write a letter,or make a telephone call,your words carry a message.People communicate with words.But do you think you can communicate without words?A smile on your face shows you are happy or friendly.Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad.When you raise your hand in class,the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions.You shake your head,and people know you are saying“No”.You nod and people know you are saying“Yes”.Other things can also carry message.For example a sign at the bus helps you to know which bus to take.A sign on the door tells you where to go in or out.Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them all the time?

  People can communicate in many other ways.An artist can use his drawings to tell about beautiful mountains,about the blue seas and many other things.Books are written to tell about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas.

  Books,magazines,TVs,radios and films all help us communicate with others.They all help us to know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.


People communicate ________.

[  ]


with words only


in many different ways


in letters and with drawings


with smiles,tears and hands


Signs can carry as much ________ as words.

[  ]






tears and smiles




________ are not mentioned in the passage as things which help us communicate.

[  ]


Books and magazines


TVs and films






Communication is important because it can help people to ________.

[  ]


understand the world and other people better


teach each other to speak,write,read and draw


know what other people are thinking about


learn what's happening in the world more quickly


The best title for this short passage is ________.

[  ]


Signs Carry Message


The Importance of Communication


Words,Signs and Drawings


Ways of Communication


Daniel was always making excuses for forgetting to do things.His usual excuse was  “I was too busy” or “I didn't have time”.

    Daniel's parents were worried    1    him.“He mustn't go through life making excuses all the time,”his father said.“Nobody will believe him.He won't be able to  keep a  job.No bright girl will marry    2  .”

    “I don't know  3  we can do.”said his mother.

    “I have a good  4  ,”his father said.“If this doesn't work,nothing will.”

    The next day was Daniel's birthday.When he thought of getting exciting presents,he couldn't wait.He woke up expecting his parents to wish him “Happy birthday!” but all they said was “Good morning,Daniel.Hurry up,  5  you'll be late for school.”  There were no presents,not even a card.He was very   6 

    “Never mind,”he thought.“They'll give me a  surprise after school.” But they didn't.Finally,at dinner he said to his parents,“Today is  7  .”

    “Oh!” his father said.“So it is.I  8  .”

    “So did I.”his mother said.

    “How could you forget?” Daniel asked.“ There must  9  a reason.”。

    “Well,yes,”his father said.“We have a really good excuse for forgetting your birthday,Daniel.We didn't remember your birthday 10  we were too busy.”  Poor Daniel.He never had a silly excuse for not doing something again!

    1.A.with                      B.about                   C.at                 D.in    

    2.A.he                         B.his                       C. him                  D.himself

    3.A.how                     B.why                    C.where             D.what

    4.A.excuse                  B.message               C.idea                D.news

    5.A.or                         B.and                    C.then                D.but

    6.A.happy             B.sad                      C.excited            D.grateful

    7.A.Sunday                  B.my birthday           C.Father's Day    D.July 2nd

    8.A.believed                 B.agreed                 C.forgot             D.remembered

    9.A.be                         B.is                        C.are                 D.have

    10.A.so that                 B.before                  C.although          D.because




  You speak, write a letter, make a telephone call.Your words carry a message.People communicate(交流)with words.Do you think you can communicate without words?A smile on your face shows you are happy or friendly.Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad.

  When you raise your hand in class, the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions.You shake your head, and people know you are saying“No”.You nod and people know you are saying “Yes”.Other things can also carry messages.For example, a sign(招牌,标志)at the bus stop helps you to know which bus to take.A sign on the wall of your school helps you to find the library.Signs on doors tell you where to go in or out.Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them all the time?People can communicate in many other ways.An artist can use his drawings to tell about beautiful mountains, about the blue sea and many other things.Books are written to tell you about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas.Books, magazines, TV and radios and films all help us to communicate with each other.They all help us to know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.



Can we communicate with each other without words?

[  ]


Yes, sometimes we can.


No, we can't.


No.It's impossible.


When we see somebody smile, then, he must be feeling ________

[  ]








We can learn news from ________

[  ]






A and B


A sign at the bus stop tells you ________

[  ]


how many buses there are


what kind of bus it is


where the bus comes and goes


What do you think is the quickest way to communicate with your friend in another city?

[  ]


Writing a letter.


Making a telephone.


Drawing a picture.


    Parents are the closest people to you in the world.They love you just because you are their child.And they would do everything for you.

    Like many middle school students,Zhuang Shuxia has a problem.  She said,“I really want to be my Daddy’s little girl”.But it seems that he just doesn’t understand me.He talks at me and doesn’t listen to me.

    Do you and vour parents also have the problem like this?

    May 15 is the International Day of Families.People around the world give thanks for good things about their families and world on family problems.Why don’t you all take and have a talk on that day?

    A report last vear showed that among 2000 Beijing families,about 1500 students had the same problem as Zhang.The children,12 to 15 years old,didn’t like talking with their parents much.They weren’t happy at home.

    Of course, lots of children feel that way.But you and your parents will be much happier if you can be friends.Here are some ways to have a good talk with them:

    Find a good time to talk,for example,when you’re eating dinner,going out for a walk or watching TV.

    Tell them something you’re interested in,or ask them about their lives when they were young.They love to talk about them!

    Listen to them carefully,and look them in the eye.

    Be honest.Your parents will trust you more.And a trusting family is a happy family.

1.When you have problems with your parents,you should         

    A.have a good talk with them         B.stay at home

    C.do what vou are interested in         D.say nothing

2.In the text the writer gives         ways to talk with parents.

    A.two       B.three             C.four or more   D.one

3.Many students don’t feel happy at home because        

    A.they don’t like talking                 B.their parents don’t understand them.

    C.they like watching TV                  D.they have to study

4.Does Zhang Shuxia’s father understand her?              

    A.Yes.he does  B.No,he doesn’t  C.I don’t know      D.Never

5.Which of the four setences is TURE according to the text?         

    A.On May 15 people talk and work on family problems.

    B.Some children have problems while their parents don’t.

    C.Most students,12 to 15 years old,like talking with their parents.

    D.The children,12 to 15 years old are happy at home.


   Fox is an eight-year-old boy.He is a good boy.He does 36    in all his lessons. He37    school and he is always active(活泼的)in class.Every time the teacher asks a question,Fox always 38     his hand quickly.Sometimes his answer is 39      ,but the teacher always smiles(微笑)and says,“Good,Fox.But 40       a better answer to my question?”

    One day,the teacher asks the boys and girls a question.“Swallows(燕子)fly to the south  before winter 41    ,”he says.”But why don’t cats and dogs do 42     ?”Fox lifts(举) his 43      as usual.“Yes,Fox?”says the teacher 44    .Fox stands(站)up and says,“45    they have no wings(翅膀).”

1.A.good              B.hard             C.well               D.bad

2.A.loves              B.likes a           C.goes to a        D.hates

3.A.gets up           B.puts on         C.gets on           D.puts up

4.A.right               B.wrong          C.easy                      D.hard

5.A.has                B.is there         C.are there        D.have

6.A.will come         B.is coming        C.comes            D.is going to come

7.A.different           B.these           C.the same        D.with

8.A.hand              B.head             C.foot               D.eye

9.A.happy             B.glad              C.happily            D.angrily

10.A.Why             B.Because         C.That                      D.Where


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