摘要:--At the end of 1998.The for over ten years.A.married B.were marriedC.have married D.have been married


I wonder whether there is any girl or boy who does not like to see a rainbow in the sky. It is so beautiful.
There is a story, saying that whenever you see a rainbow you should run at once to the place where it touches the ground, and there you would find a pot of gold. Of course it is not true. You could not find the pot of gold or its end. No matter how far you run, it always seems far away.
A rainbow is not a thing which we can feel with our hands as we can feel a flower. It is only the effect of light shining on raindrops. The raindrops catch the sunlight and break it up into all the wonderful colours which we see. It is called a rainbow perhaps because it is made up of raindrops and looks like a bow(弓).
That is why we can never see a rainbow in a clear sky. We see a rainbow only when there is rain in the air and the sun is shining brightly through the clouds.
Every rainbow has many colours in the same order. The first or the top colour is always red, and the next comes orange, then yellow, and last of all, blue. A rainbow is indeed one of the wonders of nature.
【小题1】Children like rainbows because          .

A.they are beautiful
B.they are like bows
C.they can find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow
D.they are good to crops
【小题2】We cannot feel          with our hands.
A.a pot of goldB.a flowerC.a rainbowD.a raindrop
【小题3】We can see a rainbow          .
A.when it is raining heavily
B.when it is snowing
C.when it is cloudy
D.when it is becomes fine shortly after raining
【小题4】Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.A rainbow is like bow.
B.A rainbow is the effect of light shining on raindrops.
C.Every rainbow has different colours in different orders.
D.A rainbow is one of the wonders of nature.
【小题5】The first colour of a rainbow is always           .


An artist went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday, and stayed with a farmer. Every day he went out with his paints and brushes and painted from morning to evening, and then when it got dark, he went back to the farm and had a good dinner before he went to bed.
At the end of his holiday he wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer said, “No, I don’t want money… but give me one of your pictures. What is money? In a week it will all be finished, but your painting will still be here.”
The artist was very pleased and thanked the farmer for saying such kind things about his pictures. The farmer smiled and answered, “It’s not that. I have a son in London. He wants to become an artist. When he comes home next month, I’ll show him your picture, and he will not want to be an artist any more, I think. ”
【小题1】__________ people are mentioned (提到) in the article.

A.Two B.Three C.One D.Many
【小题2】The artist lived with the farmer __________.
A.for about a month B.for a year
C.for a holiday D.for the farmer’s son
【小题3】The farmer asked the artist to give him a picture because __________.
A.he liked his picture
B.he didn’t want his money
C.he wanted to sell his pictures for some money
D.he wanted to show it to his son
【小题4】The artist was very pleased and thanked the farmer because __________.
A.the farmer didn’t want him to pay him
B.the farmer decided to let his son learn from him
C.the farmer’s son would be an artist like him
D.he thought the farmer praised (表扬) him for his pictures


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