摘要:6.The youth prefer using ICQ using e-mails.


2014年世界青奥会将在中国南京举行,青奥会志愿者招募活动正在进行中。假如你是Li Ming,作为一名中学生,你想推荐自己当青奥会志愿者. 请你写一封推荐信给青奥会组委会。内容如下:

目前是校英语俱乐部的主席;去年作为交换留学生(exchange student)在英国学习;……(至少一点)
Dear Sir:
I want to be a volunteer of the Youth Olympic Games . I am happy that the Youth Olympic Games will be held in Nanjing .I want to be a volunteer very much.
Yours Sincerely:
Li Ming


A few years ago, Dave Stirling had the idea of selling CDs over the Internet. The business he started from his home in Ohio, the USA, now sells 500,000 CDs a year and has made him into a millionaire(百万富翁)at the age of 24.

“I could see that this was the future of shopping,” says Stirling. “Why should you pay $15 for a CD and spend the time and the money getting into the store and parking your car? You can have the same CD for half of the price by clicking(敲击)on your computer. And we can find any CD you want and bring it to your door in 24 hours!”

According to Stirling, this is the only beginning, “I believe that one day we’ll do our shopping over the net: it’s easier, quicker and cheaper. Shops and supermarkets will be the past.”

1.Dave Stirling started his business from _____

A. his home   B. His company   C. the office 

2.How has Stirling become so rich ?

A. By making ice cream.

B. By making advertisements.

C. By selling CDs over the Internet.

3.If you pay $15 for a CD in the store, how much should you pay for it over the net?

A. $15      B. $12        C. $7.5 

4.By shopping over the net, you won’t _______________.

A. spend the time and the money

B. click on your computer

C. get into the store by yourself

5.What can we learn from the passage?

A. More than half of the Americans prefer to shop over the net.

B. Shops and supermarkets will be the past in the future.

C. It’s easier, quicker and more expensive to do our shopping over the net.


Shopping is popular with many people around the world. They seem to find new ways to buy things every day. They visit shopping centers, order things through the mail, or buy things on the Internet. 【小题1】
For young people, one of the most popular ways to shop is to use a vending machine (自动售货机). These machines offer all kinds of things and you can find them everywhere. In the USA, there are vending machines which sell CDs. 【小题2】 The strangest product on sale from a vending machine is in Japan. Just put your coins in the vending machine Tokyo, press the button, and out comes a “kabutomushi”,that is, a black beetle(甲壳虫). You keep it as a pet!
Japan now has “Robosho”—a shop with no shop assistants, only robots. A robot reads your credit card(信用卡)and then gives you what you what.【小题3】  People are very surprised that the robots can serve them as well as shop assistants do.
Some shops in the UK are like social clubs for teenagers. Many of them have a café inside. The Youth Station has a large nightclub for teenagers under 18, with a DJ playing music in a room that hangs the ceiling. Sports Town has a big screen, where you can see live sports from around the world. 【小题4】
A.And some robots can even talk.
B.Many American people usually go shopping.
C.You won’t miss any exciting ball games even when you go shopping.
D.People’s shopping habits are always changing.
E. New CDs are put in the machine every week.


The Youth Olympic Games (YOG) is a new event. Like the Olympic Games, YOG takes place every 4 years. Only players aged between 14 and 18 can take part in it. The first Youth Olympic Games was h  1.  in Singapore last year. On February 11th, 2011,Nanjing, the

c   2.   city of Jiangsu Province, got the right to host the 2014 Youth Olympic Games and will become the s   3.    Chinese city to welcome the Olympic flame after the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008. The Games will take place in August, 2014, and l   4.   12 days. There will be up to 3,600 athletes competing in 26 sports.

The theme of YOG is ‘Green Youth Olympic Games, Dynamic Youth Olympic Games, and Cultural Youth Olympic Games.’ Green Youth Olympic Games calls on us to p  5.  the environment so that we can breathe fresh a   6.   and show visitors beautiful scenery and give people from other countries a good impression.

The government has done a lot for the Youth Games, and we are s  7.  that YOG will speed up the developing process of Nanjing. Workers are busy b  8.   new roads and new subway lines for the Youth Games. A new Olympic Village and a Youth Olympic Centre are being built in Jianye District, which will be part of the International Youth Olympic City.

 People in Nanjing are p   9.   of the big event, and their living habits are improving now. They are growing trees to make Nanjing g 10.   and more beautiful. They are very excited and looking forward to YOG. They hope the Youth Games will be a big success.



A young man went to the local expert(专家) on gems and said he wanted to become a gemologist(珠宝家). The expert turned him down because he feared the youth would not have the patience to learn. The young man asked for a chance. Finally, the expert told the youth, "Be here tomorrow."
The next morning the expert put a jade(玉) stone in the youth's hand and told him to hold it. The expert then went about his work, cutting, weighing and setting gems. The boy sat quietly and waited.
The following morning the expert again put the jade stone in the youth's hand and told him to hold it. On the third, fourth and fifth days, the expert asked the young man to do the same thing. On the sixth day, the youth held the jade stone but he could no longer stand(忍受) the silence. "Master, when am I going to learn something?" he asked.
"You will learn." the expert said and went about his business.
Several more days went by and the youth almost lost his patience. But one morning as the master put the stone in the youth's hand, the young man said without looking at his hand, "This is not the same jade stone!"
"You have begun to learn." said the master.
Practice makes perfect. The experience we learned from practice teaches us and develops our abilities. Experience is the best teacher. Even the most successful person had no absolute confidence once. It is experience that gives people confidence. The truth is: if you do the work and gain the experience, you'll have more confidence because you'll actually know what you're doing.
【小题1】The phrase "turned ... down" probably means _______.

【小题2】The expert let the young man hold the jade stone for so many days because he wanted to see if the young man was _______.
【小题3】What may be the best title for this passage?
A.An Experienced GemologistB.Experience, the Best Teacher
C.Experience of a Young ManD.A Confident Teacher


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