摘要:36.A.Just B.Only C.When D.So


A Dear Mrs. Web


       Dear Mrs. Web provides free personal advice and opinions for you. She receives and answers worldwide email questions. She will offer you some new suggestions on your problems, like study stress, disinterested friend… Dear Mrs. Web welcomes all questions and comments. You can receive the reply usually in 48 hours. Her email address is mrsweb@advice.com.

B Help Line Volunteers


       Every year thousands of old people are in need of our help. The Help Line provides a heartwarming, helpful, kind support and information service for the English-speaking aged people. We are in need of volunteers who are:

l       good listeners, warm-hearted and patient

l       excellent English speaker

l       can work 10 hours every week

Please call us at 0241-85902 or email us.helper@lineservice.com

C Save the Earth Club


       Earth club is for any student in Green School. Earth Club’s goal is to help keep the school, neighborhood, and city cleaner by encouraging recycling, highway clean up, and river, lake and school campus clean up. We hope to improve the environment and encourage others to do the same. We also meet to discuss some real solutions to save the earth. Earth Club meets 2-4 times a month. Come and Join us!

D The King Sweeper


       “My great, great grandfather invented the carpet sweeper 125 years ago. This King Sweeper is by far the best. I invite you to try it in your home. You’ll find it used daily in hospitals, restaurants, offices and homes throughout the world. This is just the thing to keep your carpet soft, clean and fresh. Only for $29.99!

We’re so sure that you’ll be delighted with the result of using our product.

E Trendy Sunglasses


They can protect your eyes when driving, gardening or reading in the sun. It can make your life easier and happier, and make you look smarter!

$10.99 each or 2 for $19.99!


1.Sam will spend his holiday in Hawaii where there is lots of sunshine. Maybe he needs to buy something to protect his eyes!

2.Mr. Read has been out of work for weeks, and he feels very upset and don’t know what to do.

3.The 16-year-old girl, Nancy, is a student in Green School. She cares much about the environment on the earth.

4.Miss Hope is always ready to help others. She is a nurse and can speak good English.

5.The Kings have just moved into a new house. They need to buy something to clean the floor and the carpet.


6.Dear Mrs. Web receives and answers email questions only from America.

7.If you want to be a Help Line volunteer, you can telephone 0241-85902 or email mrsweb@advice.com.

8.Save the Earth Club can help keep the neighborhood, school and city cleaner.

9.The King Sweeper has an old history and is widely used in homes, offices and so on.

10.If you need two pairs of Sunglasses, you need to pay more than twenty dollars.


When I was young, I liked to play jokes on people I knew, especially on my parents and friends. One day my mother was cooking in the kitchen and my younger brother was playing near the window. I ran to my mother and said, “ My brother has fallen from the open window!” She was very worried about my brother and then I said, “Don’t worry. I’m just joking.” And my mother shouted at me, “ If you do it again, I’ll punish you.”

One day I went swimming with my friends in the sea. I wanted to play a joke on my friends. In the beginning, I went swimming alone, and I called to my friends, “ Help me!” All my friends came to help me, only to find out that I was joking. But the next time I wasn’t joking. I swam in deep water and I was so careless that I was almost drowned(淹死). I tried my best to call my friends for help, but this time nobody came to help me. In the end, they found I was telling the truth. They came and saved my life. They took me to the emergency center. From then on, I haven’t joked on anyone. I think this is the best lesson in my life.

(  )56.What did the writer like to do when he was young?

A. To fight with his friends.  B. To play with his brother.

C. To play jokes on others.   D. To put others into trouble.

(  ) 57. How did the writer’s mother feel when she heard what he said about his brother?

  A . Interested.   B. Worried.   C. Excited.    D. Bored.

(  )58. The underlined part “ the emergency center” means”__________ in Chinese.

  A. 购物中心    B. 娱乐中心   C. 急救中心  D.重症监护室

(  )59. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. The writer’s mother was cooking when his brother fell from the open window.

  B. The writer liked to go swimming alone in the deep sea.

  C. The writer used to have few friends because he hardly told the truth.

D. The writer hasn’t joked on others since he was saved by his friends.

(  )60. What’s the main idea of this passage?

A .The writer didn’t like his brother, so he played jokes on him.

  B. The writer’s friends were so angry that they didn’t talk with him.

.  C. The writer was a dishonest boy when he was young.

  D. The writer learnt a lesson: Don’t play jokes with others casually.


 “BANG!” the door caused a reverberation (回声). It was just standing there, with father standing on one side, and I was on the other side. We were both in great anger. “Never set foot in this house again!” stormed father. I rushed out of the flat and ran along the street. The street lights were shining, causing rather a sad feeling.

A young father who held a child in his arms walked past me. I felt as if I saw my childhood from another space: happy and carefree. But now … I don’t know whether it is because I have grown up or because dad is getting old. We differ in our ways of thinking. He always put his opinions and codes of behavior on me. Whenever I do something wrong, he never admits it. We are just like two people coming from two different worlds. I wandered in the streets, until I had only the street lights to keep me company. When I finally reached the high-rise apartment block in which I lived ,I saw that the light was still on.

I thought to myself: “Is father waiting for me, or is he still angry with me?”

All the lights were off except father’s. Dad was always like this. Maybe he didn’t know how to express himself. After an argument he has the habit of creeping up(悄悄地来到) in my sleep. This was how he always wasHe has been a leader for so long that telling everyone else what to do has become his second nature. With the key in hand, I was as nervous as I had ever been. At last, I decided to open the door. As soon as I opened the door tears ran down my cheeks. I suddenly realized that the iron(铁的) door that I had imagined between us did not exist at all. Love—it’s second to none. 

1.Decide which is the best order of the following according to what happened in the passage.

a. I opened the door and entered the house.

b. Sadly I ran out into the street.

c. I reached the place where I lived and saw my house still brightly lit.

d. I thought of my father’s kindness towards me.

e. I walked about in the street without any aim.

A. b, e, d, c, a        B. b, e, c, d, a             C. b, e, a, c, d        D. b, e, c, a, d

2.What made the writer think of his childhood ?

A. The sight of the street lights.???????????????  

B. The sight of the empty street.

C. The sight of a father with a child in his arms.??

D. The sight of light in his own house.

3. Why do you think the father often shouts at his son?

A. perhaps the father is getting older and older. 

B. perhaps the son has already grown up.

C. perhaps they never agree with each other. 

D. perhaps the father has got used to doing that.

4. According to the passage what does “Love—it’s second to none” mean ?

A. 爱并没有什么??? B. 爱是第二位的???

C.? 爱是至高无上的??? D. 爱就是没什么

5.What conclusion can you come to after reading the passage?

A. The father treats his son in an unfair way. 

B. The father is actually kind to his son.

C. The father is neither kind nor cruel to his son. 

D. The father is always finding fault with his son.



“BANG!” the door caused a reverberation (回声). It was just standing there, with father standing on one side, and I on the other side.
We were both in great anger. “Never set foot in this house again!” stormed father. With tears welling up in my eyes, I rushed out of the flat and ran along the street.The street lights were shining, causing rather sad-feeling. I walked around aimlessly.
A young father who held a child in his arms walked past me. I felt as if I saw my childhood from another space: happy and carefree.
But now … I don’t know whether it is because I have grown up or because dad is getting old. We differ in our ways of thinking. He always put his opinions of behavior on me. Whenever I do something wrong, he never admits(容许) it. We are just like two people coming from two different worlds. It feels like there is an iron door between us that can never be opened.
I wandered the streets, without a destination in mind. My heart was frozen on this hot summer night. As I walked on there were fewer and fewer people on the streets, until I had only the street lights to keep me company. When I finally reached the high-rise apartment block in which I lived, I saw that the light was still on.
I thought to myself: “Is father waiting for me, or is he still angry with me?”
In fact, it was nothing. Perhaps, dad was throwing away some of his old stamps. Perhaps he thought they were useless. I never had the courage to tell him that I liked collecting stamps.      
All the lights were off except father’s.
Dad was always like this. Maybe he didn’t know how to express himself. After shouting at me, he never showed any moments of regret. However, after an argument he has the habit of tucking me underneath the covers (掖被子) while I am sleeping.
This was how he always was.He has been a leader for so long that telling everyone else what to do has become his second nature.
The light was still on. “Am I wrong?” I whispered, maybe… With the key in hand, I was as nervous as I had ever been. At last, I decided to open the door. As soon as I opened the door tears ran down my face. I suddenly realized that the iron door that I had imagined between us did not exist at all. Love—it’s second to none!

  1. 1.

    Decide which is the best order of the following according to what happened in the passage.
    a. I opened the door and entered the house.
    b. Sadly I ran out into the street.
    c. I reached the place where I lived and saw my house still brightly lit.
    d. I thought of my father’s kindness towards me.
    e. I walked about in the street without any aim

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.

    What made the writer think of his childhood?

    1. A.
      The sight of the street lights
    2. B.
      The sight of the empty street
    3. C.
      The sight of a father with a child in his arms
    4. D.
      The sight of light in his own house
  3. 3.

    What can we infer about the reason why the father often shouts at his son?

    1. A.
      The father is getting older and older
    2. B.
      The son has more fashionable opinions than his father
    3. C.
      They usually disagree with each other
    4. D.
      The father has got used to being a leader for long
  4. 4.

    What conclusion(结论)can be drawn after reading the passage?

    1. A.
      The father treats his son in an unfair way
    2. B.
      The father is actually kind to his son
    3. C.
      The father is neither kind nor cruel to his son
    4. D.
      The father is always finding mistakes with his son
  5. 5.

    Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

    1. A.
      The Generation Gap
    2. B.
      ASleepless Summer Night
    3. C.
      An Iron Doorinside
    4. D.
      Father’s Love

“BANG!” the door caused a reverberation (回声). It was just standing there, with father standing on one side, and I on the other side.

  We were both in great anger. “Never set foot in this house again!” stormed father. With tears welling up in my eyes, I rushed out of the flat and ran along the street.

  The street lights were shining, causing rather sad-feeling. I wandered aimlessly.

  A young father who held a child in his arms walked past me. I felt as if I saw my childhood from another space: happy and carefree.

  But now … I don’t know whether it is because I have grown up or because dad is getting old. We differ in our ways of thinking. He always puts his opinions and codes of behavior on me. Whenever I do something wrong, he never admits it. We are just like two people coming from two different worlds. It feels like there is an iron door between us that can never be opened.

  I wandered the streets, without a destination in mind. My heart was frozen on this hot summer night. As I walked on, there were no people in the streets, until I had only the street lights to keep me company. When I finally reached the high-rise apartment block in which I lived, I saw that the light was still on.

  I thought to myself, “Is father waiting for me, or is he still angry with me?”

  In fact, it was nothing. Perhaps, dad was throwing away some of his old stamps. Perhaps he thought they were useless. I never had the courage to tell him that I liked collecting stamps. I couldn’t stand his outrageous(蛮横的)words, “I can’t throw you away, let alone these old papers?”

  All the lights were off except father’s.

  Dad was always like this. Maybe he didn’t know how to express himself. After shouting at me, he never showed any mercy or any moments of regret. After an argument he had the habit of creeping up in my sleep and then tucked me underneath the covers.

  This was how he always was.He has been a leader for so long that telling everyone else what to do has become his second nature.

  The light was still on. “Am I wrong?” I whispered, maybe… With the key in hand, I was as nervous as I had ever been. At last, I decided to open the door. As soon as I opened the door tears ran down my cheeks. I suddenly realized that the iron door that I had thought between us did not exist at all. Love—it second to none.

46. Decide which is the best order of the following according to what happened in the passage.

  a. I opened the door and entered the house.

  b. Sadly I ran out into the street.

  c. I reached the place where I lived and saw my house still brightly lit.

  d. I thought of my father’s kindness towards me.

  e. I walked about in the street without any aim.

A. b, e, d, c, a    B. b, e, c, d, a      

C. b, e, a, c, d    D. b, e, c, a, d

47. What made the writer think of his childhood?

  A. The sight of the street lights.   

B. The sight of the empty street.

  C. The sight of a father with a child in his arms.

  D. The sight of light in his own house.

48. Why do you think the father often shouts at his son?

  A. perhaps the father is getting older and older.

B. perhaps the son has already grown up.

  C. perhaps they never agree with each other.

D. perhaps the father has got used to doing that.

49. According to the passage what does “Love—it’s second to none” mean ?

A. 爱是至高无上的 B. 爱是第二位的 

C. 爱并没有什么 D. 爱就是没什么

50. What conclusion(结论) can you come to after reading the passage?

  A. The father treats his son in an unfair way.

B. The father is actually kind to his son.

  C. The father is neither kind nor cruel to his son.

D. The father is always finding fault with his son.



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