摘要:33.A.didn't see B.can't see C.not see D.couldn't see


"Can I see my baby?" asked the happy new mother. When the baby was in her arms, she couldn't believe her eyes. The baby was born without ears.

Time proved(证明) that the baby's hearing was very good though he had no ears. He got on well with his classmates. But one day, he said to his mother, tears in his eyes, "A big boy called me a freak (畸形的)."

  The boy's father asked the family doctor. "Could nothing be done?"

  "I believe I could graft (植入) on a pair of outer ears if they could be got," the doctor said. They tried to find a person who was helpful for the young man.

  One day, his father said to the son, "You're going to the hospital, son. Mother and I have someone who will donate the ears you need. But we must keep it a secret who the person is."

  The operation(手术) was a great success, and a new person appeared. His cleverness and hard work made him a very successful person. He married and lived a happy life.

  He once asked his father, "Who gave me the ears? I could do enough for him or her."

  "I do not believe you could, "said the father." The agreement was that you are not to know...not yet."

  For years they kept it a secret, but the day did come. He stood with his father over his mother's body. Slowly, the father raised the thick, brown hair. To his surprise, the son found his mother had no outer ears.

  "Mother said she was glad she never needed to cut her hair," his father said in a low voice, "and nobody ever thought mother less beautiful, did they?”

1.The mother was surprised to see her baby for the first time because the baby__.

A.had no outer ears

B.was born without hair

C.was in her arms

D.could not hear her

2.The sentence"...a new person appeared." means"______."

A.a new baby was born in the hospital

B.a stranger came into the hospital

C.a new doctor took care of the boy

D.the boy began to live a new life

3.Why did the boy's mother never cut her hair?

A.Because she liked her thick, brown hair.

B.Because her work didn't allow her to do that

C.Because the hair was good for her health

D.Because she wanted to keep the fact a secret

4.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.The boy couldn't hear without ears at first.

B.The boy didn't know the truth (真相) until his mother died.

C.His parents often encouraged him to work hard.

D.His classmates were always making fun of him.

5.Which is the best title for the passage?

A.A Clever Boy

B.Kind Parents

C.Great Love

D.An Ear Operation



“Can I see my baby?” asked the happy new mother. When the baby was in her arms, she couldn’t believe her eyes. The baby was born without ears.
Time proved that the baby’s hearing was perfect though he had no ears. He got on well with his classmates. But one day, he said to his mother, tears in his eyes, “A big boy called me a freak(畸形物).”
The boy’s father asked the family doctor, “Could nothing be done?”
“I believe I could graft(移植)on a pair of outer ears if they could be gotten,” the doctor said. They tried to find a person who would be helpful to the boy.
One day, his father said to the son, “You’re going to the hospital, son. Mother and I have found someone who will donate the ears you need. But we must keep it a secret who the person is.”
The operation was a great success, and a new person appeared. His cleverness and hard work made him a very successful person. He married and lived a happy life.
He would ask his father, “Who gave me the ears? I could do enough for him or her.”
“I can’t tell you,” said the father. “The agreement says that you are not allowed to know…not yet.”
It was kept a secret for years, but the day did come. He stood with his father over his mother’s body. Slowly, the father raised the thick, brown hair. To his surprise, the son found his mother had no outer ears.
“Mother said she was glad she never had her hair cut,” his father said in a low voice, “and nobody ever thought Mother less beautiful, did they?”
【小题1】The mother was surprised at the first sight of her baby because the baby __________.

A.had no outer ears B.was born without hair 
C.was in her arms D.could not hear her 
【小题2】The sentence “…, and a new person appeared” means _____________.
A.a new baby was born in the hospital 
B.a stranger came into the hospital 
C.a new doctor took care of the baby 
D.the boy came to live a new life 
【小题3】 Why did the boy’s mother never have her hair cut?
A.Because she liked her thick, brown hair. 
B.Because her work didn’t allow her to do that. 
C.Because her hair was good for her health. 
D.Because she wanted to keep the fact a secret. 
【小题4】Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.The boy couldn’t hear without ears at first. 
B.The boy didn’t know the truth until his mother died. 
C.His parents often encouraged him to work hard. 
D.His classmates were always making fun of him. 
【小题5】Which is the best title for the passage?
A.A Clever Boy B.Kind Parents 
C.Great Love D.An Ear Operation 

Peter didn’t know why he didn’t have many friends. The reason was he was always taking, never giving.
One day Peter told Bill, “I’d like to give a party on Saturday, I’d like you to come and bring Martha, too.” “Thanks, Peter. We’d be happy to come.” “Perhaps you’d like to bring your violin. You and Martha sing well together. I’m sure everyone will want you to sing for us.” That was how Peter began to plan his party. Next he asked another friend, Betty, to bring a cake. “You make the best cake in the world, Betty, and I like to eat your cake better than have one from the bakery.” Peter invited a few other friends to come to his party. He didn’t forget to ask something from each one of them. He even asked Jim and Mary Jackson to let him give the party at their house! They agreed. The party was a big success.
However, as the guests(客人) were leaving, they said “Thank you ” to Bill and Martha
for the music, Betty for the cake, the Jacksons for the use of the house and to others for their hard work. To Peter they just said, “ Thanks for the invitation.”
小题1:The party was held ________ .
A.at Peter’s houseB.in a large hall
C.at Peter’s friend’s houseD.in a secret place
小题2:Which of the following is not true?
A.Betty made the best cake.
B.Mary Jackson sang well.
C.Bill played the violin well.
D.The Jacksons did hard work for the party.
小题3: ________ liked Peter.
A.Many of his friendsB.Few people
C.EveryoneD.All his friends
小题4:Peter ________ to give the party.
A.tried his bestB.did nothing
C.only invited some friendsD.did everything
小题5:From the story, we can see Peter was ________ .
A.a warm-hearted manB.good at making friends
C.a selfish manD.a welcomed friend
Will you trust your friends if you can’t see anything? If you are falling, do you believe they will catch you and help you stand up? Our teacher helped us to get the answer.
One day, Mr. Morrie came into the classroom and said he had a game for us to try. He divided us into two groups. One student from the first group, stood in front of us with his eyes closed, and then fell backwards(向后地). The second group stood behind him. Before he fell on the floor, they should catch him and not let him get hurt. Most of us were uncomfortable with this. We were afraid that they wouldn’t catch us and we would hit the floor. So we didn’t move. We just stood there and laughed in embarrassment.
Finally, one student, a thin, quiet, dark-haired girl called Sarah, decided to move. She crossed her arms in front of her body, closed her eyes, and slowly fell backwards. She looked quiet but brave.
For a moment, I was sure that she was going to fall on the floor. But before she hit the floor, the other students caught her, held her and finally helped her stand up.
“Whoa!!” We were all surprised, and also encouraged(受鼓舞的). The girl was happy, too. Seeing this, Morrie smiled and said to the girl, “When you close your eyes, you can’t see anything. You won’t feel safe. When you are falling, the feeling gets stronger. You are not sure whether you will hit the cold, hard floor or the warm, soft hands of your friends. But if you are brave enough to trust them, they will not let you down(使人失望).”
小题1:   What is Morrie?
A.A student.B.A teacher.C.A manager.D.a farmer.
小题2:   Why didn’t the students move at first?
A.They didn’t want to play the game.
B.They thought the floor was dirty.
C.They didn’t understand Marrie.
D.They were afraid of falling down.
小题3:   What did the writer think of the girl?
A.Careful. B.Active.
C.Quiet but brave.D.Careless.
小题4:   What happened to the girl in the end?
A.She fell on the ground.B.She felt sad.
C.Only the writer helped her.D.The other students caught her.
小题5:  Why did the students feel encouraged?
A.They felt they could trust each other.B.They could stop the game finally.
C.They wanted to do something else.D.They thought they won the game.

We were standing at the top of a church not far from my home. I didn’t know why.
“Look down,” Father said. I tried and saw the square in the center of the village. And I saw the streets to the square. “See, Elsa,” Father said. “There is more than one way to the square. If you can’t get where you want to go by one road, try another.”
Earlier that day, I asked Mother to do something about what we had for lunch at school. But she didn’t think the food was as bad as I said. When I turned to Father for help, he brought me to the church.
At school the next day, I filled a bottle with the soup for our lunch and took it home. I told the cook to pour the soup in a plate and bring it to Mother. She drank it and cried out, “What’s the matter with the soup today?” I at once told her what I had done , and Mother said that she would take up the matter of lunches at school the next day .
Now I really understood why Father had taken me to the church. I began to work as a fashion designer two years ago. I wouldn’t stop working until I tried every way to my goal.
【小题1】The writer’s father took her to the church to.

A.play some games B.see the squareC.show her the wayD.give her a lesson
【小题2】Elsa really wanted her mother to.
A.cook something better for her lunch
B.have lunch with her at school
C.take up the matter over with the teachers
D.tell the cook to work harder
【小题3】Why did Elsa’s mother agree to do something about the matter?
A.Because the writer tried a better way to her goal.
B.Because the girl brought something home.
C.Because she thought what the cook said was true.
D.Because Elsa’s father gave her some help.
【小题4】What Elsa’s father said means?
A.one can reach the square in many ways
B.never stop trying to get to your goal
C.it’s difficult to talk to Elsa’s mother
D.you can’t get what you want easily
【小题5】When the writer really understood what his father had said.
A.she saw the streets to the square
B.she had the idea of bringing the soup home
C.she tried every way to her goal
D.she began her own life as a fashion designer


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