摘要:8.A.She is ill. B.She is fine. C.She is hurt.


Kathy was ill,so she went to see the doctor.

    "Doctor, I'm not feeling well."she said ”Every time I do my homework ,I feel tired.If I walk to school, I have to sit down and rest for ten minutes:before I can study.”

    The doctor looked at her for some time.Then-he said,"There is nothing.much.But I'm afraid you eat too much everyday

    “I don’t know what you are talking about."said Kathy.”I think you eat too much food,"said the doctor.

    ”Oh! you think I'm too heavy.That's a problem.”said Kathy.”What should I.do if I don’t want to be heavy, doctor? Tell me what I should do to be healthy, doctor!”

    ”Don’t worry, Kathy.The answer is easy,” said the doctor.”If you want to be thin and healthy, you shouldn’t eat a lot of food and you also should do much exercise.If you can do these,you will be fine like, you were before very soon.

  ”Thank you,doctor.1 will take your advice.”

(   )1.How is Kathy these days?

    A.She often feels tired.             B.She often feels.sad.

    C.She often feels,sore in the back.   D.She often feels ill.

(   )2.How does Kathy go to school every day?

    A.By bike.      B.By bus.     C.By car.      D.On foot.

(   )3.What did the doctor say about Kathy after he looked at her?

A.Kathy was very fired.           B.Kathy ate too much.

C.Kathy had to take his advice.      D.Kathy was very ill.

(    )4.Which is a problem for people from the article?

A.Eating less food.                     B.Studying too hard.

C.Eating too much.                     D.Playing too much sport.

(    )5.What should Kathy do from now on?

A.she should eat more and exercise、more.

B.She should walk to school.

C.She should stay at home and rest.

D.She should eat less and exercise more.


I am the Earth.Once I was in good health,but now I feel quite uncomfortable.

Yesterday I went to see Doctor Moon.She asked me,“What's wrong with you,Mr. Earth?”

I told her,“My children--the people--have destroyed the ozone(臭氧),so the sunshine is too strong.Now I have a high fever.Many trees have died.The dust(灰)always gets into my eyes.I smell the waste gas of cars every day.I can't take in clean air.I often suffer from earache,because I hear loud noises all the time.”

“Oh,Mr. Earth,” said the Moon,“Your illness is so serious.You must have a good rest and drink a lot of water every day.”

“That’s fine,but it often rains acid rain(酸雨),so I have no clean water to drink at all.” I replied.

“That's terrible! I'm very sorry,but I can't help you.” The Moon was very sad.

Oh,dear! What can I do? Who can save me?

1.Who did Mr. Earth see yesterday?

A.Doctor Moon.   B.Doctor Sun.        C.His children.

2.Why does Mr. Earth have a high fever?

A.the sunshine is too strong.                         B.He suffers from earache.

C.The dust gets into his eyes.

3.Who are Mr. Earth’s children?

A.The trees.          B.The cars.           C.The people.

4.Why does Mr. Earth have no water to drink?

A.Many trees have died.                               B.The ozone has been destroyed.

C.It often rains acid rain.

5.Which of the following is True?

A.The Earth is ill.                                        B.The Earth is in good health.

C.The Moon can help Mr. Earth.


Mr White works in an office. He’s very busy and has no time to have a good rest. Every evening, when he comes back from his office, he’s always tired and wants to go to bed early. But his wife often has a lot of interesting things to tell him after dinner. She doesn’t stop talking until she falls asleep (入睡). But it’s usually too late and Mr White has to get up early in the morning when she is still sleeping.

One day Mr White felt terrible and couldn’t go to work. He decided to go to see a doctor. Mrs White went to the hospital with him. Before her husband said what was the matter with him, the woman told the doctor all. The doctor wrote out a prescription (处方). When Mrs White took the medicine to the doctor’s room, the doctor said to her, “The bottle of medicine is for your husband and the pills (药片) are for you. ”

“For me?” the woman said in surprise. “I’m fine. I don’t need any medicine!”

“I don’t think so, madam,” said the doctor. “They are sleeping pills. Your husband will be all right soon if you take them. ”

1.Mr White ______.

A.has time to have a good sleep

B.is busy but he can have a good sleep

C.isn’t tired and doesn’t like to go to bed early

D.doesn’t have a good rest

2.Mr White’s wife ______ every evening.

A.works late         B.writes things       C.keeps talking late    D.watches TV late

3.Mr White has to get up when his wife is sleeping in the morning because ______.

A.he can’t fall asleep                     B.he has to go to work

C.he doesn’t want to sleep                D.his wife asks him to get up

4.One day Mr White couldn’t go to work because ______.

A.he was ill                              B.his wife was ill

C.his wife didn’t let him go                 D.he didn’t want to go to work

5.The sentence “Your husband will be all right soon if you take them. ” means Mr White will soon be all right if ______.

A.Mr White takes the pills

B.Mr White takes the bottle of medicine

C.Mrs White takes the pills

D.Mrs White stops talking too much at night



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