摘要:7.A.book B.friend C.parent D.school


Mrs. Green was very fat. She weighed 100kg, and she    1   heavier every month.
   2   she went to see a doctor. The doctor said, “You    3   to go on a diet(节食), Mrs. Green. I’ve got a food list here.” He gave her a small book and said, “   4   it carefully and eat the things on page 11 every day. Then come back and see me    5   two weeks.”
Mrs. Green cam back two weeks    6  , but she wasn’t thinner and was even
   7  . The doctor was surprised and asked, “Are you eating the things on page 11 of the small book?”
“Yes, doctor,” she answered.
The next day,    8   visited Mrs. Green in the afternoon. He was very  9 
to see her.
“Mrs. Green,” he asked, “why are you eating potatoes and bread? You aren’t on the diet!”
“But doctor,” Mrs. Green answered, “I eat my diet    10   lunch time. This is my tea(下午茶).”
【小题1】A. gets            B. is getting             C. was getting
【小题2】A. So             B. But                  C. Because
【小题3】A. want           B. like                  C. have
【小题4】A. Watch          B. Read                 C. Find
【小题5】A. behind         B. in                    C. for
【小题6】A. ago            B. late                  C. later
【小题7】A. fatter          B. thinner               C. taller
【小题8】A. her parents      B. her friend             C. the doctor
【小题9】A. happy          B. afraid                C. surprised
【小题10】A. at            B. on                   C. in

My name is Lily. My father is a teacher. His students love him a lot because he is funny. I love him, too, but I think he can be “foolish”  41 .
Once we moved into a new house and had to go shopping to buy new chairs and lights. In the supermarket, I’m interested   42  some of the beautiful lights with good qualities and made my father buy them.
When we got home, my father began to work out how much money we had   43  that day. Suddenly, he stopped. “Something’s wrong.” he said. “I’ve got 30 yuan   44  than I should!”“That’s great,” I said. “You can buy me that   45  book I want.”
Father said nothing. Instead, he counted(数) how much money he had again and again.
“The salesgirl must have made a mistake. We   46  go back to the shop,” he said.
“Do you have to go back?” I asked. “Nobody will know we   47  too much change(找零). It would be foolish to go back.”
“It wouldn’t be ‘foolish’.” my father said angrily. “It’s called being   48  .” At that moment, I looked into his eyes and knew he was right.
The salesgirl was surprised to see us in the shop again. But   49  we gave her the money, she thanked us a lot.
On my way home, my father stopped me   50  smiled. “Do you still want that cartoon book?” he asked. I looked at my “foolish” father and answered loudly, “Father, you are the greatest!”

A.with B.on C.in D.to
A.took B.lost C.costD.spent
A.much B.more C.less D.some
A.gave B.have given C.is given D.were given
A.cleverB.honest C.selfishD.cool
A.how B.whyC.when D.where


It all started at the beginning of the ninth grade. Carmen found she couldn't see things ___26___ all the time. She became very worried, but she hoped    27   would know that. When her mother asked her to see the eye doctor, she didn't   28  . But her mother's mind was made up.
Three days later. Carmen got new glasses and instructions   29 . her doctor. "All of the kids will think I'm silly. " Carmen said. Her mother   30   and shook her head. "You look just as beautiful as before, she said. But Carmen didn't believe her.
The next day. Carmen kept the    31   in her pocket(口袋))as she walked into the schoolyard. She stood alone away from her friends, feeling   32  
Suddenly, she heard her friend Theresa shout.
Carmen ran over to the other girls. "What's the    33 ?" she asked.
"My ring is gone!" Theresa cried. "My sister sent it to me from California. It's very _34__  and I can 't lose it. "
Carmen and her friends began to    35   the ring in the grassy area of the playground. Carmen realized that she could do better _36_  she could see better. She took the glasses out and put them on. Everything looked so _37_ ! So clear! She looked down at the ground and a bright light caught her 38  . It was the ring.
"Here it is," she shouted. She handed it to Theresa.
"Thanks, Carmen," she said. "I _39_ thought we'd find it." She paused(停顿). “Hey, 1 didn’t knowyou wore glasses. They look great!"
Carmen had   40   that she was wearing the new glasses. “Thanks,” she replied.
"Maybe wearing glasses won't be so bad after all." Carmen thought.
【小题1】a. clearly            B. carefully           C. freely              D. quickly
【小题2】 a. everybody         B. anybody         C. somebody            D. nobody
【小题3】 a. explain           B. care               C. agree               D.understand
【小题4】 a.by                B. from               C. like            D. to
【小题5】 a. relaxed            B.cheered          C. smiled         D. jumped

A.ringB.keysC.book D.glasses
A.tired B.unhappy C.afraid D.serious
A.matter B.reason C.question D.secret
A.special B.common C.cheap D.heavy
A.ask for B.wait for C.look forD.pay for
A.though B.if C.because D.as
A.natural B.new C.dirty D.different
A.ears B.feet C.eyes D.hands
A.still B.ever C.never D.often
A.heard B.forgotten C.found D.imagined


Mrs. Green was very fat. She weighed 100kg, and she    1   heavier every month.
   2   she went to see a doctor. The doctor said, “You    3   to go on a diet(节食), Mrs. Green. I’ve got a food list here.” He gave her a small book and said, “   4   it carefully and eat the things on page 11 every day. Then come back and see me    5   two weeks.”
Mrs. Green cam back two weeks    6  , but she wasn’t thinner and was even
   7  . The doctor was surprised and asked, “Are you eating the things on page 11 of the small book?”
“Yes, doctor,” she answered.
The next day,    8   visited Mrs. Green in the afternoon. He was very  9 
to see her.
“Mrs. Green,” he asked, “why are you eating potatoes and bread? You aren’t on the diet!”
“But doctor,” Mrs. Green answered, “I eat my diet    10   lunch time. This is my tea(下午茶).”
【小题1】A. gets            B. is getting             C. was getting
【小题2】A. So             B. But                  C. Because
【小题3】A. want           B. like                  C. have
【小题4】A. Watch          B. Read                 C. Find
【小题5】A. behind         B. in                    C. for
【小题6】A. ago            B. late                  C. later
【小题7】A. fatter          B. thinner                C. taller
【小题8】A. her parents      B. her friend             C. the doctor
【小题9】A. happy          B. afraid                C. surprised
【小题10】A. at            B. on                   C. in


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