摘要:41.A.us B.our C.we D.them


“Mind your own business” we’re told“Don’t talk about others behind their backs”The problem with this advice is thatnot only is it unrealisticit’s also counterproductive(起反作用的)

??? Common sense holds that gossip(流言蜚语)hurts people’s feelings and damages relationshipsBut recent research shows the opposite—that strong communities and relationships between people would be impossible without gossip

??? Gossip is a way for people to let you know the limits of social behavior“If you move into a community and your neighbor tells you how the former homeowner never dealt with his rubbish properlyhis gossip is letting you in on something”says DrRalph Rosnow of Temple University“Gossip saysthese are the boundaries and you are crossing themYou’re not abiding by the rules and you’d better get back in line” Seen this waygossip is a way to communicate criticism(批评)without conflict(冲突)giving you a chance to change your behavior without losing face

??? On the other handwhat about ill-willed gossipthe kind that puts other people down? Gossip is hearing something we like about someone we don’t andin nearly every country in the worldgossip magazines have huge numbers of readersAccording to researchershoweverthis kind of gossip also has a good side because it helps us put our own problems in perspective(正确地)“If we read bad news about well-known peopleor get the frightful details of our neighbors’ bad situation over a cup of coffeeour own problems begin to pale in comparison(对比)”says DrJack Levin of Northeastern University

??? Howeverthat doesn’t mean that gossip is necessarily a good thingeitherResearchers found that people who gossip a lot tend to feel like they’re under a lot of stressThis might be because while they’re busy talking about other peoplethey’re also busy thinking what other people are saying about them
1.What is the purpose of the text?

ATo encourage us to spread gossip about others

BTo prevent us from spreading gossip about others

CTo make a comparison between good gossip and bad gossip

DTo recognize certain positive functions of gossip

2.According to the passagepeople in general think that__________

Ait’s a bad habit to gossip

Bnobody pays attention to gossip

Cnot all the gossip you hear is worth believing

Dit’s necessary to have a nice gossip with a friend or neighbor

3.The underlined phrase “abiding by” in Paragraph 3 most probably means“________”

Amaking??? ????????????? ????????????? Bbreaking??? ????????????? ????????????? Cobeying??? ????????????? Dchanging

4.It could be learned from the passage that__________.

A. people under much stress enjoy gossiping about others.

B. in a way gossip helps us deal with our own problems.

C. in fact most people tend to believe gossip.

D. the more there is gossip, the stronger relationships become between people.



Sometimes people call ours a “throwaway society”. That means that we’re always throwing away old things and buying new ones. Many times, you no longer need something, but someone else may just need to buy one. For example, if your baby doesn’t like his toy car any longer, why not give it to a nearly family who has a little kid? That’s one less plastic toy car that they need to buy. It’s also one less plastic toy that needs to be produced, packaged and shipped to the toy store.

Here are some other ways to help save resources (资源)for the society:

★Use the other side of the paper.

★Use rechargeable (可再充电的) batteries for your electric toys, MP3 players, cell phones, and cameras.

★ Choose reusable travel cups instead of disposable (一次性的) paper or plastic cups.

★Take your own cloth shopping bags when you go shopping.

★ Drink tap water instead of buying bottled water.

And there are some things you can exchange with your friends, for example, books, toys, even clothes. It's a way for everyone to get something new without spending any money and without throwing many things away.

1.The underlined word "ours" in the passage refers to (指代) _______.

A. our society                      B. our old things

C. our life                         D. our throwaway things

2.According to the writer, if we give a second - hand toy car to a neighbor kid, we can____.

A. buy another new one              B. help toy business develop

C. make the family very thankful to us  D. help save resources for the society

3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. We should buy things that can be reused in our daily life.

B. We can exchange some things with others for further use.

C. It's good for us to throw away old things and buy new ones.

D. We are supposed to give the things we no longer need to our neighbors.

4.What should we do in our daily life after reading the passage?

A. Try to throw as few old things as we can.

B. Use as many disposable things as possible.

C. Drink bottled water even though there is tap water around.

D. Buy everything we need instead of exchanging them with others.

     An apple a day keeps the  doctor away. Well, milk may work in the same way!
     Milk is the natural food for mammalian (哺乳动物) babies. It helps them grow strong because it is rich
  in protein (蛋白质),calcium (钙) and witamins. Milk can also help you sleep better because it calms you
  down. But remmber to drink milk with care. Find out how old the milk is. Make sure it is fresh and hasn't
  gone bad. Don't drink milk when yoour stomach is empty. Eat some bread or corn at  the same tome.
 That'll help you take in more protein and vitamins. Doctors say teens need at least 500ml of milk a day.
 That's  two to three  cups.
     Milk-drinking started ling ago, as early as 6000~8000BC. At that time pepole started to keep cows,
 sheep and goats to get their milk.
     Of course what you drink today isn't that fresh from the cow. People cool the fresh milk down to 4 ℃
 to stop the bacteria growing. In factories, milkis pasteurized (灭菌) to stop it going bad. After
 disinfection (消毒) and packaging , it goes to the supermarkets.
     Yogurt (酸奶) also comes from milk. People make some special bacteria to change the  taste of milk
 and make the nutrients (营养) in it easier for people to take in . Maybe that's why it's  getting more
  popular with pepole!
1. The sentence "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Tells us that _____.
    A. the doctor likes to eat apples every day
    B. the doctor doesn't like apples at all
    C. the doctor eats an  apple each day
    D. apples are good for our health
2. When you drink milk ,you'd better _____
    A. find out when milk was produced
    B. make sure it is fresh and has not gone bad
    C. not drink milk when your stomach is empty
    D. do all of the above
3. Why is it better to eat some bread or corn whiledrinking milk?
    A. Our body can take in more protein and vitamins in this way.
    B. That;ll help us grow taller and stronger.
    C. That'll help us taste milk better.
    D. We'll still feel hungry without eating sone bread or corn.
4. Which of the following statements is true?
    A. One cup of milk is good enough for teens each day.
    B. Drinking milk is likely to make teens sleepy.
    C. To stop the bacteria growing,people cool the fresh milk to 4℃.
    D. Yogurt is ong kind of milk which has gone bad .


Are Sports Important?

Sports are all around us.We watch and read sports news.There are also sports clubs,and even sports—only channels(频道)on TV.In many countries,players make millions of dollars every year.

But why are sports so important? They're only games,right?

Our readers answer:


Sports bring people together.In 2006,our team was able to play in the 2006 World Cup for the first time.Everyone was happy.Rich and poor,old and young,men and women—everyone was in the streets together!


Sports bring people together,but they divide them,too.Fans of different teams fight all the time—they shout and hit each other.And here's another example:My brother plays high school baseball.Last week,his team played an important game.At the game,two parents fought about a call.Come on… baseball is only a game! Sports are so competitive(有竞争力的)these days.It's all about winning.Then the game isn't fun.

Oba(South Africa)

Right now,some of the world's best soccer players are from African countries,and the 2010 World Cup games will be in South Africa.Yes,some players make a lot of money—may be too much.But sporting events(like the World Cup)bring tourists and money to countries and people.And that is good for Africa.

1.What does Mike think of a game when players and fans only think about winning?

A.It's important.                                        B.It's exciting.

C.It's not fun.                                             D.It's not necessary.

2.Why are sports important for Oba?

A.Because sports are competitive these days.

B.Because sports can make money for a country.

C.Because sports can make players rich every year.

D.Because sports can make people happy.

3.What does the underlined word “call” mean?

A.Decision.           B.Telephone.            C.Suggestion.          D.Seat.

4.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.Sports are popular all over the world.

B.Sports divide people from different countries.

C.People have different opinions about sports.

D.Sports bring tourists and money to Africa.


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