摘要:6.Can you t the books to the Classroom?


  A boy came in our classroom. He's new and few of us know him. But after class Peter went to say hello to him. I asked, Do you know him, Peter?

  Yes. He lived next to us last year.

  What do you think of him, then?

  Peter didn't answer it but told us a story about the boy:

  It was half past eight in the morning. The telephone rang and Mary went to answer it.

  Hello, who's that? she asked.

  It's me--Peter.

  Peter was a friend of Mary's eight-year-old brother,Johnny.

  Oh, hello, Peter. What do you want? said Mary.

  Can I speak to Johnny?

  No, said Mary, You can't speak to him now. He is busy. He is getting ready (有准备的) for school. He is eating his breakfast. Grandmother is combing (梳) his hair. Sister is under the table, putting his shoes on. Mother is getting his books and putting them in his backpack. Goodbye, I've got to go now. I have to open the door for him. The school bus is coming.

(1) Few people know Johnny because ____.

[  ]

Ahe's a shy boy

Bhe's a serious boy

Che's new in his class

Dhe doesn't have any friend

(2) What are the family doing now?

[  ]

AThey're helping Johnny to get ready for school.

BThey're getting ready for breakfast.

CThey hope to take the school bus.

DThey're going to take Johnny to school.

(3) How does Johnny go to school ?

[  ]

AHe gets there in a car.

BHe goes there in the school bus.

CHe often takes a taxi to school.

DHis mother takes him there on a bike.

(4) There're ____ people in the room.

[  ]





(5) The girl has to go because ____.

[  ]

Ashe has to go to school, too

Bshe's late for class

Cshe doesn't have breakfast

Dshe has to help her brother, too

       Some students are talking about the schools of the future.
       Riddih Shah,10:Students will use computers and e-textbooks. E-textbooks will be like a disk (硬盘). So instead of carrying lots of heavy textbooks,students will only carry a few disks and read books from
them. Learning will become easier and more interesting.
      Naomi Chen,10:I think multimedia (多媒体) will help schools. We won't need to buy new dictionaries as often,because the school will buy a few sets of multimedia software. There will be lots of e-dictionaries
in them. Those will be enough for the whole school.
       Linda Sakami,ll:Teachers will use movies,tapes, TVs and multimedia to teach. Students will be able to take classes by watching TV or on the Internet without a classroom teacher.
       Lauren  Ortiz,9:In the future ,even if you are ill ,you can still learn your subjects by connecting your
computer with the school network  (网络) for free.
1. Who is the youngest of the four students?
A. Naomi Chen.              
B. Linda Sakami.
C. Lauren Ortiz.              
D. Riddih Shah.
2. What does Riddih Shah think schools of the future will be like?
A. There will be no teacher in the classroom.
B. Multimedia will be used in the schools.
C. Students will learn on computers at home.
D. Students will only take a few disks to school.
3. According to the passage, learning will become          in the future.
A. easier                      
B. more boring
C. cheaper                    
D. more difficult
4. They all think that          are needed for learning in the future.
A. TVs                          
B. disks
C. movies                      
D. computers
5. What is the best titlefor the passage?
A. No Schools in the Future
B. The Future of Schools
C. You Won't Get Ill in the Future
D. What Will Your Life Be Like?

Students learn their lessons in class. In class teachers teach them. Students sit in the classroom listening to the teacher. This is a way of learning. Is this the only way for students to learn something? Of course not. There is another way to learn: students can teach themselves. For example, if you can’t remember something when you are doing your homework, you can look at your book to find the answer. This is a way to teach yourself. And it is not a difficult thing. We can do this at any place and at any time.
How do you teach yourself? The first thing you must do is reading. Read something you are interested in. or you have to read. The second is that you must ask yourself questions. The question is something you don’t understand, or you want to know more about. You can write down these questions. A clever student is usually good at asking questions. The third is to answer the question yourself by thinking hard, by reading the passage or other books, and sometimes by asking other people. This is the way of teaching yourself. And you must do this all by yourself. If you keep doing like for a long time, you are sure to succeed in your study.
【小题1】Listening to the teacher is ______for students to learn something.

A.not a wayB.the best wayC.the only wayD.not the only way
【小题2】Which of the following is right?________
A student can teach himself only in class.
B.It is a bad way to learn from the teacher.
C.A student can learn to teach himself if he wants to.
D.Students know very well how to teach themselves.
【小题3】In teaching yourself, the first thing you must do is_______.
【小题4】A clever student usually likes _______.
A.asking questionsB.answering questions
C.finding answersD.teaching others
【小题5】If you want to succeed, you’d better learn _______.
A.how to teach othersB.how to teach yourself
C.to read and write carefullyD.how to ask questions


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