摘要:27.The teacher and the students talk English class. A.in; in the B.in; in C.with; in the


Mike and Jack are in the same school.  1   they're in different classes.Their  2  subject is Chinese.They say Chinese is very  3  .They go to school  4  school days.They go to school at 7︰00 in the morning.Today is Wednesday.They are in their classrooms.

Mike is having  5  English class.Listen! He  6 his teacher in English.Jack is having a Chinese class.His teacher is  7 Beijing Olympics with him.The students are looking  8 their teacher.They're listening carefully.But one of Mike's classmates  9 a storybook 10  ,he isn't good at English,he often does other things in the English class.

1.A.and                       B.but                      C.so                         D.or

2.A.like                       B.better                   C.best                       D.favorite

3.A.easy                      B.boring                  C.interesting              D.difficult

4.A.on                         B.in                        C.at                          D.for

5.A.a                        B.an                       C.the                        D./

6.A.talks                      B.talks with              C.is talking                D.is talking to

7.A.think about        B.talk about              C.thinking about         D.talking about

8.A.at                       B.for                      C.like                        D.after

9.A.is watching             B.are watching           C.is reading               D.are reading

10.A.because               B.so                       C.and                        D.but


How do you feel when you have to make a speech in front of class? What about when you go to a birthday party? Do you get really shy?
Shyness means feeling nervous or afraid when you’re around other people. Experts have found that more than 80% of middle school students feel afraid to be the center of attention. Some kids are born shy. Some become shy later because of their life experiences(经历).
It’s OK if it takes you a while to feel yourself again when you go to a new place or meet new people. In fact, everybody gets a little shy sometimes. It’s just a case of how much.
Most people have red faces and talk in broken sentences when they get shy. But some become so shy that they won’t go to a restaurant because they are too nervous to order and pay for their food. Some are afraid of meeting new people, so they seldom go outside. This kind of shyness can be bad for a person.
If shyness doesn’t stop you from doing something you want to do, being shy isn’t a very big problem. Some experts say shy people are cleverer because they think more and talk less. Shy people are also good at working with others because they think more for other people. Some great people in history were shy, too.
You see, being shy isn’t all bad. But remember not to let good opportunities(机会) pass by just because of it! If you have to sing a song at a birthday party or practice your spoken English in front of others, just do it! There’s nothing to be afraid of.
【小题1】The underlined phrase “to feel yourself again” in the third paragraph means “________”.

A.感受生活 B.恢复过来 C.玩得开心 D.寻求帮助
【小题2】What kind of shyness can be bad according to the passage?
A.You find it hard to enjoy yourself at a party.
B.You feel a little nervous when you go to a new place.
C.You seldom go outside, afraid of meeting new people.
D.You have a red face when you’re asked to answer a question in class.
【小题3】If you have to practice your spoken English in class, ________.
A.just do it
B.just refuse to do it
C.you’d better ask someone to help you
D.tell your teacher you’re too shy to do that
【小题4】We can infer(推断)from the passage that_________.
A.kids are all born shy
B.you can’t change yourself
C.shy people can also be successful
D.shy people are not good at working others
【小题5】What’s the best title for this passage?
A.Are you too busy? B.Think more for others!
C.Are you shy or not? D.Once he was shy just like you!


Miss Wang is a young teacher of English in a middle school in Chongqing.She loves teaching very much.One day when she was giving an English lesson,she found Mr. Li,the headmaster,sitting at the back of the classroom.After class,Mr. Li told her that he came to her class to find out how much English and Chinese she was using in class.The result was about half English and half Chinese.She was using Chinese when she gave instructions(指示)and explained some grammar lilies to her students.Mr. Li suggested that she should use English as much as she could in class.

So Miss Wang made the following plans:

▲Join an English club and practice speaking English.

▲Learn more English teaching expressions by heart

▲Have a five-minute talk with students ill English before class.

She used body language to make herself understood if students could not follow.One year later,she found she could speak English fluently in class.

1.Miss Wang _________.

A.hates to teach English                               B.is a teacher of Chinese

C.love her job                                               D.is angry with the headmaster

2.Mr. Li came to Miss Wang’s class to _________.

A.practice speaking English

B.make Miss Wang understood

C.give instructions to the students

D.find out how much English and Chinese Miss Wang was using in class

3.After Mr. Li left,Miss Wang realized that she should _________ in her class.

A.use more Chinese                                    B.use more English

C.use half English and half Chinese                 D.use body language

4.The underlined word “fluently” means _________.

A.easily and well        B.completely           C.clearly                   D.recently

5.What's the main idea of this passage?

A.Joining an English club.

B.Talking with the students before class.

C.Speaking more English in English classes.

D.Learning more English teaching expressions.



  How do you feel if you make a speech in front of the whole class? What about when you go to a birthday party? Do you get relly shy?

  Shyness meansfeeling nervousor frightened when you are around other people.Expert s(专家)have found that more than 80 percent of the middle school students feel afraid to be the center of the attention.Some kidsare born shy.Some become shy later because of the living experience s.

  It'sOK if it takesyou a while to feel yourself again when you go to a new place or meet new people.In fact, everyone getsa little shy sometime s.It'sju st a case of how much.

  Most people have red facesand talk in brokensentenceswhen they get shy.But some become too shy and they won't go to a re staurant because they are too nervousto order and pay for their food.Some are afraid of meeting new people, so theyseldom go out side.Thiskind of shyness can be bad for a per son.

  If shyness doe sn't stop you doing what you want to do, being shy isn't a very big problem.Some expertssay shy people are cleverer because they think more and talk less.Shy people are also good at working with othersbecause they think more for other people.Some great people in history were shy, too.

  You see, being shy isn't all bad.But remember-don't let good opportunity(机会)pass by ju st because of it! If you have to sing at a birthday party or practice your spoken English in front of others, just do it! There isnothing to be afraid of.


The underlined phrase " to feel yourself again" means________.

[  ]


to find yourself


to be yourself


to enjoy yourself


to help yourself


What kind of shyness can be bad according to the passage?

[  ]


You find yourself hard to enjoy yourself at a party.


You feel a little nervouswhen you go to a new place.


Youseldom go out side, afraid of meeting new people.


You have a red face when you are a sked to an swer a que stion in class.


Ifyou have to practice your spoken English in class, ________.

[  ]


ju st do it


ju st refuse to do it.


you'd better ask someone to help you.


tell your teacher you are shy to do that


We can infer(推断)from the passage that ________

[  ]


kidsare born shy


you can't change yourself


shy people can al so be successful


shy people are not good at working with others.


What'sthe be st title of the passage?

[  ]


Are you too shy?


Think more for others.


Find out what you are like!


Once he was shy ju st like you!




1.What's the time now?

A.11∶20 a. m.

B.11∶10 a. m.

C.10∶40 a. m.

2.What's wrong with Tom's mother?

A.She is deaf.

B.She is blind.

C.She is homeless.

3.What does the man think of the film?

A.It's boring.

B.It's very good.

C.He doesn't like it.

4.Where do they talk?

A.On a bus.

B.In a shop.

C.In the park.

5.What are they talking about?

A.A football match.

B.A TV play.

C.A charity show.

6.What are they talking about?

A.Buying a birthday present.

B.Learning English.

C.Having a birthday party.

7.How many students are there in the girl's class in all?




8.Where did John work?

A.In a hospital.

B.In a shoe shop.

C.In a car factory.

9.Who is the shortest of the three?




10.Which bus are the two speakers waiting for?

A.No.9 bus.

B.No.19 bus.

C.No.109 bus.



11.What are the students going to do tomorrow?

A.Help the elderly clean their houses.

B.Pick grapes on a farm.

C.Have classes.

12.Why do they need money?

A.Because they want to buy grapes.

B.Because they want to help the elderly.

C.Because they want to help farmers.


13.Who is Mr.Zhang?

A.A reporter.

B.A host.

C.A volunteer.

14.How old was Mr.Zhang when he learned about Project Hope?




15.What does Mr.Zhang hope for?

A.To become famous.

B.For every child in the city to be able to go to school.

C.For more people to join Project Hope.


16.What is Meimei now?

A.She is a farmer.

B.She's a student.

C.She's a worker.

17.What do we learn about Meimei's parents?

A.They became too old to work.

B.They didn't want Meimei to go to school.

C.They died in a traffic accident.

18.What did Meimei have to do after leaving school in the past?

A.Read and write.

B.Look after her brother.

C.Work at home and in the fields.

19.Who came to help Meimei go back to school?

A.A UNICEF worker.

B.Teachers and students.

C.Meimei's friends.

20.Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A.Meimei wants to be a teacher when she grows up.

B.Meimei works very hard, and is loved by her teachers and classmates.

C.Many girls in poor areas can't go to school.


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