摘要:43.A.safe B safety C.safer D.safely


Overhead bridges can be seen in many Parts of Singapore,in the places where traffic is very  41 and crossing the road is not safe.

These bridges can help people cross roads  42  . Overhead bridges are used in very much the same way  43  zebra crossings.

They are more efficient(效率高的),thou  44  convenient(方便的)because people have to climb up a lot of steps.This is inconvenient to the old. When people use an overhead bridge,they do not  45  traffic. But when they cross a busy road using a zebra crossing, traffic is kept back. This is  46  the government has built many overhead bridges to help people and keep traffic moving at the same time.

The government of Singapore has spent a lot of money  47  these bridges. For their own safety, people should be advised to use them instead of rushing across the  48  . Old people may find it a little difficult to climb up and  49  the steps, but it is still much safer than walking across the road with all the moving traffic.

Overhead bridges are very  50  . People,both old and young,should always use them. This will stop accidents from happening.

1.A. easy    B. heavy        C. hurry    D. free

2.A. safely    B. quietly   C. fast      D. slowly

3.A. from       B. to        C. across   D. as

4.A. more       B. much     C. less      D. little

5.A. hold up  B. put up     C. hold on  D. get on

6.A. why        B. what    C. how      D. where

7.A. protecting   B. repairing    C. building   D. buying

8.A. bridge    B. road    C. step             D. bus stop

9.A. down       B. away from    C. on       D. towards

10.A. great         B. useful       C. beautiful    D. especial



Traffic Accidents in Britain

  Each year hundreds of thousands of people are injured or killed on the roads in Great Britain, or rather, between 100,000 and 200,000 people are injured or killed in road accidents.

  If you are in England and if you listen to the eight o'clock news from BBC, you will often hear news of road accidents. You may hear something like this, "On Monday evening, at about twenty to ten, a cyclist was knocked down by a truck at the crossing of Oak Road and High Street in Croydon. The cyclist has died from his injuries. Anyone who saw the accident please communicates with New Scotland Yard."

  Accidents are often caused by carelessness. If everybody obeys the rules, the roads will be much safer.

  In Great Britain traffic keeps to the left. Motors--cars, trucks, buses and bikes must all keep to the left side of the road. In most other countries, traffic keeps to the right.

  Before crossing the road, stop and look both ways. Look right, look left, and look right again. Then, if you are sure that the road is clear and there is nothing coming, it is safe to cross the road. If you see children, old people, or blind people waiting to cross the road, it is a kind act to help them cross the road in safety.

(1)How many people are injured or killed on the roads in Great Britain each year?

[  ]

ABetween 1,000 and 2,000.

BBetween 10,000 and 20,000.

CBetween 100,000 and 200,000.

DBetween 100 and 200.

(2)If everybody _______, the roads will be much safer.

[  ]

Awalks slowly

Bdrivers fast

Cobeys the traffic rules

Ddoesn't obey the traffic rules

(3)In _______ countries, traffic keeps to the right.

[  ]

Aa few




(4)Before you cross the road, you should ________.

[  ]

Awalk quickly

Blook both ways

Cbe sure that the road is clear

Dthere is no cars on the road

(5)Which answer is NOT correct?

When ________ stand by the road, you may help them cross the road safely.

[  ]

Aa little baby

Bold people or blind people

Ctraffic policemen

Dteachers and students

Cars are lots of fun, but they could also be dangerous. We have to be careful when we drive them or ride in them.
It's always a good idea to put on your seat belt when you're in a car. Why? Think about this example: You put an egg on a skateboard and give it a push. If the skateboard hits a stone, it will stop, but the egg won't. It will fly through the air, hit the ground and break.
Now, think what would happen if you tied the egg to the skateboard. When the skateboard hits a stone, the egg won't go flying; it will stay safely on the skateboard.
Volvo, a famous Swedish carmaker, was the first to use seat belts in 1849.
Air bags are also very important for car safety, because sometimes a seat belt isn't enough. If the car is going really fast and runs into something, seat belts could even hurt the people who wear them. Most new cars have air bags in front of and next to the seats. When a car hits something, its air bags will come out quickly in less than one second to keep the people inside safe.
【小题1】The passage mainly tells us                  .
A.two important ways to keep safe in carsB.how air bags work to make cars safe
C.how seat belts work to make cars safeD.why we must tie the egg to the skateboard
【小题2】The writer gives the example of the egg to _.
A.tell us that eggs are easy to break
B.show how to wear a seat belt
C.show why it's important to wear a seat belt in a car
D.tell us what a skateboard is
【小题3】Seat belts can make us safer because .
A.we are interested in them
B.they can stop us from hitting other cars
C.they can help us stay safely on the seats
D.they are made of strong materials
【小题4】Air bags are important for cars because _.
A.they are made of plastic
B.they can also help us to keep safe in a car
C.they can keep cars running slowly
D.they are put in front of and next to the seats
【小题5】Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?
A.It won't be dangerous if there are seat belts or air bags in a car.
B.Now most of new cars still have only one air bag.
C.When a car hits something, its air bags will come out a few minutes later.
D.Volvo was the first to use seat belts.

Cars are lots of fun, but they could also be dangerous. We have to be careful when we drive them or ride in them.
It's always a good idea to put on your seat belt when you're in a car. Why? Think about this example: You put an egg on a skateboard and give it a push. If the skateboard hits a stone, it will stop, but the egg won't. It will fly through the air, hit the ground and break.
Now, think what would happen if you tied the egg to the skateboard. When the skateboard hits a stone, the egg won't go flying; it will stay safely on the skateboard.
Volvo, a famous Swedish carmaker, was the first to use seat belts in 1849.
Air bags are also very important for car safety, because sometimes a seat belt isn't enough. If the car is going really fast and runs into something, seat belts could even hurt the people who wear them. Most new cars have air bags in front of and next to the seats. When a car hits something, its air bags will come out quickly in less than one second to keep the people inside safe.
【小题1】The passage mainly tells us                  .

A.two important ways to keep safe in carsB.how air bags work to make cars safe
C.how seat belts work to make cars safeD.why we must tie the egg to the skateboard
【小题2】The writer gives the example of the egg to _.
A.tell us that eggs are easy to break
B.show how to wear a seat belt
C.show why it's important to wear a seat belt in a car
D.tell us what a skateboard is
【小题3】Seat belts can make us safer because .
A.we are interested in them
B.they can stop us from hitting other cars
C.they can help us stay safely on the seats
D.they are made of strong materials
【小题4】Air bags are important for cars because _.
A.they are made of plastic
B.they can also help us to keep safe in a car
C.they can keep cars running slowly
D.they are put in front of and next to the seats
【小题5】Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?
A.It won't be dangerous if there are seat belts or air bags in a car.
B.Now most of new cars still have only one air bag.
C.When a car hits something, its air bags will come out a few minutes later.
D.Volvo was the first to use seat belts.


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