摘要:55.What time does the birthday party begin?A.At 4:00 am. B.At 4:30pm. C.At 4:30 am. D.At 6:00 pm.B Almost everyone knows the meaning of Mr, Mrs and Miss.People use Mr.With men’s last names.And Mrs is for marriedwomen and Miss is for singlewomen.But what is Ms? For some time.people in the USA use Ms before a woman’s name when they don’t know whetherthe woman is married or not.Today many people like to use Ms.Some women feel that it is not important for people to know whether they are married or not. There are some problems with Ms.Not all women kike it.Some like the old ways of doing things.They find it hard to pronouncethe word.But young people like it. 根据短文内容判断下列句子的正.


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