摘要:39.Is this knife a cake? A.used to cutting B.used for cut C.used to cut D.use to cut



One day, a teacher was speaking to a group of students about how to manage time. He gave such an interesting example that his students would never  31 .

He put a wide-mouth jar (罐子) on the table. Then he   32 some rocks and carefully placed them into the jar, one at a time. When 33 rocks would fit inside, he  34 , “Is this jar full?”

Everyone in class shouted, “Yes.” “Really?” The teacher pulled out a bag of small stones. He put  35 small stones in and shook the jar. The small stones went  36 into the spaces between the big rocks. He then asked the group  37 , “Is this jar full?”

“Probably not,” one of them answered. “Good!” the teacher replied. He brought out a box of sand and  38 some sand into the jar and it went between the rocks and small stones. Again he asked the  39 question, “Is this jar full?

“No,” the class shouted. Once more the teacher said, “Good.” He poured a cup of water into the jar  40 it was full. The he asked, “What is the point here?” One student  41 his hand and said, “The point is that if you try really hard, you can  42 put more things in.”

“No,” the teacher replied, “that’s not the 43 . What I want to tell you is that if you don’t put the big rocks in first, you will never get others in at all.  44 are the ‘big rocks’ in your life? Time with your friends, your education or your dreams? Remember to put the 45 in first, or you’ll never get others in at all.?”

31. A. remember      B. like          C. forget           D. think

32. A. handed in      B. took out      C. gave away       D. put away

33. A. no more           B. not more      C. no many          D. not many

34. A. answered      B. read         C. asked            D. said

35. A. no           B. few          C. any             D. some

36. A. up           B. out          C. down            D. away

37. A. no more           B. again        C. a third time        D. a fourth time

38. A. sent          B. put          C. bought              D. collected

39. A. same         B. different      C. difficult          D. common

40. A. since         B. till           C. while            D. because

41. A. offered        B. placed        C. raised            D. shook

42. A. always        B. already       C. never            D. hardly

43. A. point          B. example       C. promise          D. story

44. A. When         B. What         C. Who            D. Why

45. A. sand          B. small stones    C. big rocks         D. water

Many people around the world have seen Danny Boyle’s movie Train spotting starring Ewan McGregor, but how many of us really know what train-spotting is all about? Now this is not considered cool in town and the word “train-spotter” in Britain is related to “geek” or “nerd” (someone who seems very ridiculous). But is this reputation really deserved?
First of all, let’s see what train-spotting is. It is said that there are some 100,000 train spotters in the UK. Exactly as the title suggests, they spot trains, that is, they stand in train stations, look at the number of each train that leaves and arrives and write it down. The eventual aim is to have seen every train in the country.
Being crazy about railways and trains is not modern and it dates back to 1804. As the number of trains grew and they got faster and faster, so did the interest in them grow? Is this any stranger than people who love cars?
So, what do you need to be a train-spotter? Well, all you really need is a pen or pencil and a notebook to write down the train numbers. Other equipment(装备) includes hot tea in a thermos, a camera and some sandwiches for those long afternoons spent on train platforms when you don’t want to risk the delights of railway station food.
It’s interesting to note that despite the “bad name” of train-spotting, there have been famous railway lovers in history, such as Alfred Hitchcock, who filmed them regularly, especially The 39 Steps. There is evidence, too, that being a train-spotter is not necessarily a strange phenomenon(现象)in Britain.
One glance at the US train stations should be enough to convince you that train-spotters there are alive and well. In America, they try to call rail lovers “train-fans” and talk of “train-fanning”. Don’t let this fool you—these people are train spotters and there are a lot of them. Each month, two million pages are visited on the website TrainWeb.org.                     
【小题1】What is train-spotting according to the passage?
A.A kind of hobby.B.A type of sport.
C.A strange phenomenon.D.A special job.
【小题2】Which of the following about train-spotters is true according to the passage?
A.They number each train they see.
B.They keep a careful path of every train.
C.They count the trains passing in front of them.
D.They produce films about trains with video cameras.
【小题3】The writer writes the passage to        .
A.introduce some famous train-spotters
B.encourage readers to do more train-spotting
C.try to present a true picture of train-spotting
D.describe the necessary equipment in train-spotting
【小题4】 What do we learn from the passage?
A.Train-spotters in the UK want to fool people.
B.Train-spotting is more acceptable in America.
C.Train-spotters are much stranger than car lovers.
D.Train-spotting relates to(与…有关)a dangerous lifestyle.

One night, I wondered what it would be like if I only asked questions. I decided that no matter what anyone said to me the next day, I would reply only with   36 .
I loved to read about scientists and their discoveries, and I knew that scientists always started their research with a question. I hoped that I could become a scientist. Maybe by asking questions, I could train my mind to be   37 .
I survived the morning easily. “Is there any egg?” I answered when my mother asked what I wanted for breakfast. “Is this seat taken?” I asked when my friend Mike asked where he was going to   38  on the bus.
In the classroom, Mr. Black spoke slowly and clearly while I listened carefully. The problem had been part of my homework the night before. I wrote the answer on the board, “Could the answer be 361?”
Mr. Black smiled and nodded. I thought,“How did I   39  to get through that?” I almost laughed because asking questions really was starting to become a   40 .
I thought I had made it safely through the whole day,   41  what I had come to consider my experiment blew up at the dinner table when my dad asked me about my day. “What do I always do?” I replied.
My parents looked at each other. My father   42  again. “Well, I hope you went to school,” he said.
“Uhhh … why would you think otherwise?” I asked. My parents exchanged another   43   
and were becoming annoyed.
“Do you think questions are a good way to train your mind to be active?” I asked.
“It   44  the question,” said my father. “Some questions are asked for   45  information. Those are good mind-training questions. Sometimes, people use questions to get the other person to say something. Sometimes people ask questions to get someone to agree with them. Those questions don’t really achieve anything.”
“I guess my experiment didn’t work,” I said, and I told my father about my   46 .
“I think it worked   47 !” my father said. “You made a discovery, didn’t you? What matters is that you have put your idea into practice.”                              
A.actionsB.answers C.gesturesD.questions
A.deep B.freeC.quickD.strong
A.getB.sitC.come D.take
A.fail B.have C.want D.manage
A.habit B.stepC.goalD.rule
A.orB.so C.butD.and
【小题9】A. refers to            B. belongs to     C. puts on        D. depends on
A.sending B.findingC.sharingD.keeping
A.slowly B.safely C.perfectly D.properly

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