摘要:33.A.Jim’s first B.first Jim’s C.Jim’s the first D.Jim first



Ⅰ.Listen to the tape and choose the right word or phrase you hear in the sentence.



[  ]





[  ]





[  ]





[  ]





[  ]

B.come on

A.come out

C.come up

Ⅱ.Listen to the tape and choose a proper response.(听录音,选择恰当的答语,每小题读两遍。)


[  ]

A.Thank you.

B.That's all right.

C.Nice to meet you, too.


[  ]

A.Three years ago.

B.Next year.

C.About three years.


[  ]

A.Don't worry.

B.With pleasure.

C.It's a pleasure.


[  ]

A.I can't.

B.I won't.

C.I don't.


[  ]

A.You're right.

B.Very well.

C.Good idea.

Ⅲ.Listen to the dialogue and choose the right answer.



[  ]

A.In a hospital.

B.In a shop.

C.In a library.


[  ]





[  ]

A.Next Sunday.

B.Next Saturday.

C.Next Thursday.


[  ]

A.100 yuan.

B.2000 yuan.

C.1000 yuan.


[  ]

A.Because there was something wrong with her.

B.Because there was something wrong with me.

C.Because there was something wrong with her car.

Ⅳ.Listen to the passage and choose the right answer.



[  ]

A.He was good at his lessons.

B.He was a hard-working boy.

C.He was a lazy boy.


[  ]

A.A doctor.

B.A cleaner.

C.A teacher.


[  ]

A.Yes, he did.

B.No, he didn't.

C.Yes, they did.


[  ]

A.On Tuesday.

B.On Wednesday.

C.On Monday.


[  ]

A.Because he thought it was the easiest work.

B.Because he thought it was the most interesting work.

C.Because he thought cleaners worked only one day a week.

Ⅴ.Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.


  Jim was 12 years old. His mother 21 to work by car every day, so she took Jim to his school in her car and brought him back 22 school.

  “Many of my friends have bikes, and they 23 to school on them.” Jim said to his mother one day.

  “Well, Jim. I'm going to buy you a nice bike 24 .” his mother said. Then the next day his mother 25 her car at a crossing and said, “Jim, I'm going to give you a bike next week. But first I'm going to ask you a 26 . Now, look at the 27 lights. Do you know 28 meanings?”

  “Oh, yes,” Jim answered 29 .“Red means' stop’, green means ‘Go,’ and 30 means ‘Go very quickly’.”


 One afternoon after school,Jim and Kate were walking along the street.  46  they heard a loud noise.

  “Come on!”shouted Jim.“That sounds like an accident.Let’s    47  what has happened.”

   They ran to the place where the noise came _48_.As soon as they got there ,they

could see what had happened.A small car had knocked into the side of a truck.The accident

happened in a quiet street.Jim and Kate were the first ones to get to the accident.

49  else came.They found that both the car driver and the truck driver were hurt.Jane said,“We must be the only ones who saw the accident.Jim ,you run back down the road to Mrs Brown’s house quickly.Ask her to    50    the policeman and the ambulance.I’ll stay here.”

  Jim went off  51   he could.

  Kate could do nothing but wait.She knew that when people were hurt in an accident,they

shouldn’t be  52   .

   Soon the police car and the ambulance 53   .The policemen got the car door open and they carried the car driver out.Then they got the truck driver out.The men weren’t seriously hurt,but they were both taken to hospital.The policemen  54 Jim and Kate ,“You were very good children to act so quickly 55   you saw the accident.Thank you

for your help.”And then Jim and Kate went home happily.

(   )46.A.Finally   B.Suddenly   C.Luckily   D.Carefully

(   )47.A.know      B.hear       C.think     D.see

(   )48.A.from      B.to         C.at        D.around

(   )49.A.Everyone  B.Somebody   C.Nobody    D.Anybody

(   )50.A.see       B.call       C.find      D.wait

(   )51.as far as   B.as fast as C.as long as D.as soon as

(   )52.A.moved     B.carried    C.changed   D.saved

(   )53.A.found     B.got        C.went      D.arrived

(   )54.A.liked     B.thanked    C.called    D. helped

(   )55.A.when     B.before     C.that      D.while


These days, picture news is very popular with young people. Here are some photos chosen by Jim.

China’s first Hello Kitty theme restaurant was opened on Dec 23 in the capital of China. It’s all pink and sweet inside the restaurant. The table cloth , chairs, ceiling and floor are all pink, even the lamp light shines soft and rosy. Dining at Hello Kitty Dreams Restaurant costs about 160 yuan ($25) per person.

Dustin and Sara from North Georgia &State University (NGCSU) of the United States perform Peking Opera at LiaoCheng University in East China’s Shandong Province. Eighteen students from NGCSU came to China to study Chinese culture during the summer vacation.
  Located in Miyun County north-east of Beijing, Fuling Mountain is a national-level forest reserve. As the mountain is cloudy and foggy all the year round, Fuling Mountain then began to be called Wuling Mountain. It is regarded as the Yellow Mountain in North China.

  Bill Gates,chairman of Microsoft, the world’s largest personal-computer software company, attended an anti-smoking event ahead of the 25th World No-Tobacco Day, in Beijing on May 29,2012. Some Chinese famous people also attended the event. World No-Tobacco Day falls on May 31 every year.
小题1:What did Dustin and Sara do in China?
A.They climbed Fuling Mountain in Beijing.
B.They visited a Hello Kitty Dreams Restaurant.
C.They performed Peking Opera in Shandong.
D.They attended an anti-smoking event.
小题2:Which is true according to the passage?
A.Bill Gates set up World No-Tobacco Day on May 31.
B.Fuling Mountain is always cloudy and foggy.
C.Eight students from NGCSU studied Chinese culture in China.
D.You have to wear pink clothes at Hello Kitty Dreams Restaurant.
小题3:The photos may come from ______________.
A.The Internet newsB.an advertisement
C.a science magazineD.a story book

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