摘要:45.A.sometimes B.sometime C.always D.seldom. (一)根据短文内容选择最佳答案A Do you want to know something about children in Africa? What do they do for fun every day? Find out here: Education School is very expensive for many African children.Lots of families can’t afford school uniforms or exercise books even though they don’t have to pay for the tuition.For those lucky enough to go to school.they have a lot to learn.Some take two language classes:English or French.and their first language.there is also math.science.history.social studies and geography.Chores take up much of children’s time after school They have to get water and firewood for the family everyday.Also there's cleaning.washing and helping Morn with the meal.Daily fun It's not all work and no play Sports are very popular.Children can make go as with twigsand their own footballs with plastic and bits of string.they play in the country and the streets of old towns.There're many football teams for teenagers in Africa. InternetIt's really expensive to get on the Internet.To surf the net for 20 hours costs over 600 yuan.This is more than the averagemonthly pay perperson.Egypt South Africa are the top two users of the Internet in Africa All of the capital cities there can get on the Internet. Some schools offer computer lessons but few students can enjoy computer fun at home.


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