摘要:Yuan Longping is called the "Father" of Hybrid Rice. He and other Chinese scientists w 6 on this idea in the 1960s and 1970s. The first hybrid rice a 7 in 1974. By 1995, half of all the r 8 grown in China was hybrid. People a 9 over the world eat rice. Rice is a kind of grass. There are more than 7, 000 kinds of rice. Most kinds of riceare w 10 plants, so they grow in wet places. Farmers g 11 rice in many countries e 12 in the south of the United States and in eastern Australia. China is the world's largest rice - growing country. In 2003, China grew 166 million tons of rice.B 13 it is still not easy to feed the world' s largest population. In the 1970s, Yuan Longping, the Chinese s 14 , grew a new kind of rice c 15 "hybrid rice". It makes 20% more rice than any other k 16 Hybrid rice is a s 17 plant, unlike ordinary rice. It can grow in lots of water or in not much water. It doesn't easily g 18 diseases or worms. Chinese farmers use Yuan's hybrid rice to grow m 19 more rice than before. He won the World Food Prize for his work to help f 20 so many people.




1.What a sunny day! There isn't a cloud in the _________(天空).

2.--Who are you _________(等待)for?

--Andy.He is expected to come here at 3 o'clock.But he hasn't come yet.

3._________(幸好),I caught the early bus and got to the railway station Just in time.

4.There are several ways to solve this problem.Let's have a _________(讨论)now.

5.Of the two coats,I'll choose the _________(便宜)one to save some money for a book.

6.We can _________(容易地)forgive a child who is afraid of the dark,but we can’t forgive an adult who is afraid of the light.

7.I fully _________(赞同)with you that it is not too late to act now.

8.Yuan Longping is called “Father” of Hybrid rice,and his achievements go _________(超过)China.

9.--It's a good h_________ to keep a diary every day.

--That's right.I believe it can help us improve our writing.

10.Yancheng Science and Technology Museum,opened in May,is a wonderful place for children.It is well w_________ visiting.

11.The living conditions are improving.Now more and more people can a________ to buy ears.

12.Our English teacher treats everyone equally.He is a f_________ person.

13.--Look! The boy is running so fast!

--It's hard to i_________ that his right leg was once broken.

14.You won't pass the driving test u_________ you practise more.

15.New China was founded in 1940 and this year will be her s_________ birthday.
