摘要:A. every day B. world-class C. everyday


John gets up early from Monday to Saturday, because he must go to school before 7:30 on weekdays and go to the Drawing Club at 8:00 on Saturday mornings. He usually goes to the bookshop on Saturday afternoons, and after supper he watches TV until(直到) midnight.

He doesn’t get up early on Sundays. He often gets up at 10 a.m. And he always watches TV after he gets up. John’s parents both work on Sundays, so he usually goes to KFC to have a hamburger and some juice for lunch. After that, he goes back home and starts to play computer games until his parents come back. He does his homework after supper. He usually has lots of weekend homework, so he must spend three hours on it. He usually goes to bed at about 11:00 on Sunday evenings. He often complains (抱怨) he has too much homework to do.

1.How often does John need to get up early?

A. Every day.                       B. Five days a week.

C. Only at the weekend.             D. Every day except on Sundays.

2.What does John do on Sunday mornings?

A. He goes to have lessons.        B. He goes to a club.

C. He goes to the bookshop.             D. He watches TV.

3.When does John do his weekend homework?

A. On Sunday evenings.              B. On Sunday mornings.

C. On Saturday evenings.            D. On Sunday afternoons.

4.Why does John have lunch in KFC on Sundays?

A. Because he’s too busy.

B. Because his parents aren’t at home.

C. Because he gets up too late.

D. Because his parents have lunch in KFC.

5.Which of these is not right?

A. John watches TV after supper on Saturdays.

B. John doesn’t exercise on Sundays.

C. John watches much TV on Sunday afternoons.

D. John goes to bed late on Saturday and Sunday evenings.



 John gets up early from Monday to Saturday, because he must go to school before 7:30 0n weekdays (工作日) and go to the Drawing Club at 8:00.  0n Saturday mornings. He usually goes to the bookshop on Saturday afternoons, and after supper he watches TV until(直到) midnight.

    He doesn't get up early on Sundays. John's parents both work on Sundays. John always watches TV after he gets up. Then he usually goes to KFC to have a hamburger and some juice for lunch. After that, he goes back home and starts to play computer games until his parents come back. He does his homework after supper. He usually has lots of weekend homework, so he must spend three hours on it. He usually goes to bed at about 11:00 p. m. on Sundays. He often complains (抱怨) he has too much homework to do.

1.How often does John need to get up early?

A. Every day.                                                B. Five days a week.

C. Only at the weekend.                            D. Every day except on Sundays.

2.What does John do on Sunday mornings?

A. He goes to have lessons.                      B. He goes to a club.

C. He goes to the bookshop.                     D. He watches TV.

3.When does John do his weekend homework?

A. On Sunday evenings.                             B. On Sunday mornings.

C. On Saturday evenings.                 D. On Sunday afternoons.

4.Why does John have lunch in KFC on Sundays?

A. Because he's too busy.

B. Because his parents aren't at home.

C. Because he gets up too late.

D. Because his parents have lunch in KFC.

5.Which of these is not right?

A. John watches TV after supper on Saturdays.

B. John doesn't exercise on Sundays.

C. John watches much TV on Sunday afternoons.

D. John goes to bed late on Saturday and Sunday evenings.



Once upon a time , there was a child ready to be born. So    16   he asked God, “They tell me you are sending to    17  , but being so small and helpless,    18   am I going to live there?”

   19    the many angels(天使), I chose the best one for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you. ” God replied.

 “But here in heaven(天堂), I do    20     else but sing and smile! That’s enough for me to be happy.”

God said, “Your angel will sing and smile for you every day. And you will feel your angel’s love and you’ll be   21  .”

The child said, “And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me   22    I don’t know the language that men speak?”

God told the child, “ Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweetest words you will ever hear, and with     23    patience(耐心) and care, your angel will teach you   24   .

The child said, “I’ve    25    that on the earth there are bad men, who will protect me?”

God said, “Your angel will protect you  26   it means risking her life(冒生命危险).”

“But I will always be sad because I will not see you any more.”

“Your angel will always talk to you about    27   and in face, I will always be next to you.”

At the momen0t there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from the earth could already be heard, and the child, in a hurry, asked, “ Oh , God, since I am about to    28   now, please tell me my angel’s    29    !”

“It is not hard to remember,” God replied    30  . “You will call your angel Mommy.”

1.A. every day       B. any day      C. one day      D. some day

2.A. the earth       B. the moon     C. the country   D. the sea

3.A. where         B. how         C. why         D. when

4.A. Between       B. For          C. Among      D. With

5.A. nothing        B. everything    C. anything     D. something

6.A. lonely          B happy        C. excited       D. surprised

7.A. though         B. whether       C. after         D. if

8.A. no             B. little         C. much        D. some

9.A. where to go     B. how to speak   C. what to say   D. Which to choose

10.A. heard          B. remembered   C. forgotten     D. said

11.A. when          B as soon as      C. since        D. even if

12.A. me            B. you          C. us           D. her

13.A. die            B. work         C. study        D. leave

14.A. address         B. name        C. number       D. job

15.A. angrily         B. sadly         C. softly        D. shyly


阅读下列短文,从各题A 、B 、C 、D 中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。
     John gets up early from Monday to Saturday, because he must go to school before 7:30 on weekdays
  and go to the Drawing Club at 8:00 on Saturday mornings. He usually goes to the bookshop on Saturday
  afternoons, and after supper he watches TV until (直到) midnight.
     He doesn't get up early on Sundays. He often gets up at 10 a.m. And he always watches TV after he
  gets up. John's parents both work on Sundays, so he usually goes to KFC to have a hamburger and
 some juice for lunch. After that, he goes back home and starts to play computer games until his parents
 come back. He does his homework after supper. He usually has lots of weekend homework, so he must
 spend three hours on it. He usually goes to bed at about 11:00 on Sunday evenings. He often complains 
 (抱怨) he has too much homework to do.
1. How often does John need to get up early?
    A. Every day.                  
    B. Five days a week.
    C. Only at the weekend.          
    D. Every day except on Sundays.
2. What does John do on Sunday mornings?
    A. He goes to have lessons.        
    B. He goes to a club.
    C. He goes to the bookshop.    
    D. He watches TV.
3. When does John do his weekend homework?
    A. On Sunday evenings.          
    B. On Sunday mornings.
    C. On Saturday evenings.        
    D. On Sunday afternoons.
4. Why does John have lunch in KFC on Sundays?
    A. Because he's too busy.        
    B. Because his parents aren't at home.
    C. Because he gets up too late.    
    D. Because his parents have lunch in KFC.
5. Which of these is not right?
    A. John watches TV after supper on Saturdays.
    B. John doesn't exercise on Sundays.
    C. John watches much TV on Sunday afternoons.
    D. John goes to bed late on Saturday and Sunday evenings.

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