摘要:20.Does Lucy love her teacher? A.Yes, she is. B.Yes, she does. C.No, she doesn't. 从每小题所给的A.B.C.D中.选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项.




1.A.She is a nice girl.

B.I’m sorry to hear that.

C.What a pity!

2.A.Thank you.

B.I don’t like them at all.

C.Coffee, please.

3.A.That’s all right.

B.That’s wrong.

C.You are welcome.

4.A.Yes, I’d love to.

B.I don’t mind.

C.I feel terrible.

5.A.Red roses.

B.Sounds good.

C.I like white.








11.A.French fries.



12.A.Her grandfather.

B.Her father.

C.Her mother.

13.A.The music is nice.

B.The story is interesting.

C.It is too long.

14.A.2 dollars.

B.4 dollars.

C.6 dollars.

15.A.Take some medicine.

B.Drink some chicken soup.

C.Call the doctor back.



16.What does Mr.Brown do?

A.A doctor.

B.A teacher.

C.A driver.

17.What time does Mr.Brown get up in the morning?

A.At 6∶00.

B.At 7∶00.

C.At 8∶00.


18.What is Rose busy with?

A.Her trip plan.

B.Her school exam.

C.Her summer report.

19.Who will go camping with Rose?


B.Her sister.

C.Her classmate.

20.How does Rose find Bill’s suggestion about camping?





21.When did Jenny write the letter to Lucy?

A.On November 25th.

B.On December 5th.

C.On December 24th.

22.When did Jenny leave Lucy?

A.About four weeks ago.

B.About two months ago.

C.About one year ago.

23.Where is Jenny working now?

A.In New York.

B.In London.

C.In Washington.

24.What does Jenny think of her new job?




25.Why can’t Lucy go to Jenny’s Christmas party?

A.She is busy with her work.

B.She has to visit her grandfather.

C.Her grandfather will come to visit her family.




1.A.I'm sorry.

B.You're welcome.

C.The same to you.

2.A.Yes, I have.

B.I'd love to.

C.No, I am not.

3.A.Yes, you can.

B.No, you can't.

C.I want to buy a jacket.

4.A.I found it at home.

B.I found it myself.

C.I found it yesterday.

5.A.99 yuan.

B.They were nice.

C.I have no money.


6.What's the matter with the girl?

A.She's badly ill.

B.She's angry with the man.

C.She'll go to see a doctor herself.

7.What does Mr.White mean?

A.He asks the woman to work hard.

B.He won't let the woman work for him.

C.The woman doesn't want to work any more.

8.What's the man going to do?

A.Ask Mary to mend the TV.

B.Ask Mary to turn off the TV.

C.Ask Mary to turn down the TV.

9.Who lives in England?

A.Robert's uncles.

B.Robert's parents.

C.Robert's grandparents.

10.How will Mr.Hunt go to London?

A.By car.

B.By air.

C.By train.


11.What are they going to do?

A.To take a walk.

B.To go to a party.

C.To buy a watch.

12.When did they get to the bus stop?

A.At 6∶35.

B.At 6∶45.

C.At 7∶35.

13.Why hasn't Rose had her watch?

A.She lost it yesterday.

B.She doesn't have a watch.

C.The watch doesn't work well.

14.How long has Rose had her watch?

A.For half a year.

B.For about a month.

C.For three months.

15.How will they go there?

A.On foot.

B.By bus.

C.By taxi.


16.Why are the husband and wife lucky and happy?

A.Because they live in a big house.

B.Because they have a lot of money.

C.Because they have many close friends.

17.What does Jim do?

A.He's a student.

B.He's a teacher.

C.He's a driver.

18.What's Lucy good at?



C.Playing basketball.

19.Why don't they see Bob very often?

A.Because Bob is too busy.

B.Because Bob isn't so friendly.

C.Because Bob lives far away from them.

20.What can we learn from the story?

A.They like to stay home alone.

B.They often have a get-together with their friends.

C.They don't have much time to meet each other.


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