摘要:8.A.Yes.they are. B.No.he isn't. C.Yes.he is.



1.A.Yes, I have.

B.Yes, I do.

C.Yes, there is.

2.A.She’s Lucy’s sister.

B.It’s my brother.

C.They are my sisters.

3.A.Yes, he is.

B.He’s a factory worker.

C.Yes, he’s a doctor.

4.A.It’s a big map.

B.It’s a small map.

C.It’s a map of China.

5.A.Yes, they can.

B.Yes, he can.

C.Yes, she can.


6.A.Yes, she has.

B.No, she hasn’t.

C.I don’t know.

7.A.She can play the piano.

B.She can sing.

C.She can play the piano and sing.

8.A.Yes, there is a big one.

B.Yes, there is a small one.

C.No, there isn’t.

9.A.Yes, they are Tom’s.

B.No, they aren’t Tom’s.

C.No, they aren’t Wang Lin’s.

10.A.There are 43.

B.There are 44.

C.There are 45.


11.The school is ________.




12.There are ________ classes in the school.




13.I have lunch ________.

A.at home

B.at school

C.at 12∶30

14.I am in ________

A.Class 7, Grade 7

B.Class 1, Grade 7

C.Class 7, Grade 1

15.________ are my good friends.

A.The students

B.The teachers

C.The students and the teachers


16.The park is near my house.

17.You can see some trees next to the park gate.

18.There is a small hill and a small river in the park.

19.You can see some ducks in the river.

20.There are many trees and flowers in the park, too.


Mr. King goes to a dinner party.He is wearing(穿)old clothes.He comes into the room. But people in the room don't look at him. They don't ask him to sit at the table.

    Mr. King goes home and puts on(穿上)his good clothes.He goes back to the party. Everyone in the room stands up and smiles at him.They give him very good food to eat.

    Mr. King takes off(脱下)his clothes,and puts them in the food and says,“Eat,clothes!”

    The other people ask,“What are you doing?”

    He answers,“I'm asking my coat to eat food.I am wearing my old clothes.You don't look at me.You don't ask me to sit down.Now I'm in these clothes.And you give me very good food.Now I see,you give the food to my clothes,not to me!”

1. Mr..King goes to the dinner party, but people in the room don't look at him.Because____.

     A.he doesn't come by car

     B.he is young

      C.he is wearing his old clothes

     D.he is old

2.Mr. King goes home to ____________his ____________clothes.

     A.put on;good       B.puts on; fine       C.take off;good      D.wear;good

3. People in the room stand up and smile at Mr. King because _______________.

     A.he is wearing his old clothes

     B.he comes by a very good car

      C.he is wearing his good clothes

     D.he is putting on his good clothes

4.Does Mr. King go back to the party?

     A.No,he doesn't.   B.Yes,he does.       C.No,he isn't.       D.Yes,he is.

5.Mr. King says the good food is____________________.

      A.for he                B.for his good clothes C.for me                  D.for him


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