摘要: A. his B. her C. she D. hers


A king had a wonderful talent for growing flowers. He became old and didn’t want to deal with big things anymore. So he began to look for someone to take his place. But who could he trust for the job? He thought for a while and got an idea. He would let the flowers decide. He gave everyone a little seed (种子). The one who could grow the ?most beautiful flower from the seed would be the next leader.
A girl called Serena was very beautiful and wanted to grow the most beautiful flower. She planted it in a nice pot and took great care of it, but nothing would grow.
The next year she saw everyone come to the palace with pots full of beautiful flowers. She was disappointed but also went to the meeting with her empty pot. The king looked through all the flowerpots and then stopped at hers.
“Why is your pot empty?” he asked.
“Your Majesty (陛下), I did everything to make it grow, but I have failed,” she answered.
“No, you didn’t,” he said.
“You see, the seeds I’ve given out were all roasted (烤过的), so nothing could come out of them. I have no idea where all these flowers come from.? But you have been honest and by being so, you will become my successor (继承人).”
【小题1】The king wanted to choose a person to _____.

A.be the next leader B.grow beautiful flowers for him
C.be his daughter or son D.make friends with him
【小题2】 How did the little seed show who was the right person?
A.It had some special power.
B.The king knew nothing could grow from it.
C.A special flower could grow from it.
D.Only a good person could grow beautiful flowers from it.
【小题3】The king knew that those with pots of beautiful flowers _____.
A.worked hard B.cheated him
C.were kind to plants D.were good at growing flowers
【小题4】In this passage the underlined word “given out” means ______.
A.收到 B.拿来 C.分发 D.奖励
【小题5】From the story, we learn that _____ is a good quality.
A.Kindness B.carefulness C.honesty D.politeness

A king had a wonderful talent for growing flowers. He became old and didn’t want to deal with big things anymore. So he began to look for someone to take his place. But who could he trust for the job? He thought for a while and got an idea. He would let the flowers decide. He gave everyone a little seed (种子). The one who could grow the ?most beautiful flower from the seed would be the next leader.
A girl called Serena was very beautiful and wanted to grow the most beautiful flower. She planted it in a nice pot and took great care of it, but nothing would grow.
The next year she saw everyone come to the palace with pots full of beautiful flowers. She was disappointed but also went to the meeting with her empty pot. The king looked through all the flowerpots and then stopped at hers.
“Why is your pot empty?” he asked.
“Your Majesty (陛下), I did everything to make it grow, but I have failed,” she answered.
“No, you didn’t,” he said.
“You see, the seeds I’ve given out were all roasted (烤过的), so nothing could come out of them. I have no idea where all these flowers come from.? But you have been honest and by being so, you will become my successor (继承人).”
小题1:The king wanted to choose a person to _____.
A.be the next leaderB.grow beautiful flowers for him
C.be his daughter or sonD.make friends with him
小题2: How did the little seed show who was the right person?
A.It had some special power.
B.The king knew nothing could grow from it.
C.A special flower could grow from it.
D.Only a good person could grow beautiful flowers from it.
小题3:The king knew that those with pots of beautiful flowers _____.
A.worked hardB.cheated him
C.were kind to plantsD.were good at growing flowers
小题4:In this passage the underlined word “given out” means ______.
小题5:From the story, we learn that _____ is a good quality.

Spending a long time in front of the computer may cause headaches, eyestrain(眼睛疲劳)or other physical problems. Make sure that your child spends only one or two hours a day in front of a computer screen. Write a list of rules for using the computer and the Internet. Put the rules next to the computer. Here are some of the rules:

      ★Keep your computer in an open place where you can watch what your child is doing, and can control how long your child is on the computer.

      ★Discuss with your child which websites you are happy they are looking at, and have a look at your child’s favorite websites yourself.

      ★Make sure that your child doesn’t give personal information over the web (name, age, address, telephone number).

      ★Make sure that your child asks your permission before download(下载)anything.

      ★Make sure that your child doesn’t post any photos of his or hers on the web.

      ★If your child wants to use a chatroom(聊天室), make sure that you have a look at it first. Be around when your child is chatting.

★Teach your child not to meet anyone that they have met on the  web. If he or she does meet someone, an adult should be with him or her and the meeting should be in a public place.


(一) 根据短文内容,将问题与方框中的建议搭配。


1.If your child spends a long time in front of the computer,

2.If you want to know what your child is doing on the computer,

3.If your child wants to download something,

4.If your child uses a chatroom,

5.If your child wants to meet someone that he or she has met on the web,


A.an adult should be with him or her.

B.make sure that your child asks your permission first.

C.be around when your child is chatting.

D.keep your computer in an open place.

E.write a list of rules and make sure that your child spends only one or two hours in front of a computer screen.


6.Spending much time in front of a computer may cause lots of physical problems.

7.We can put a list of rules for using the computer and the Internet into the computer.

8.Only parents can decide which the children’s favorite websites are.

9.Children aren’t supposed to give their names, ages, addresses or telephone numbers to others on the Internet.

10.Parents should have a look at both their children’s favorite websites and the chatroom they use.


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