摘要:21. Phone time:




1.What colour does Mary like?




2.How old is Kitty?




3.How many pens are there in Jane’s pencil-case?




4.What time does Jenny usually go to bed?

A.At 8∶00 p.m.

B.At 9∶00 p.m.

C.At 8∶30 p.m.

5.How does Kate usually go to school?

A.On foot.

B.By bike.

C.By bus.

6.Where are they talking?

A.In the classroom.

B.In the bookshop.

C.In the library.

7.How often does Millie watch TV?

A.Once a week.

B.Once a month.

C.Twice a week.

8.What does Kate want to drink?


B.Orange juice.


9.Why is Mary late?

A.Because she goes to bed late.

B.Because she likes sleeping.

C.Because she is ill.

10.What is Lily going to buy for Simon?

A.A basketball.

B.A walkman.

C.A pen.

11.How much will the shirt be?

A.45 dollars.

B.55 dollars

C.54 dollars.

12.What would Ann like to be?

A.A worker.

B.A teacher.

C.A nurse.

13.What are they doing now?

A.They are shouting at each other.

B.They are talking on the phone.

C.They are practicing speaking English.

14.What time is it now?

A.About 7∶00.

B.About 8∶00.

C.About 5∶00

15.Whose T-shirts are they?

A.The boy’s

B.The boys’

C.The boys


16.Which floors are the two rooms on?

A.The 15th.

B.The 50th.

C.The 5th.

17.How far is the hotel from the sea?

A.Very far.

B.Very near.

C.I don’t know.

18.How much does Peter have to pay for his rooms every night?

A.$ 200.

B.$ 400.

C.$ 600.

19.Which meal doesn’t Peter have to pay?




20.When can Peter arrive at the hotel?


B.Not decided.

C.On August 10.


At the Beijing time 14:28 May 12,2008,a strong earthquake suddenly happened in Sichuan Province.

When they saw a young woman in broken houses,the rescue(营救)workers were sad to find that she had already been dead,yet surprised to notice her kneeling down with her hands touching the ground to support her weight --and right under her shelter(隐蔽处)of flesh and blood(血肉),her several-month-old baby was sleeping,safe and sound.

The baby was put around carefully in a little quilt(被子),with a mobile phone inside.An unsent(未发出的)text message was found that read;“Dear baby,If You Could Be Alive,Please Remember That Mum Always Love You!”

As it was too young to know what was really going on,the baby's dream must have been free from nightmare(噩梦),though a nightmare was taking place.However,it was the mother's love that prevented the nightmare from falling upon the young dreamer.

Mother’s love at her last breath!!!

46.It was ________ when the baby was found.

A.crying                 B.dying                   C.sitting                    D.sleeping

47.The mother knelt down with her hands touching the ground in order to ________.

A.have a rest                                                     B.save her baby

C.protect herself                                         D.prevent the nightmare

48.Where did the rescue workers see the mother?

A.In a broken house                                    B.In a tall building

C.In an old office                                              D.Under a bridge

49.Which of the following is true about the text message?

A.It was a message to the baby's father.

B.It had already been sent out when found.

C.The mother hoped that her baby could live.

D.The mother wouldn't like the message to be found.

50.The message is mainly about ________.

A.mother's love         B.Sichuan earthquake  C.a lucky baby D.the last breath


  My phone rings a lot, but most of the time it’s for my cat, Stoop! Well, the caller doesn’t want to talk to my cat. He wants to talk about him.

  You see, my cat really walks around. I wanted to make sure that Stoop could always come home. I bought a little collar with a tag (标签). The tag said, “I have home. If I look lost, phone Fred Sparks 86689889.”

  And then my phone began to ring. One call was from a man I hadn’t seen for years.

  “Hello,” he said, “I see you are back in the town. I stopped to pet(抱) a car the other day. And there on his collar was your phone number! You borrowed me $20. How about paying me back? It’s been a long time, you know?”

  That wasn’t the only time Stoop cost me money. Another caller was a taxi(出租车) driver. He said, “I find a cat in my car. A cat with a phone number! I have sent him home.”I gave him my address, and had to pay $2.5 for the help.

  Another time, the phone rang late at night. A woman shouted at me, “Come and get your cat. He is making a mess of (弄乱)my room. He is running after my cat.”I tried to quiet her. She told my her name was Helen Burns, and gave me her address. She lived in the next street. I went over to get Stoop.“I’m sorry,”I said. Helen did not want to listen to me. She closed the door at once.

  Two days later, Stoop did it again. But this time I took along a box of sweets for Helen and a doll for her cat. Helen liked that, and we went out to dinner together.

  Now when the phone rings, I think, “Maybe it’s for me!” Why do I think so? Because sometimes Helen calls.And when she does, she doesn’t want to talk about my cat. She wants to talk about us.


1.Why did the writer have so many phone calls?


2.What trouble did the writer have because of the cat? Please write down.



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