摘要:10.He tomorrow.He's pretty healthy.He 1 every day.usually when he 2 home from school.His 3 (eat)habits are pretty good.He tries 4 (eat)a lot of vegetables.He eats fruit and 5 milk every day.He never drink coffee.Of course.he 6 junk food too.but he eats it two or three times a week.Oh.and he 7 nine hours every night.So you see.he 8 after his health.And His healthy lifestyle 9 me get good grades.Good food and exercise 10 him to study better.



阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。

I stood in the doorway, watching my elder brother carefully (61) _______ (put) clothes into his bag. I coughed uneasily. Finally realizing that I was there, Rocky turned towards me with a sad smile.

“I (62) _______ (leave) tomorrow,” he said.

“I (63) _______ (know).” My voice was almost a whisper. I was angry at myself for being so weak, but I wasn’t about to cry.

“My flight is not early, so there (64) _____ (be) still enough time to go to the airport,” he said. Seeing the sad look on my face, he quickly added, “I promise I won’t leave without saying goodbye.”

I tried (65) _______ (say) something, but didn’t. It’s always better to keep quiet if you’re about to cry. “You promised you (66) ________ (not cry),” he said to me, thinking that I was close to tears.

I remember the day I (67) ______ (teach) how to ride a bike. At first I thought he was always right behind me, holding the seat to keep me from falling. I was happy with this, but he knew he couldn’t hold me up all my life. He told me that one day he would have to let go.

His coughing stopped my thinking. What was left to say? How (68) _______ I ____ (say) goodbye to the person who taught me everything?

The next morning I (69) ______ (wake) up, looked at my alarm clock, and realized he (70) _______ (leave) hours before. We never even said goodbye.

Goodbye, Rocky! Although he may have been many miles away, I knew he heard me, even if it was only an answer in his heart.
