摘要:83.Where did the boy go? .


It was the end-of-year party. I had asked my mother to make us cookies. Mom’s chocolate chips were the best.
But two o’clock passed, and there was no sign of her. Most of the other mothers had come and gone, dropping off their cakes and chips. The party went on, but I wouldn’t leave the window. The three o’clock bell soon took me away from my thoughts(思绪). I took my bag and walked out for home.
The house was empty when I arrived. My heart was filled with anger(气愤). For the first time in my life, my mother had let me down. I was lying on my bed when I heard her coming. “Robbie,” she called out. “Where are you?” She was looking for me from room to room, but I kept silent.
When she came into my room, I didn’t move, “I’m so sorry,” she said. “I got busy and forgot.” She began to laugh. I couldn’t believe it. I turned over and found that she wasn’t laughing but crying. “I’m so sorry. I let my boy down.” she cried like a little girl. I had never seen my mother cry.
“It’s OK, Mom,” I said, “We didn’t need those cookies. There was plenty of food to eat. Don’t cry. It’s all right.” We held each other in a long hug(拥抱).
【小题1】The story happened __________.

A.on my birthdayB.during Christmas
C.before ChristmasD.before the New Year’s Day
【小题2】I didn’t leave the window because I want __________.
A.to see my mother coming
B.to enjoy the party
C.to get some cookies
D.to go to the party
【小题3】What does the underlined phrase “let me down ” mean in Chinese?
【小题4】I lay down on my bed and kept silent because I was __________.
【小题5】Why did my mother cry and say that she was sorry?
A.Because she was too busy.
B.Because she couldn’t find me.
C.Because she didn’t support me.
D.Because she needed those cookies.


It was the end-of-year party. I had asked my mother to make us cookies. Mom’s chocolate chips were the best.
But two o’clock passed, and there was no sign of her. Most of the other mothers had come and gone, dropping off their cakes and chips. The party went on, but I wouldn’t leave the window. The three o’clock bell soon took me away from my thoughts(思绪). I took my bag and walked out for home.
The house was empty when I arrived. My heart was filled with anger(气愤). For the first time in my life, my mother had let me down. I was lying on my bed when I heard her coming. “Robbie,” she called out. “Where are you?” She was looking for me from room to room, but I kept silent.
When she came into my room, I didn’t move, “I’m so sorry,” she said. “I got busy and forgot.” She began to laugh. I couldn’t believe it. I turned over and found that she wasn’t laughing but crying. “I’m so sorry. I let my boy down.” she cried like a little girl. I had never seen my mother cry.
“It’s OK, Mom,” I said, “We didn’t need those cookies. There was plenty of food to eat. Don’t cry. It’s all right.” We held each other in a long hug(拥抱).
小题1:The story happened __________.
A.on my birthdayB.during Christmas
C.before ChristmasD.before the New Year’s Day
小题2:I didn’t leave the window because I want __________.
A.to see my mother coming
B.to enjoy the party
C.to get some cookies
D.to go to the party
小题3:What does the underlined phrase “let me down ” mean in Chinese?
小题4:I lay down on my bed and kept silent because I was __________.
小题5:Why did my mother cry and say that she was sorry?
A.Because she was too busy.
B.Because she couldn’t find me.
C.Because she didn’t support me.
D.Because she needed those cookies.

Bill was fourteen years old and in the ninth grade.He had a part time job which got him up at five o'clock.He was a newspaper boy.

Each morning,Bill left the house at five fifteen to go to the center.The newspapers were delivered there by a truck at midnight.He carried them on his bike.

In the winter it was still dark when he got up.But during the rest of the year it was bright.Bill had to deliver the newspapers to his customers(订户) houses in all kinds of weather.He tried to put each paper in the box where it was safe from wind,rain and snow. His customers thought he did a good job. Sometimes they gave him tips (小费).

Bill made about $70 each month and he was saving some of the money to go to college.He spent the rest on tapes and clothes. Once a month he had to collect money from his customers.Since many o{ them worked during the day,Bill had to get the money al night.Sometimes when Bill was ill,his elder brother had to deliver the newspapers.Once his father had to help him.

Bill has 70 customers now,but he hopes to get more soon.Some day,when he bas many more customers, perhaps Bill will win a prize for being a very good newspaper boy.He wants to win a visit to Europe (欧洲),but he would be happy enough if he won a new bike.


1.Bill did part time job as_____.

A.a waiter               B.a driver                C.a newspaper boy     D.a salesman

2. In the passage,the underlined word “delivered” means_____.

A.收集                   B.印制                    C.分发                   D.制造

3.How often did Bill have to collect money from his customers?

A. Once a month                B.Once a week.      C.Once a year.       D.Once a day.

4.From the story we know the Customers like_____ people.

A.clever                  B.hard working         C.young                    D.poor

5.According to the passage,if Bill worked really hard, he could possibly win _____.

A.more friends                            B.more money

C.more newspaper                         D.a visit to Europe or a new bike



  Bill was fourteen years old and in the ninth grade. He had a part-time job, which got him up at five o'clock. He was a newspaper boy.

  Each morning, Bill left the houses at five fifteen to go to the corner. The newspapers had been sent to the corner by truck at midnight. He always rode a bike to carry them.

  In winter it was still dark when he got up, but during the rest of the year it was bright. Bill had to send the newspapers to the houses of people in all kinds of weather, he tried to put each paper in the box where it would be kept safe from wind and rain or snow. His customers thought he did a good job. Sometimes they gave him tips.

  Bill made about $ 70 each month, and he was saving some of the money to go to college. He spent the rest on tapes and clothes. Once a month he had to get the money from his customers together. Since many of them worked during the day, Bill had to get the money at night. Sometimes when Bill was ill, his elder brother had to send the newspapers. Once Bill's father had to help him.

  Bill had 70 customers now, but he hoped to get more soon. Some day, if he got many more customers, perhaps Bill could win a prize for being a very good newspaper boy, he wanted to win a visit to Europe, but he would be happy if he won a new bike.

1.Bill couldn't do his part time job, when ________.

[  ]

A.he was very busy with his study

B.he was badly ill

C.he was very tired

D.it was raining heavily and blowing strongly

2.From the story we know that Bill's part time job could ________.

[  ]

A.make him become a college student

B.make him stronger

C.help him make many good friends

D.help him get what he needed most at that time

3.Sometimes Bill's customers gave him some tips because ________.

[  ]

A.they thought newspaper boys got too little for their work

B.Bill asked them to do so

C.Bill worked so well

D.They wanted Bill to work for them longer

4.From the story we know the customers liked ________ people to work for them.

[  ]


5.As a newspaper boy, if one worked very well, he could possibly win ________.

[  ]

A.more customers

B.more money

C.more newspapers

D.a visit to some place or a new bike


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