摘要:38.A riding B flying C walking D driving



What should we do to keep healthy? One important rule is to exercise__31__. The Fang family try to exercise every day. Mr Fang__32__exercise in the morning because he must get to work at exactly seven o'clock. But he runs every evening. He walks a lot, __33__. He walks to school every day, and after school he__34__different sports with his friends. Mr Fang goes to a yoga (瑜加功) class__35__.

But it wasn't__36__this way. Last year Mr and Mrs Fang used to(过去常常)__37__everywhere in their car, even to the drugstore(药店) two blocks(街区)away. They thought they had to use the car all the time. They wouldn't walk.

The Fangs all__38__better(更好的) now. They believe they shouldn't be lazy. We__39__exercise every day, but we should try our__40__to exercise as often as possible.

1. A. often   B. sometimes    C. late     D. later

2. A. may not  B. can not     C. would not  D. should not

3. A. either     B. also      C. too       D. again

4. A. watches    B. plays     C. loves     D. likes

5.. A. in two weeks          B. for two weeks  

C. after two weeks       D. twice a week

6. A. always    B. even     C. sometimes    D. no

7. A. riding     B. drive   C. fly          D. walk

8. A. had       B. make     C. feel   D. feel like

9. A. needn't  B. don't   C. won't have   D. mustn't

10. A. best     B. good    C. well         D. better


Mike makes wonderful cakes for special occasions. You’ll be      36     by what he can do! Mike has been making cakes since he left high school. After working as a chef all around the US, he started his own      37     in 1995. Now his cake are      38     as far away as England and France.
It’s easy to see why Mike’s cakes      39    . They are all personal, and look more like works of art than food.
     40     someone asks Mike to make a cake, he works with him to find the perfect design. Once, some office workers wanted a good      41     for their boss’s 50th birthday. They told Mike that their boss loved noodles. Can you imagine a cake that looks like a packet of noodles? That’s exactly what Mike did, and      42     thought it was funny as well as tasty.
Mike lets people visit his company, and says that speaking to others helps him think of new designs. Recently, he made a cake that looked just like a car and      43     it next to a real one. Guests at that party had to choose their desserts carefully.
Mike is very busy at Christmas, as many people want special presents for their friends and families. But who knows, he      44     even make a cake shaped as an airplane that can
     45     on your doorstep in China!
【小题1】A. surprised               B. pleased                     C. worried
【小题2】A. organization                  B. restaurant                 C. company
【小题3】A. magic                           B. famous                     C. delicious
【小题4】A. sell out                         B. hand out                   C. stand out
【小题5】A. Wherever                     B. Whatever                 C. Whenever
【小题6】A. strategy                        B. joke                         C. donation
【小题7】A. someone                B. anyone                     C. everyone
【小题8】A. drove                           B. put                          C. sold
【小题9】A. should                          B. would                      C. might
【小题10】A. land                      B. fly                           C. drop

Mike makes wonderful cakes for special occasions. You’ll be      36     by what he can do! Mike has been making cakes since he left high school. After working as a chef all around the US, he started his own      37     in 1995. Now his cake are      38     as far away as England and France.
It’s easy to see why Mike’s cakes      39    . They are all personal, and look more like works of art than food.
     40     someone asks Mike to make a cake, he works with him to find the perfect design. Once, some office workers wanted a good      41     for their boss’s 50th birthday. They told Mike that their boss loved noodles. Can you imagine a cake that looks like a packet of noodles? That’s exactly what Mike did, and      42     thought it was funny as well as tasty.
Mike lets people visit his company, and says that speaking to others helps him think of new designs. Recently, he made a cake that looked just like a car and      43     it next to a real one. Guests at that party had to choose their desserts carefully.
Mike is very busy at Christmas, as many people want special presents for their friends and families. But who knows, he      44     even make a cake shaped as an airplane that can
     45     on your doorstep in China!
【小题1】A. surprised               B. pleased                     C. worried
【小题2】A. organization                  B. restaurant                 C. company
【小题3】A. magic                           B. famous                     C. delicious
【小题4】A. sell out                         B. hand out                   C. stand out
【小题5】A. Wherever                     B. Whatever                 C. Whenever
【小题6】A. strategy                        B. joke                         C. donation
【小题7】A. someone                B. anyone                     C. everyone
【小题8】A. drove                           B. put                          C. sold
【小题9】A. should                          B. would                      C. might
【小题10】A. land                      B. fly                           C. drop


When I was a boy aged twelve in South Carolina, something happened to me that made me never put any wild creature in a cage.

    We lived on one end of a forest, and every evening the mockingbirds(嘲鸟) would come and rest in the trees and __36__. There isn't a musical instrument made by man that can produce a more beautiful sound than the song of the mockingbird.

    I decided to catch a young __37__  and keep it in a cage, and in this way, I would have my own private musician.

    I finally succeeded in catching one and put it in a cage. At first, the bird was __38__, so it fluttered (扑腾) about the cage. But finally it was used to living in its new home. I felt very excited with myself and ___39___ some beautiful singing from my little musician.

    On the second day, the little bird's mother flew to the cage with __40__ in her mouth. The baby bird ate everything she brought to it. I was __41__ to see this. Certainly the mother bird knew how to feed her baby better than I did.

    The following morning when I went to see my bird, I found it __42__ on the floor of the cage. I was terribly surprised! What had happened!

    Arthur Wayne, the famous ornithologist (鸟类专家), happened to be __43__ my father at that time. After she heard me crying over the death of my bird, she explained to me. "A mother mockingbird, finding her young in a cage, will __44__ bring it poison berries (毒莓). She thinks it better for her baby to die than to lose ___45___.

Since then I have never caught any living creature and put it in a cage. All living things have a right to live free.

36. A. dance                        B. fly                           C. sing                         D. jump

37. A. bird                           B. boy                          C. fish                          D. thief

38. A. happy                        B. careful                            C. active                       D. afraid

39. A. looked forward to              B. looked out of            C. looked for                D. looked up 

40. A. water                         B. food                         C. songs                       D. diet

41. A. worried                      B. pleased                     C. bored                             D. tired

42. A. alone                         B. alive                         C. dead                        D. bad

43. A. calling                        B. visiting                     C. challenging               D. introducing

44. A. never                         B. seldom                     C. sometimes                D. ever

45. A. friends                       B. parents                     C. freedom                   D. happiness


Mr. Evans lives in a city.He was a maths 31 three years ago.He taught well and his students 32 him.So he decided to work in the middle school in his life.But

a terrible accident 33 his fortune(命运).

One spring he took his class to 34 a place of interest.The children saw a lot of 35 things and had a good time there.But on their way to school, their 36 was hit by a truck because the young driver was drunk(醉).Five students 37 and more than half of the children were 38 .He didn't know how it had happened and was very 39 it and after he came out of the hospital, he left the school and become a traffic 40 .He tried his best to stop the drivers from breaking the traffic regulations(交通规则).He worked hard and was strict with the drivers.So they were afraid of him.

One afternoon it was very hot.Mr Evans was 41 .He was standing at the crossing

and watching the traffic.Suddenly he saw a 42 rushing to the crossing.It ran so fast that it almost hit a man 43 a bike.He stopped it at once and saw a girl in it.

" 44 your license to me ,madam," said Mr. Evans.

The girl landed her bag to him and said, "Please look for it  45 . I can‘t see anything without glasses."

  31. A. worker    B. teacher    C. doctor     D. farmer

  32. A. liked     B. wished     C. helped     D. answered

  33. A. beat     B. won      C. lost       D. changed

  34. A. build     B. break     C. visit      D. find

  35. A. terrible   B. dangerous   C. safe      D. interesting

  36. A. bus      B. train     C. car       D. ship

  37. A. left     B. lived     C. died       D. fell

  38. A. beaten     B. injured(伤)  C. touched     D. stopped

  39. A. sad about   B. afraid of   C. interested in  D. worried about

  40. A. soldier    B. cleaner    C. bookseller    D. policeman

  41. A. in the corner B. at home    C. on duty    D. in the office

  42. A. runner    B. policeman   C. player     D. car

  43. A. riding     B. selling    C. buying     D. making

  44. A. Throw      B. Show      C. Lend      D. Copy

45. A. you      B. I       C. yourself    D. myself


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