摘要:35.After three hours in Tom’s study.he finished all his homework. A.taking.working B.taking.work C.spending.work D.spending.working Almost everyone likes watching TV.So television has now come to nearly every family.It has 36 a very important part in 37 life.School children in the U.S.watch TV about twenty―five hours a 38 . Some parents feel the television is good 39 their children.because it helps them learn about their country and the world. 40 the help of some programmers of education.children do 41 school. 42 parents do not let their children 43 TV too much.They say the TV programmers are not good and children 44 bad things from them. Men have invented many things which have brought much convenience.Television is one of them.If it 45 .carefully planned.watching TV can be good for children.



Here is the story of how the teddy bear was born.
Nearly 100 years ago, President Teddy Roosevelt(罗斯福) went on a bear hunt. He e_________【小题1】hunting in the woods. Because he was the President of the USA, the people who organized the hunt wanted to make it s_________【小题2】.
But after three days of walking and climbing and riding, n_________【小题3】 bears were found! The next day the hunt guide and his hunting dogs f_______【小题4】found an old bear. The dogs and the guide followed the bear for quite a distance until the bear was too tired to run. The dogs attacked and hurt the old bear. To stop it from running away, the guide t_________【小题5】the bear to a tree and called for the President. Here was a bear for him to shoot! President Roosevelt came, looked at the poor old bear and said “No”. He ordered that the old bear should be let go.
Mr. Berryman, a cartoonist (漫画家), heard of this story. He drew a cartoon showing how the President refused to shoot the bear while h__________【小题6】. Mr. Michtom, owner of a toy store, came up with an idea by the cartoon. He and his wife made a toy bear and put it in his toy store window. Next to it w___________【小题7】a copy of the cartoon. To his surprise, many people showed great i_____________【小题8】in the toy and hoped to own one. He asked for and received President Roosevelt’s permission(同意) to u___________【小题9】 his name for the bear, and the teddy bear was born!
Since then the toy bear has been famous a_________【小题10】the world and especially popular with children.


Here are two stories from different parts of the world. They seem strange but, believe it or not, they re all true!
John Lee was an Englishman who refused to be hanged! In 1884 the police said Lee had killed an old woman who he used to work with. There was nothing to show that Lee had killed the woman. Lee told the police he hadn’t done it, but no one believed him and he was going to be hanged. On the day of the hanging, however, the door in the floor, through which Lee’s body would fall, did not open. They tried three times but each time the door stayed closed, even though it had worked well the day before. In the end they sent Lee back to prison, where he lived for the next twenty-two years. At all times, John Lee said he hadn’t killed the woman, and he believed it was the "hand of God" that had saved him from death by hanging.
The police in Venezuela (委内瑞拉)in South America followed a man home one night. He was the thief they wanted to catch. However, half of his house was standing in Venezuela and the other half was standing in Colombia (哥伦比亚). Venezuela’s neighbor. When the police entered the house, the man ran upstairs to his bedroom, which was in Colombia, and called his lawyer (律师). The Venezuelan police were not allowed to enter Colombia so they could not enter the bedroom. They asked the police in Colombia to help. The Colombian police refused to help because the man’s crime (罪行)was not a crime in Colombia. In the end, the Venezuelan police gave up and went back to the police station.
【小题1】The underlined(下划线) word "hanged" in this passage probably means _.

A.shut in a room »
B.questioned by the police
C.killed by putting a rope around the neck
D.kept in a place
【小题2】 What do we1 know about the door in the floor?
A.It had opened the day before the hanging.
B.It had been broken a long time.
C.After three times, it opened.
D.John Lee’s dead body fell through it.
【小题3】From the story we know that the thief’s bedroom was____.
A. in Venezuela B. in Colombia
C. in neither Venezuela nor Colombia I), in both Venezuela and Colombia
【小题4】Why didn’t the Venezuelan police go into the man’s bedroom?
A.They didn’t know where it was.
B.The Venezuelan police were not allowed to enter Colombia.
C.The police in Colombia told them that (hey would help.
D.The police in Colombia told them not to go inside.
【小题5】 The police in Colombia didn’t help the police in Venezuela to catch the thief because
A.they didn’t know where he was
B.the police in Venezuela didn’t ask for help
C.the man’s lawyer told them not to help
D.the man’s crime was not a crime in Colombia

Here are two stories from different parts of the world. They seem strange but, believe it or not, they re all true!
John Lee was an Englishman who refused to be hanged! In 1884 the police said Lee had killed an old woman who he used to work with. There was nothing to show that Lee had killed the woman. Lee told the police he hadn't done it, but no one believed him and he was going to be hanged. On the day of the hanging, however, the door in the floor, through which Lee's body would fall, did not open. They tried three times but each time the door stayed closed, even though it had worked well the day before. In the end they sent Lee back to prison, where he lived for the next twenty-two years. At all times, John Lee said he hadn't killed the woman, and he believed it was the "hand of God" that had saved him from death by hanging.
The police in Venezuela (委内瑞拉)in South America followed a man home one night. He was the thief they wanted to catch. However, half of his house was standing in Venezuela and the other half was standing in Colombia (哥伦比亚). Venezuela's neighbor. When the police entered the house, the man ran upstairs to his bedroom, which was in Colombia, and called his lawyer (律师). The Venezuelan police were not allowed to enter Colombia so they could not enter the bedroom. They asked the police in Colombia to help. The Colombian police refused to help because the man's crime (罪行)was not a crime in Colombia. In the end, the Venezuelan police gave up and went back to the police station.
【小题1】The underlined(下划线) word "hanged" in this passage probably means _.
A.shut in a room »
B.questioned by the police
C.killed by putting a rope around the neck
D.kept in a place
【小题2】 What do we1 know about the door in the floor?
A.It had opened the day before the hanging.
B.It had been broken a long time.
C.After three times, it opened.
D.John Lee's dead body fell through it.
【小题3】From the story we know that the thief's bedroom was____.
A. in Venezuela B. in Colombia
C. in neither Venezuela nor Colombia I), in both Venezuela and Colombia
【小题4】Why didn't the Venezuelan police go into the man's bedroom?
A.They didn't know where it was.
B.The Venezuelan police were not allowed to enter Colombia.
C.The police in Colombia told them that (hey would help.
D.The police in Colombia told them not to go inside.
【小题5】 The police in Colombia didn't help the police in Venezuela to catch the thief because
A.they didn't know where he was
B.the police in Venezuela didn’t ask for help
C.the man's lawyer told them not to help
D.the man's crime was not a crime in Colombia

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