摘要:4.A.The boy with long hair. B.The girl with long hair. C.The girl with short hair.




1.What would the boy like to drink?



C.Drink and milk.

2.When does the boy get up on Sundays?

A.At six

B.Later than six

C.Earlier than six.

3.Who has short hair?

A.Daniel's friend


C.Daniel and his friend

4.Why doesn't the boy's brother have good eyesight?

A.Work on the computer too much

B.Play computer game too much.

C.Watch TV too much.

5.Who is the fastest swimmer?



C.Both of them.

6.How old is the boy now?




7.What does Sandy think?

A.She thinks English is as interesting as Chinese.

B.She thinks Chinese is more interesting than English.

C.She thinks Chinese is not as interesting as English.

8.Who studies the most subjects?




9.How many did Simon score?




10.Who is the girl with short hair?




11.When was Jim born?

A.In 1992.

B.In 1991.

C.In 1993.

12.Will his friend go to the zoo tomorrow?

A.Yes ,she will.

B.No, she won't.

C.No, she isn't.

13.What are they talking about?

A.They are talking about how to be healthy.

B.They are talking about how to study English.

C.They are talking about an interesting movie.



14.Why will the man go to the USA?

A.To visit some cities.

B.To have a rest.

C.To study English.

15.How long will the man stay in the USA?

A.About two years.

B.About two weeks.

C.About two terms.


16.What is Daniel good at?




17.When do they want to practice dancing?

A.On Fridays

B.On Saturdays.

C.On Sundays.


18.Where did Lily go for a trip?




19.What did Lily think of the people there?




20.How did Lily go there?

A.By plane.

B.By bus.

C.By train.


21.Which is the biggest, the sun ,the moon or the earth?

A.The sun.

B.The moon.

C.The earth.

22.How far is it from the earth to the moon?

A.38,000 kilometres

B.3800,000 kilometres

C.380,000 kilometres

23.Can you jump higher on the moon than on the earth?

A.Yes, I can.

B.No, I can't.

C.Sorry, I don't know.

24.What does the moon look like we can see on the earth?


B.A cake

C.An egg

25.How long does it take to get to the moon by spaceship?

A.Over three days

B.More than three hours

C.Less than three days


Amy: Excuse me, Jill.
Jill:  Yes, what can I do for you?
Amy: Did you see two persons pass from here? I want to take photos with them.
Jill:  Can you describe what they look like?
Amy: Yes, they are one boy and one girl. The girl is very beautiful. quite thin and has long hair. And that boy is also very tall. He is about 1.98 meters tall. He has big eyes and  short black hair.
Jill:  You mean Sun Yang, the famous swimming player? And he wears a pair of sunglasses?
Amy: Quite right. He stays in Shaoxing these days for swimming. Did you see them?
Jill:  Yes, they passed here 10 minutes ago. If you go quickly, You can catch up with them。
Amy: I will do that. Goodbye. Thanks a lot.
Jill:  Goodbye.
【小题1】The boy and the girl           .
A.went to the park 10 minutes ago..B.went to the cinema 10 minutes ago.
C.passed here 10 minutes ago.D.passed here 20 minutes ago.
【小题2】What does the girl look like?
A. She has big eyes and a big nose.   B. She has long hair.     
C. She is very tall and beautiful.      D.B and C..
【小题3】What does the boy look like?
A. He is tall.                    B. He is of medium height.
C. He has big eyes and his hair is black. D. A and C.
【小题4】What does the phrase “catch up with” mean?
A.追赶上.B.抓住.C.向上. D.嘲笑.
【小题5】 What does Amy want to do?
A.She wants to say hello to the boy and the girl.
B.She wants to tell them an interesting story.
C.She wants to catch up with them.
D.She wants to take photos with them.

Amy: Excuse me, Jill.
Jill:  Yes, what can I do for you?
Amy: Did you see two persons pass from here? I want to take photos with them.
Jill:  Can you describe what they look like?
Amy: Yes, they are one boy and one girl. The girl is very beautiful. quite thin and has long hair. And that boy is also very tall. He is about 1.98 meters tall. He has big eyes and  short black hair.
Jill:  You mean Sun Yang, the famous swimming player? And he wears a pair of sunglasses?
Amy: Quite right. He stays in Shaoxing these days for swimming. Did you see them?
Jill:  Yes, they passed here 10 minutes ago. If you go quickly, You can catch up with them。
Amy: I will do that. Goodbye. Thanks a lot.
Jill:  Goodbye.
【小题1】The boy and the girl           .

A.went to the park 10 minutes ago..B.went to the cinema 10 minutes ago.
C.passed here 10 minutes ago.D.passed here 20 minutes ago.
【小题2】What does the girl look like?
A. She has big eyes and a big nose.   B. She has long hair.     
C. She is very tall and beautiful.      D.B and C..
【小题3】What does the boy look like?
A. He is tall.                    B. He is of medium height.
C. He has big eyes and his hair is black. D. A and C.
【小题4】What does the phrase “catch up with” mean?
A.追赶上.B.抓住.C.向上. D.嘲笑.
【小题5】 What does Amy want to do?
A.She wants to say hello to the boy and the girl.
B.She wants to tell them an interesting story.
C.She wants to catch up with them.
D.She wants to take photos with them.


Amy: Excuse me, Jill.
Jill:  Yes, what can I do for you?
Amy: Did you see two persons pass from here? I want to take photos with them.
Jill:  Can you describe what they look like?
Amy: Yes, they are one boy and one girl. The girl is very beautiful. quite thin and has long hair. And that boy is also very tall. He is about 1.98 meters tall. He has big eyes and  short black hair.
Jill:  You mean Sun Yang, the famous swimming player? And he wears a pair of sunglasses?
Amy: Quite right. He stays in Shaoxing these days for swimming. Did you see them?
Jill:  Yes, they passed here 10 minutes ago. If you go quickly, You can catch up with them。
Amy: I will do that. Goodbye. Thanks a lot.
Jill:  Goodbye.
小题1:The boy and the girl           .
A.went to the park 10 minutes ago..B.went to the cinema 10 minutes ago.
C.passed here 10 minutes ago.D.passed here 20 minutes ago.
小题2:What does the girl look like?
A. She has big eyes and a big nose.   B. She has long hair.     
C. She is very tall and beautiful.      D.B and C..
小题3:What does the boy look like?
A. He is tall.                    B. He is of medium height.
C. He has big eyes and his hair is black. D. A and C.
小题4:What does the phrase “catch up with” mean?
A.追赶上.B.抓住.C.向上. D.嘲笑.
小题5: What does Amy want to do?
A.She wants to say hello to the boy and the girl.
B.She wants to tell them an interesting story.
C.She wants to catch up with them.
D.She wants to take photos with them.

A young woman   1  alone through the country. It was getting dark and raining. Suddenly she saw an old woman by the side of the road ,holding her hand out as if she needed a lift .

“I can’t leave her out in this weather”, the woman said to herself, so she stopped the car and opened the  2 .

“Do you want a lift?” she asked, the old woman nodded (点头) and   3  the car. After a while she said to the old woman, “Have you   4 for a long time?” The old woman shook her head. “Strange,” thought the young woman. She tried again, “Bad weather for the time   5  year.” She said. The old woman nodded. Although the driver tried some more, the lady said   6  except for a nod of the head or something else.

Then the young woman saw the lady’s hands, they were very large and with thick hair. Suddenly she knew the lady was a   7 ! She stopped the car. “I can’t see that mirror   8 ,” she said, “Would you mind cleaning it for me?” The lady nodded and opened the door.

As soon as the lady was out of the car, the young woman drove off quickly.

When she got to the next village she  9 . She found that the old lady had left a  10  behind. She picked it up and opened it. She gave out a deep breath(呼吸). Inside the bag was a gun!

1.                A.has driven      B.had driven      C.was driving    D.drove


2.                A.door           B.car            C.glass D.hand


3.                A.took in         B.got off          C.got into   D.went to


4.                A.lain            B.kept           C.sat  D.waited


5.                A.out            B.of             C.in   D.off


6.                A.nothing         B.anything        C.something D.everything


7.                A.boy            B.girl            C.woman   D.man


8.                A.quickly         B.clearly          C.carefully  D.slowly


9.                A.feared         B.slept           C.stood D.stopped


10.               A.shoe           B.box            C.handbag   D.watch




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