摘要:3.A.Yes, I am. B.No, I am taller. C.Yes.I am thin.


Tina and Tara are twin sisters.They look __1__,but they also have some differences.Mr. Black is their old grandfather.

One day,he came to see his two granddaughters __2__ two gifts.When he came into the house he saw Tina and __3__ her one gift.After a while,when he got into the garden he saw __4__ granddaughter—“Tara”.In fact,that was Tina.When he gave the other gift to her,she said,“you have given me one.” “No,I gave a gift to your __5__--Tina.” “Oh,my grandpa,I am Tina.” Just then,Tara came into the garden,too.“Now,grandpa,can you tell me the differences __6__ us?” “'No,I can't.Can you __7__ me?” “Yes,look,Tara is a little taller __8__ me.Her hair is longer and curlier,then __9__.Now grandpa,can you see?” “Yes,now I can tell you __10__ Tara.Tara,here is the gift for you.” “Thank you for your gift,grandpa.” With the words,they all laughed happily.

1.A.the same                 B.different                  C.like                        D.as

2.A.of                         B.and                       C.for                        D.with

3.A.made                     B.gave                      C.took                             D.sent

4.A.the other                B.another                C.other                     D.Others

5.A.brother                  B.mother                 C.cousin                   D.sister

6.A.among                   B.between               C.in                          D.around

7.A.tell                           B.speak                   C.say                        D.answer

8.A.as                         B.like                      C.than                       D.\

9.A.hers                      B.his                       C.yours                     D.mine

10.A.from                   B.than                     C.like                        D.as



第一节 听句子:根据你所听到的问句,选择恰当的答语。(5)

1AGood morning. BGood afternoon. CGood evening

2AFine, thanks. BSee you. CYou are welcome

3AYes, I am. BNo, he hasn't. CNo, never

4AMonday. BSummer. CJuly

5AMay 23rd. BSince 1995. C14 year old











12The man is looking for a ________

Abank Blibrary Chotel

13The woman tells him to go there by ________

Acar Bbus Ctrain


14Mary has gone to ________

Afly kites Bplant trees Cgrow vegetables

15Where did the boy findMary's dictionary?

ABehind the door. BUnder the chair. COn the desk


16Mike has got a ________ ticket for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

Atennis Bbasketball Cvolleyball

17What time will Mike watch the game?

A9001230 on August 12

B8001130 on August 12

C9001230 on August 20f^UHlimS, ?^^ 18, 19/JnM


18Bob is ________ than he was two years ago

Ataller Bstronger Cboth A and B

19What does Bob usually do after he gets up every morning?

AHe climbs the hills

BHe listens to music

CHe makes the bed


20Tom's mother wants him to buy three kilos of ________

Atomatoes Bpotatoes Coranges

21How's the weather?

AIt's cloudy. BIt's sunny. CIt's rainy


22Can Jane go swimming with the boy?

AYes, she can. BNo, she can't. CSony, I don't know

23Jane wants to borrow some books about ________

Apollution Bspace Cscience


24Jim's family will have a ________ party at the Forest Restaurant

Abirthday Bwelcome Cgraduation

25Why doesn't Jim like the Forest Restaurant?

ABecause it's crowded and noisy

BBecause the service is not so good

CBecause the food is terrible


26How long has Peter been in Quanzhou?

AFor more than a year

BFor about half a year

CFor less than a month

27MrLee is ________

Aa maths teacher

Ban old man

Ca funny young man

28What does Peter think of Chinese?

AToo difficult and boring

BEasy and interesting

CDifficult but interesting

29Peter always talks with his ________ on the Internet in his free time

Acousin Bfriends Cpen pals

30Peter can ________ very well

Aplay the piano Bplay the guitar Cdraw pictures


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