摘要: Cartoon booksNanjingJim


People usually hate mice, but people almost all over the world like one mouse-- the famous Mickey Mouse.
About eighty years ago, most films had no sounds. A man called Walt Disney made a cartoon mouse. The cartoon mouse could talk in these films. He made his mouse become a good friend of both young people and old people. Children liked to see their lovely friend, because he brought happiness to them.
Mickey is a clean mouse right from the beginning. Maybe this is why people love Mickey Mouse very much. In his early life, Mickey did some wrong things. People were very angry. They wrote to Disney and said they didn't want Mickey to do the wrong things. Because there were some things that Mickey could not do. Disney made a new animal called Donald Duck. He also made a dog, Pluto. This dog does some foolish (愚蠢) and wrong things wherever he goes. Now, our Mickey Mouse is more interesting as well. He is known as a star of beauty and wisdom (智慧). He has friends in almost every country.
【小题1】Mickey Mouse first come out ________.

A.on TVB.in the film
C.in the playD.In a picture book
【小题2】Children love Mickey Mouse because _______.
A.it can speak B.It is clean
C.it makes them happyD.it is a mouse
【小题3】The dog, Pluto, is ________.
A.a fool that often does something wrong
B.a clever dog that can do everything well
C.a beautiful dog that people like very much
D.a famous dog as a star of beauty and wisdom
【小题4】Why did Disney make Donald Duck?
A.Because Mickey Mouse was very lonely
B.Because there were some things that Mickey could not do
C.Because Mickey was able to do everything
D.Because people didn't like Mickey Mouse any more.


What’s your favorite cartoon? It may be difficult for you to decide. But for pianist Lang Lang, Tom and Jerry is the best one.
When Lang was two years old, he saw Tom play the piano. This was his first time to enjoy western music and this experience encouraged him to learn to play the piano.
His talent at the keyboard has taken him from Shenyang to the world. Lang became a good piano student at three. Ever since, the boy has been doing better and better. In 1997, the 15-year-old boy studied at a famous American music college.
Lang’s performances are energetic. He is well-known for making facial (面部的)expressions and moving around while playing the piano.
The road to success has never been easy. Lang’s father stopped his job to look after him, while his mother stayed in Shenyang to make money. But Lang thinks himself lucky and believes he should give something back. He has helped the children in poor areas a lot.
【小题1】What made Langlang first enjoy western music?

A.When he played the piano at three.
B.When he saw Tom play the piano at two.
C.When he listened to the western music on the radio.
D.When his father taught him to read music.
【小题2】 How old was Langlang when he became a student of a famous American music college?
【小题3】 What is Langlang famous for?
A.He is famous for playing the guitar.
B.He is famous for singing
C.He is famous for writing music.
D.He is famous for making facial (面部的)expressions and moving around while playing the piano.
【小题4】 Why did Langlang’s mother stay in Shenyang?
A.Because she liked Shenyang, she didn’t want to leave.
B.Because she had to look after Langlang’s grandparents.
C.Because she had to make money to pay for Langlang’s education.
D.Because she didn’t love her son.
【小题5】From the passage, we can say it _______ Langlang and his parents a lot of time to get success.


City Library
The largest library in the area with over 70,000 books of different kinds in it.

Two big reading rooms which can hold 2,000 readers.
Open from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, Monday to Saturday.
Sunny Museum
An art show from August 1st to 20th.
Over 300 paintings by world famous artists will be show in it.
A concert in Jinma Theater on July 10th.
Some famous singers in China will sing in the concert. The money for the tickets will be used for the poor children.
Singing Competition
The House of Culture of the city will hold a singing competition in October.
Those who like singing can take part in the competition.
Dadi Cinema
Snow White, a cartoon by Disney, will be shown in Dadi Cinema next Sunday.
Ticket Price: ¥40. (Half for children)
【小题1】If Tom wants to borrow the books from the City Library, he can go there at ______.

A.5:00 am on MondayB.5:00 pm on Monday
C.10:00 pm on FridayD.10:00 am on Sunday
【小题2】How many paintings will be shown in Sunny Museum?
A.More than three hundred.B.Less than three hundred.
C.Only three hundredD.Two thousand.
【小题3】The concert is held in order to help ___________ children.
A.all theB.the hard-workingC.the cleverD.the poor
【小题4】The singing competition will held in __________.
A.Sunny MuseumB.the House of Culture of the city
C.Dadi CinemaD.Jinma Theatre
【小题5】If a six-old-year girl goes to Dadi cinema to see Snow White with her parents, they’ll have to pay ________________.
A.100 yuanB.120 yuanC.100 dollarsD.120 dollars


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