摘要:8.What will Helen do tonight?A.Go to the cinema. B.Buy some CDs. C.Take pictures.


完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
What will you do to make sure you reach your goals? There are 1 main steps .
First, sit down and  2 your dreams out. By writing them you will get a better idea of where you really want to go. Imagine yourself at the end of the year or maybe 3  five years. What do you see? 4 do people see you? What are you doing? Are you  5 ?
Well, a dream is just that. It’s a vision (远见) of how you  6  yourself in the future. As long as you know the direction in which you want to go, you can begin  7  some goals.
8 come the goals. Goals are ‘wants’. So are dreams, but goals are more specific (具体的). If you want to be rich, tell how much 9 you need to be rich. If you want  10 grades, tell what you mean by ‘good’. In fact, the more specific the goal is, the  11  it will be to get it. Give numbers and times. Don’t use words like ‘lots’ or ‘more’.  12, I want a ‘B’ in each of my subjects.
Third are the objectives (目标). They tell  13  what you will do and when you will do it. When you think about what you will do, don’t use words like ‘ 14 ’ or ‘maybe’. Be sure your objectives can be measured (估量). Every day or every week you can ask, ‘Did I  15  this?’ and you can answer with either a yes or a no. Don’t leave room for ‘maybes’.

A.twoB.three C.four D.five
A.work B.help C.write D.sell
A.inB.forC.during D.before
A.What B.WhoC.Which D.How
A.energeticB.successful C.helpfulD.unfair
A.breaking offB.looking upC.giving up D.working on
A.First B.SecondC.Third D.Fourth
A.poor B.low C.badD.good
A.smaller B.biggerC.easier D.harder
A.For exampleB.By the wayC.Of courseD.In fact
A.prefer B.need C.forget D.do


School BBS (校园论坛)

Topics(话题): Ask for help


I’m shy. I want to talk to my classmates, but I am afraid they will laugh at me. What should I do?


There are so many net bars(网吧) around us. I spend too much time and money in playing computer games. I can’t pass the exams. My parents are angry with me. What should I do?


Father’s Day is coming. My father is good at playing basketball. He also likes to watch films. What present should I give to my father?


I like Chinese. I am good at Chinese. I often win the writing competition(竞赛). But my English is not good. I can’t speak English well. What should I do to learn English well?

1.The topic of the BBS is             .

A.how to learn English

B.to ask for help

C.how to make friends

D.Don’t play computer games.

2.If you want to help Simon, what should he do ?

A.Don’t play computer games any more, and spend more time on lessons.

B.Go on playing computer games.

C.Don’t play computer games in the net bars, just play games at home.

D.Pay no attention to (不在意) parents and teachers.

3.Which is the best present for Tom’s father?

A.A coat.                               B.A pair of sports shoes.

C.Some flowers.                          D.Some story books.

4.Which is Jim’s favourite subject?

A.English           B.Chinese           C.Maths            D.PE

5.If you have problems, what will you do?

A.Don’t tell anyone about your problems.

B.Have a talk to your classmates and ask them to help you.

C.Pay no attention to (不在意) them.

D.B and C



How dangerous it would be if there was a fire! Winter is the time for us to learn a lot more about fire, especially what to do if we are caught in a fire.

1. Shout out
If you smell smoke or see fire, shout out “Fire!” Shout as loudly as you can, because people may be asleep.
2. Call 119
Never try to put out the fire yourself, even if it is a very small one! Get help from your parents or call 119.
3. Keep down close to the floor
If there is a lot of smoke in your room, keep down close to the floor.
4. Test the door
Test the door before you open it. If the door is cool, open it carefully. If the door is hot, do not open it! Try to find a different way out.
5. Get out
If you can, get out of your home as soon as possible.
6. Don’t use the lift
Never use the lift during the fire. It may also go wrong.
7. Don’t go back
Never go back into a burning building!
【小题1】The passage is mainly about _____
A.how to look after yourself when you are on fire
B.what to do when you are caught in a fire
C.when to leave the burning place
D.why to call 119 when there is a fire
【小题2】When people are asleep, what will you do when a fire breaks out in your building?
A.Call 120 for help as quickly as you can
B.Only wake your parents up fast
C.Shout out “Fire!” as loudly as you can
D.Run away as fast as you can and don’t call others
【小题3】Why shouldn’t you use the lift when a fire breaks out?
A.Because taking the lift is so slowB.Because the fire can burn you
C.Because the lift is too crowdedD.Because the lift may not work
【小题4】When a fire is burning, you test the door to ____.
A.find a different way outB.notice the fire clearly
C.call for a much quicker helpD.see if it is close
【小题5】If you realize you have left an expensive thing at home in a fire, you should
A.go back for itB.keep down close to the door
C.not get outD.not go back for it


Last Friday, a Tibetan(藏族的) postman became the first woman postal worker to give a speech at the World Postal Meeting in Bern, the capital of Switzerland. She was Nima Lamu, a postwoman of Yunling Post office, Yunnan Province.

    She said, “I had to cross the Lancang River along a steel wire. My younger brother nearly died in the river before. I felt so afraid when I was asked for the first time to cross the river. But when I reached the other side, I found that I was flying.”

    Her area is locked in (封闭) two snowy mountains and three big rivers. She said, “:What worries me most is the snakes on the way. Sometimes, I throw little stones toward them and I often tell my self ‘Keep going’. ”

Ten years ago, it took Nima five days to finish each week’s mail. She had to face snowstorms, floods, snakes and loneliness on her 350-kilometer journey. Nima said, “The situation has developed a lot these years. Now we have a bridge that was built across the Lancang River in 2006.”

    Nima never dreamed she would become famous one day when she first look up her job, 12 years ago. Changes have been seen in recent years as more tourists visit Nima’s hometown. But one thing remains unchanged: she is still the carrier of the villagers’ hopes and dreams.


1.Nima was invited to the meeting in Bern because she was _________.

    A. the only Tibetan postman in China            B. the first postwoman in the world

    C. doing a hard job as a postwoman          D. making her village famous overnight

2. What happened to her brother according to Nima Lamu?

    A. he once fell into the river             .    B. He was killed by a snake.

    C. He died when swimming in the river.      D. He got hurt when building the bridge.

3.Which picture is TRUE about Nima’s crossing the river ten years ago?

4.What will Nima do if she finds a snake on the way?

    A. Kill it with stones.         B. Keep it off and go on.

    C. Throw it away and leave.     D. turn around and run.

5.What is RTUE about Nima?

    A. She is building a bridge across the Lancang River.

    B. She has realized all the villagers’ dreams.

    C. She got her job as a post woman before 2000.

    D. She doesn’t need to do her work now.



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