摘要:7.A.I'm very well, thank you B.It's very nice of you.Thanks a lot.C.OK, Well done.


American people like to say“thank you”,when other people help them or say something kind to them.People of many other countries do so,too.It is a very good habit.

    You should say“thank you”,when someone passes you something on the table,when someone opens the door for you,when someone says you have done your work well,or you have bought a nice thing,or your city is very beautiful.

    “Thank you.”is used not only between friends but also parents and children,brothers and sisters,husbands and wives.

    “Excuse me.”is another useful sentence.When you hear someone say so behind you.You know that somebody wants to walk past you without touching(碰) you.

    It’s not polite to interrupt(打扰)others when they are talking.If you want to speak to one of them,say“Excuse me”first,and then begin talking.You should also do so when you want to cough(咳嗽)or make any noise before others.

    Let’s all learn to say“Thank you”and“Excuse me.”

1._________ like to say“Thank you”and“Excuse me.”

  A.People in many countries                  B.Only American people

  C.Few people outside China                  D.All the people throughout the world.

2.You should say“Thank you”when __________.

  A.someone has done his own work              B.someone opens the door for you

  C.you pass something to others on the table      D.you want to cough before others

3.When you hear others say your city is very beautiful,you should say“__________”.

  A.Not at all          B.Excuse me     C.Thank you     D.I’m sorry

4.If you want to walk past someone without touching him,you’d better say “__________” first.

  A.Hello                B.You’re kind    C.Excuse me     D.Don’t move

5.It’s __________to interrupt others when they are talking.

  A.not polite          B.polite             C.good             D.sorry

When Kyle walked into Ernie’s Pet World, he looked very anxious. The shop owner, Ernie, jumped out of his seat to greet Kyle. He was the shop’s first customer of the day.
“Good morning, sir!”Ernie said,“What can I help you with?”
“Well, I……”Kyle started to say.
“Wait, don’t tell me,”Ernie stopped him.“You’re looking for a …a little dog… for your daughter’s birthday, Right?”
“Not really, I just….”
Ernie didn’t let him finish. “Ah, I’ve got it, You just moved to a new office, and you want some fish for it, I have some very nice fish bowls over here.”
“In fact, I…”Kyle was starting to look very nervous and strange.
“No fish? Ah, a cat! You look like a cat person. At Ernie’s Pet World, we have the best cats. Take a look at this lovely one with long, white hair, She’s looking at you. She’s thinking,‘Take me home. Take me home.’Would you like some cat food and toys, too?”
“No,thank you,”Kyle said.By this time, he was walking up and down. He had a terrible look on his face.“Really, I’m not interested in cats or fish or little dogs.”
“What do you want, then?”Ernie asked.
Kyle looked like he was going to cry.“I just want to know if I can use your toilet!”he said at last.
小题1:Which is TRUE about Ernie’s Pet World?
A.It has many workers.B.Kyle goes there often.
C.It sells school things.D.Ernie is the owner of the shop.
小题2:What kind of person is Ernie?
A.Very lazy.B.Rather shy.
C.Over warm-hearted.D.Not friendly.
小题3:Kyle went into the Ernie’s Pet World to          
A.buy a little dogB.take fish home
C.meet the shop ownerD.look for a washroom
小题4:What does the underlined word“anxious”mean?
小题5:What is the best title(标题) of the story?
A.Kyle and ErnieB.Pet or Toilet
C.A Pet LoverD.A Busy Pet Shop

When Kyle walked into Paul’s Pet World, he looked very anxious. He walked quickly to the store owner, Paul. Paul jumped out of his seat to greet Kyle. He was the store’s first customer of the day.
“Good morning, sir!” Paul said. “What can I help you with?”
“Well, I…,” Kyle started to say.
“Wait, don’t tell me,” Paul stopped him. “You are looking for a…a new dog… for your daughter’s birthday. Right?”
“Not really, I just…”
Paul didn’t let him finish. “Ah, I’ve got it. You just opened a new business, and you want some fish for your office. I have some very nice goldfish over here.”
“Actually, I…” Kyle was starting to look very anxious. His face had a strange look on it.
“No fish? Ah, a cat! You look like a cat person. At Paul’s Pet World, we have the best cats. Take a look at this cat---- long, white hair. She is looking at you. She is thinking, “Take me home. Take me home.” Would you like some cat food and toys as well?”
“No, thank you,” Kyle said. By this time, he had a pained look on his face. “Really, I’m no interested in cats or fish or dogs.”
“What do you want, then?” Paul asked.
Kyle looked like he was going to cry. “I just want to know if I can use your restroom!” he finally said.

【小题1】Paul didn’t advise Kyle to buy ____________.

【小题2】The word “pained” means ____________.
【小题3】Actually, Kyle went into the pet store to ___________.
A.buy some petsB.chat with PaulC.use the restroomD.see a friend
【小题4】The writer wants to tell us ___________.
A.a funny storyB.a wonderful petC.a strange pet shopD.a good pet seller


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