

Alicia was a young woman who liked to exercise for her health. In fact, she walked five kilometers before    26   every morning, and went swimming once a week at the swimming pool. She didn’t smoke and never    27   . She didn’t eat chocolate. She didn’t eat sweet and fatty food,    28   . She weighted herself every day.

One day Alicia was on her daily walk when she saw a    29    sitting in a rocking chair under a tree. He looked very old and his hair was white. He looked thin and weak, and his hands were shaking,   30    he looked very happy.

He smiled at her and said, “Good morning! Lovely day, isn’t it?”

He had a wide smile    31    his face, and his eyes shone with happiness. But Alicia saw that he did not have teeth.

“Good morning!” replied Alicia. “Yes, it is a lovely day.”

Alicia thought he    32   very old and wise. She thought he must be at least 90 years old! She decided to ask him about the    33    of a happy old age.

“I hope you don’t    34    me asking,” she said, “but what is your secret for being so happy at your age? I hope I can look as happy as you do    35    I am your age.”

The man in the rocking chair said, “My secret for   36   ? I smoke twenty packets of cigarettes every week, and drink three bottles of wine every day. I eat hamburgers and chocolates whenever I want. I never eat vegetables. I never walk anywhere and I never play sports. I sit at home every day.”

Alicia was    37   . She didn’t expect the man to give her an answer like that. She wondered how the man got to be so old when he did    38    wrong. She thought he should be    39    and unhappy. Perhaps she was wrong. Maybe, she thought, people could live a long happy life    40    eating well or doing lots of exercise.

“How old are you?” she asked.

“It’s my birthday today,” said the man. “I’m forty-seven!”

26. A. lunch        B. breakfast   C. dinner           D. supper

27. A. exercised        B. drank        C. worked           D. slept

28. A. too              B. also         C. either           D. still

29. A. man              B. woman        C. boy          D. girl

30. A. so               B. but              C. and          D. or

31. A. in               B. with         C. at               D. on

32. A. saw              B. looked           C. listened         D. found

33. A. secret           B. dream        C. plan         D. future

34. A. stand        B. mind         C. allow        D. enjoy

35. A. when         B. since        C. though           D. for

36. A. health           B. success          C. happiness   D. life

37. A. surprised        B. worried          C. excited          D. relaxed

38. A. something        B. anything     C. everything       D. nothing

39. A. angry            B. serious     C. quiet        D. sick

40. A. through          B. from         C. without          D. by


An interesting thing happened to me last Sunday. The sunshine was 31 beautiful that I decided to drive in the country. 32 my way home, my car stopped. I was out of gasoline(汽油) on a road away from a town. I decided to  33 along the road until I found someone who could sell me some gasoline.

I had walked almost a long way before I finally found a big 34 near the road. I was   35 to see it because it was getting dark.I knocked on the door and a small old lady with long white hair answered. She  36 , “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. Come in, please. I got 37 ready for you.”

“But I’ve come here only for some gasoline.” I answered. I didn’t know  38 she was talking about. I didn’t understand her.

“Oh, Tony! Gasoline? You used to love tea.”

I quickly explained that my car was out of gasoline, 39 she didn’t seem to hear me. She just kept calling me Tony and talking about how 40 it had been since she had seen me. She was talking so strangely that I wanted to 41 . As soon as she went to get the tea, I went out of the house as  42 as possible.

I was so happy when I saw  43  house by the road. I was able to get some gasoline. When I told the man about the old lady, he said, “Oh, that’s Helen. She lives all by herself in that big house. She’s 44 , but she wouldn’t hurt anyone. She is still waiting for the man whom she was going to marry(结婚) twenty-five years ago. The man was named Tony. The day before they married, he went away and  45 came back.’’ I understood!

(  ) 31.A.so      B. such     C. very    D. too

(  ) 32.A.On     B In      C. By     D. Over

(  ) 33.A.drive    B. walk     C. ride    D. climb

(  ) 34.A. house    B. tree     C. hospital   D. car

(  ) 35.A.sad     B. angry     C. happy   D. surprised

(  ) 36.A. said    B. speak     C. asked   D. talk

(  ) 37.A. gasoline   B. milk     C. tea    D. water

(  ) 38.A.that     B. who     C. when    D. what

(  ) 39.A.or     B. then     C. but     D. later

(  ) 40.A. long    B. far      C. often    D. much

(  ) 41.A.stay     B. leave     C. sit down  D. have a rest

(  ) 42.A. quietly   B. quickly    C. early    D. slowly

(  ) 43.A.others    B. the other   C. else     D. another

(  ) 44.A. kind    B. warm-hearted C. strange   D. friendly

(  ) 45.A. often    B. usually    C. never   D. sometimes



My favorite class at school was dance class. It was a new experience for me. At first, I didn’t think I’d like it, but I decided to give it a chance.

To begin with, it was    35    to have to hold with a boy and dance. The steps were okay, and the music was okay, but boys were not really okay. The teacher was nice and funny, and she got us used to working together as a    36   . Then it wasn’t so strange working with a partner any more.

 As the lessons    37   and I learned new dances like waltz(华尔兹), I really began to enjoy myself. Even being with partners wasn’t bad. In fact, I started enjoying dancing with partners who tried hard and know our steps. Some of the boys thought it was a    38   . And they didn’t take it seriously. I hated dancing with them, but I politely took my turn with them anyway.

To be a proper lady was another thing I learned while I was dancing. I never thought much about it before, but the teacher expected me to    39   like a lady, which meant I had to accept dance partners politely    40   I didn’t like them. Just like life, you sometimes have to do things you don’t want to, the teacher    41   . Yet, that didn’t mean I didn’t enjoy dancing with a boy who had the proper height and good steps to be a great partner.

As the classes neared their end, I was happy to hear I’d been    42    as a finalist. That meant I and my partner, Todd, would be representing my school and going dancing at a competition.

The competition was like    43   out of a storybook. Everyone was smiling, wearing great clothes, and hair was done nicely. It was hard not to be    44   , but it was hard not to feel special, too. Todd and I, along with my teammates,    45   our way through the competition. It was hard, and all the other dancers were so good!

It was sad not to win the competition, but a third place finish was    46   . Maybe next year our dancers would come in first place. I was proud I learned a lot. I just know I loved to dance, especially the waltz.

35.  A. different       B. difficult      C. common      D. strange

36.  A. class          B. club         C. team         D. task

37.  A. went  on      B. went by      C. came over     D. came back

38.  A.  joke         B.  step        C. lesson        D. chance

39.  A.  look         B.  learn       C. behave        D. practice

40.  A. as if           B. so that       C. ever since     D. even though

41.  A. agreed         B. smiled       C. replied        D. explained

42.  A. tested          B. chosen       C. known       D. regarded

43.  A. something      B. everything    C. anything      D. nothing

44.  A. surprised       B. excited       C. nervous       D. serious

45.  A. continued       B. danced       C. found        D. took

46.  A. comfortable     B. acceptable     C. reasonable    D. enjoyable


Anna was excited about starting her first day in the new school. However, when she first walked past the students in the school, her excitement  _31  to fear, and then to loneliness over the next few days. "Why didn't anyone say 'hi' to me or invite me to his or her lunch table? Is it because of my clothes or my hair?" she wondered. Almost every day during the first week, Anna stayed  _32  , thinking that there must have been  _33  wrong with her or that nobody saw her at all!

What caused Anna's  _34  ? The reason was that  _35  knew her. Most people don't like talking with  _36  . So it's your job to volunteer to make contact with people  _37  you want to know. The easiest way to  _38  their attention is to notice them first. Make eye contact with them and smile at them. When you smile at them, you are doing your best to  _39  your kindness to them, and they are sure to understand that you are saying, "Hey, how's everything going?" _40   , you are taking the first step towards the road to friendship.

When Anna _41  this, she started talking to her _42  . Guess what happened? It really  _43  . She had made two friends  _44  the end of the month.

In fact, saying “hi” or making friends with strangers is not hard. And the joy it brings you is really great. So try to open your __45  to strangers!

(   )31. A. became         B. turned                 C. changed        D. got

(   )32. A. happily          B. freely                  C. alone            D. excitedly

(   )33. A. anything           B. something               C. everything        D. nothing

(   )34. A. problem             B. question                  C. trouble             D. matter

(   )35 A. everybody          B. anybody                  C. somebody        D. nobody

(   )36. A. teachers            B. students                  C. strangers                D. friends

(   )37. A. which               B. who                        C. where              D. what

(   )38. A. pay                  B. bring                      C. take                 D. catch

(   )39 A. show              B. give                     C. take              D. offer

(   )40. A. On the way       B. In the way              C. In this way      D. By the way

(   )41. A. realized             B. succeeded               C. heard            D. saw

(   )42. A. friends              B. classmates              C. strangers             D. neighbors

(   )43. A. made               B. did                      C. worked            D. got

(   )44. A. by                 B. at                            C. in                D. to

(   )45. A. mouth              B. heart                       C. smile               D. mind


   There is nobody in the world the same__31__ you; you are unique (独特唯一的)! Everybody is __32__from everyone else. That is good !__33__ it makes the world(世界) an interesting place.

There are people taller__34__you, and shorter than you. Maybe your hair is the same color as your friend’s hair, but maybe it is longer than __35__. Another difference is your hair may be straight , hers may be curly.

I am sure you have some friends who are    36   than you. And you also have some friends , they are as__37__ at sports as you. But there are also people around you who are not good at some things.

__38__ does your best friend look like? Do you both __39__to finish your homework at school? Do you both want to wear the same clothes every day? I think __40__ some ways you are the same, but in many other ways you are different.

So say loudly to the world,“I am who I am –I’m unique!”

(   )31.   A. with       B. as         C. of           D. from

(    ) 32.   A. better      B. different    C. smart        D. good

(    ) 33.   A. Because    B. So        C. Although     D. But

(    ) 34.   A. after       B. than       C. like          D. in front of

(    ) 35.   A. her        B. she        C. hers         D. she’s

(    ) 36.   A. smart      B. smarter     C. smartest      D. a smart

(    ) 37.   A. bad       B. better       C. well         D. good

(    ) 38.   A. Where     B. What       C. How         D. How often

(    ) 39.   A. like       B. enjoy       C. would like    D. going

(    ) 40.  A. through    B. by         C. in          D. on


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