摘要:7.A.They are on the bed.B.They are brown. C.It's on the chair.


“Wow!”¨said Susan.“I have finished my homework and I’m going to paint a picture of our stairs(楼梯).It’s for a competition in school tomorrow.”

    “Do you need any help?”Mr.Cooper asked.“It’s almost time for bed.”

    “I’ll be quick.”said Susan.“I wonder what colour to use.”

    “Well, our stairs are brown,”said her father.“Thanks,Dad.”said Susan.

    When she finished her picture,Susan began playing with her brush which was still wet.Then something happened.She dropped the brush right on the picture! There in the middle of her picture was a blob(污点)of brown paint!

    “Oh,Dad! What will I do?”Susan cried.

    “My picture is ruined(污损).And it’s too late to paint another.”

    “Let me see.”said her father.“The paint blob looks just like a spot(斑点)on a dog.All you have to do is to draw a dog around the spot!”

    “That’s a wonderful idea!”cried Susan.She drew a dog around the blob of brown paint.“That looks just fine.You know,few things are as bad as they seem at first.With a little  imagination you can turn bad into good,”said Susan’s father.

    The next day Susan went to school early.

    When the competition began,Mr. King said,“I’ve chosen three pictures,and I want you to say which one you like best.That picture wins!”The children did not like the first one.The next picture was on black paper,but the stairs were red.So it was not so good.Then Mr. King showed the third painting.It was Susan’s!

    “The stairs are straight.”said Joe.

    “Yes.and the brown paint shows up well on the white paper,”said Lucy.

    “And look at the little dog.”said Terry.“He seems to belong there.”

    The children voted and Susan’s painting won.Mr. King handed her the prize-some paints.

    “Susan had a good idea.”Mr. King said.”That little dog finished a good painting.It made the stairs seem real.”

    Susan smiled.She would not give away her secret.But she could hardly wait to tell her father the news.He was right.With a little imagination you can turn something bad into something good!

1.Susan was going to draw a picture for _________.

    A.fun                             B.her homework

    C.a competition                     D.an exam

2.Susan drew the colour“brown”on the white paper because _________

A.she thought“brown”and“white”looked beautiful together

    B.she didn’t like“red”on black paper

    C.she thought her classmates would like it

    D.the stairs in her house were brown

3.What does the word“something”in this passage mean?

    A.Susan began to paint the picture.

    B.Susan finished painting the picture.

    C.Susan played with her wet brush.

    D.Susan dropped the brush on the picture.

4.Mr.King thought that the picture was ____________.

    A.bad        B.good           C.colourful         D.dark

5.Susan’s father thought that_______.

  A.imagination sometimes could turn bad into good

  B.the colour“brown”looked quite nice on white paper

  C.the little dog made the picture bad

  D.the stairs in the picture looked straight

Have you ever heard of Back-to-Front Day? It is a festival in Britain. On that day, the adults have to go to school. And the children? They are the policemen and firemen; they sit in the offices and call New York and Paris; they are doctors and nurses.
“Stand in the corner, Mr. Bass!” said Mary. Mary was six and had a class of twenty-three men and fifteen women. They were making too much noise.
John was a policeman. Though his uniform was too big, he walked down the street with pride. “Hm, why are you not at school?” “Oh, I ... I have something important to do,” said the man.   “Fiddlesticks (胡说)!” said John angrily. He took out his notebook. “Name?” he asked. “Mr. Green.” John wrote it down and blew his whistle (吹口哨) and a police car appeared. “I have a truant here,” said John. “Drive him to school!”
At the hospital a small doctor climbed on one chair in order to examine (检查) Mrs. Brown’s throat, and Nurse Jenny took Granny Lisa’s temperature.
The best part of Back-to-Front Day is in the evening. The children put the adults to bed, very early. They tell them a story, too — after the adults wash their faces and brush their teeth.
How interesting Back-to-Front Day is!
小题1:The adults have to ____ on Back-to-Front Day.
A.look after their children well B.work in many different fields
C.go to schoolD.work harder
小题2:How many students were there in Mary’s class?
A.15.B.23.C.38. D.44.
小题3:The underlined word “truant” means “______” in Chinese.
小题4:Where were Mrs. Brown and Granny Lisa?
A.In the street.B.At the hospital.C.At school.D.In the office.
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE according to the fifth paragraph?
A.The adults sleep late on that day.
B.The children tell stories to the adults.
C.The adults help the children brush their teeth.
D.The children help the adults wash their faces.

Mr. Green was clever three years ago.And few men could trouble him.But one day he was hit down by a car and his head got badly hurt.And now he often forgets something and thinks in a different way from ours.

One morning,Mr. Green woke up early.He put on his coat and began to walk in the street while people were sleeping.He wanted to buy newspapers but the post office was still closed.He had to go back and go to bed again.Before he took off his clothes,someone knocked at the door.He got up and opened it.Two hunters(猎人)came in.They looked at him carefully and then said,“We saw a dead man just now.We thought it was you.”

“Really?” Mr. Green said in surprise.“Where?”

“In the forest.”

“It’s impossible!” said Mr. Green.“I didn't go there at all this morning.”

“But he died last night.”

“I haven't been there for nearly a week.”

“But he looks like you.”

“What clothes does he wear,then?”

”A blue coat like yours and brown pants.”

“And what color are his socks?”


Mr. Green became happy.He showed his socks to them and said,“Look! Mine are white.”

1.Why does Mr. Green often forget things'?

A.Because his head got badly hurt.             B.Because he often drove cars.

C.Because he was too clever.                       D.Because few men could trouble him.

2.What did Mr. Green want to do when he walked in the street?

A.He wanted to have breakfast.                  B.He wanted to buy newspapers.

C.He wanted to post a letter.                         D.He wanted to go back to sleep.

3.Who knocked at Mr. Green's door?

A.A man from the forest.                          B.Two hunters.

C.A postman.                                              D.A policeman.

4.Where did the two hunters find the dead man?

A.In the street.                                         B.Behind Mr. Green's house.

C.In the forest.                                           D.Near the post office.

5.What color were Mr. Green's socks?

A.Brown.             B.White.               C.Black.               D.Blue.





1.A.They’re over there.

B.Sure, what size?

C.How about this one?

2.A.Very well, thanks.

B.Yes.I did.

C.The weather is beautiful.

3.A.Sorry, I’m terribly busy at the moment.

B.Yes, I stayed there for two weeks.

C.No, I don’t mind it.

4.A.That’s all right.

B.You can see the Peking Cinema there.

C.Go down this street and turn left.

5.A.Yes, I will.

B.Can I help you?

C.You’re welcome.

6.A.I don’t remember it.

B.Go to bed early.

C.Thank you.









9.A.He has broken the windows.

B.He has cleaned the windows.

C.He has opened the windows.

10.A.The food in the KFC restaurant is not expensive.

B.The services in the KFC restaurant are very good.

C.The chicken in the KFC restaurant is not cheap but very good.




12.A.About 9 p. m.

B.About 10 this evening.

C.About 10 a. m.




13.Peter Brown is _________.

A.an old farmer

B.a young farmer

C.an old doctor

14.The most modern building on the farm is _________.

A.the farmhouse

B.the building for cows

C.the chicken house

15.They have about _________ hens and ducks.




16.What crop do they NOT grow?





17.Jack’s teacher didn’t like him because _________.

A.he didn’t study hard at his lessons

B.he didn’t listen to his teacher in class

C.he didn’t do his homework on time

18.But Jack thought he was very good at _________.




19.One day when Jack got home, he felt _________.




20.His mother told him there were two apples _________.

A.on the plate

B.on the table

C.on the chair

21.Could Jack eat the third apple? _________

A.No, he couldn’t.

B.Yes, he could.

C.Yes, he was right.


I have two pets. They are Fly, a dog, and Huahua, a cat.
Fly is brown and grey. He is naughty(淘气的). He sometimes steals(偷) food in the kitchen.  Once, when there was nobody at home, Fly pulled (拉) a piece of meat off the table. But he was not careful enough. The plate also fell to the floor. When I got home, I saw the broken plate all over the floor, so I became very angry. Fly was so afraid that he went back to his bed at once.
Huahua is a white and yellow cat. She is not beautiful but she is very lovely. Every night at weekends, Huahua sleeps on my bed. When she sleeps, she always snores. It is very funny.
Huahua is also naughty. Whenever she does something bad and my grandma tries to catch her, she runs away quickly and hides quietly under the bed.
Fly and Huahua love to play games with me and I like them very much.

【小题1】What colour is Huahua?

A.White and brown. B.Brown and grey.
C.White and grey. D.White and yellow.
【小题2】What did Fly do when he pulled a piece of meat?
A.He pulled a plate to the floor.
B.He ate a fish.
C.He pulled a piece of steak to my bed.
D.He ate a big piece of meat.
【小题3】How many pets does the writer have?
A.One. B.Two.
C.Three. D.Four.
【小题4】What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “snore”?
A.呼吸 B.跳跃
C.打鼾 D.摇头
【小题5】Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Huahua is a cat.
B.Fly sleeps on the writer’s bed every night.
C.Fly and Huahua love to play games with the writer.
D.Huahua is very naughty.


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