摘要:31. orange is orange. A.An,a B.A:an C.An,/ D./,an


You're welcome,ladies and gentlemen.Everything in our restaurant is cheap and delicious.Let's have a look.For breakfast,you can eat porridge,eggs and noodles.For lunch and dinner,you can have rice,dumplings,different kinds of meat and vegetables.There are also some drinks for you.Come and have a meal,please.It's a good place to enjoy yourself.


Lunch and dinner:rice($1.00),dumplings($5.00),egg($1.00),cabbage($6.00),carrots($8.00),potatoes($8.00),chicken($12.00),fish($15.00),mutton($18.00),green tea($2.00),iced tea($3.00),orange juice($4.00).

Business hours:Mon.--Fri.6:30 a.m.--9:30 p.m.;Sat.--Sun.7:00 a.m.-- 10:00 p.m..

1.What can you eat for breakfast in the restaurant ________.

A.Dumplings.         B.Beef noodles.       C.Ice cream.        D.French fries.

2.You can have a meal in the restaurant ________.

A.at 6:40 on Saturday morning               B.at 9:45 every evening

C.at 11:30 every morning                   D.at 11:30 on Sunday night

3.If you have rice,cabbage and green tea for lunch,you need to pay ________.

A.$8                  B.$9                C.$10               D.$11

4.Mr. Black goes to the restaurant with $22 for dinner.He can order rice,potatoes,chicken and ________.

A.iced tea             B.orange juice        C.green tea           D.an egg

5.What does the speaker probably(可能)do?

A.A reporter.         B.A clerk.          C.A waiter.          D.An actor.


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