摘要: When I hurriedly got to the airport. the lady at the window told me that there were no left on that plane. A. places B. seats C. space D. room


Once there was a poor little girl living near a forest. She had no family and no one to love her. So she often   21   sad and lonely.

One day, when she was walking in the forest, she found that a small   22   was trapped unluckily in a bush. The butterfly tried to fly away   23   failed. The kind little girl saved the butterfly with great care. Instead of flying away, the butterfly turned   24   a beautiful fairy (仙女). The little girl was very   25  .

“Thank you for   26   me. You are so kind. I will make any of your dreams come true.” said the fairy.

The little girl thought for a moment and then said, “I want to be   27  !”

The fairy said, “Very well. I will help you.” And she said something in the little girl’s ear. Then the fairy disappeared.

As the kind little girl grew up, she was   28   ready to help people in need and was popular among the villagers. No one in the village was as happy as she was. Everyone asked her the   29   of her happiness. She always smiled and   30  , “The secret of my happiness is that I listened to a kind   31   when I was a little girl.”

When the kind girl became a very old woman and was dying, the neighbours in the   32   all gathered (聚拢) around her bed because they were   33   that her secret of happiness would die with her. They asked, “Please tell us what the kind fairy said.”

The lovely old woman still   34   and said, “She told me that everyone needed me, no matter how safe they seemed, no matter how rich or poor, no matter how old or   35  . She said that helping others would make me happy all my life.”

1.A. thought            B. found            C. sounded          D. felt

2.A. butterfly      B. bird         C. snake                D. squirrel

3.A. so             B. or           C. but              D. as

4.A. on             B. up           C. into                 D. down

5.A. surprised      B. tired            C. mad              D. angry

6.A. catching       B. beating      C. killing              D. saving

7.A. active         B. happy            C. energetic            D. humorous

8.A. always         B. never            C. seldom           D. hardly

9.A. success            B. secret           C. power                D. lesson

10.A. asked         B. hoped            C. answered         D. refused

11.A. witch         B. fairy            C. ghost                D. princess

12.A. village           B. town         C. city             D. world

13.A. excited           B. pleased      C. glad             D. afraid

14.A. shouted           B. cried            C. smiled               D. jumped

15.A. young         B. great            C. nice             D. quiet



Once there was a poor little girl living near a forest. She had no family and no one to love her. So she often  21 sad and lonely.

One day, when she was walking in the forest, she found that a small  22 was trapped unluckily in a bush. The butterfly tried to fly away  23 failed. The kind little girl saved the butterfly with great care. Instead of flying away, the butterfly turned  24 a beautiful fairy (仙女). The little girl was very  25 .

“Thank you for  26 me. You are so kind. I will make any of your dreams come true.” said the fairy.

The little girl thought for a moment and then said, “I want to be  27 !”

The fairy said, “Very well. I will help you.” And she said something in the little girl’s ear. Then the fairy disappeared.

As the kind little girl grew up, she was  28 ready to help people in need and was popular among the villagers. No one in the village was as happy as she was. Everyone asked her the  29 of ther happiness. She always smiled and  30 , “The secret of my happiness is that I listened to a kind  31 when I was a little girl.”

When the kind girl became a very old woman and was dying, the neighbours in the 32 all gathered (聚拢) around her bed because they were  33 that her secret of happiness would die with her. They asked, “Please tell us what the kind fairy said.”

The lovely old woman still  34 and said, “She told me that everyone needed me, no matter how safe they seemed, no matter how rich or poor, no matter how old or  35 . She said that helping others would make me happy all my life.”

21. A. thought     B. found      C. sounded     D. felt

22. A. butterfly    B. bird     C. snake        D. squirrel

23. A. so        B. or      C. but       D. as

24. A. on        B. up      C. into         D. down

25. A. surprised    B. tired      C. mad       D. angry

26. A. catching   B. beating   C. killing       D. saving

27. A. active      B. happy      C. energetic      D. humorous

28. A. always      B. never      C. seldom      D. hardly

29. A. success     B. secret      C. power        D. lesson

30. A. asked      B. hoped      C. answered     D. refused

31. A. witch      B. fairy      C. ghost        D. princess

32. A. village     B. town     C. city       D. world

33. A. excited     B. pleased   C. glad       D. afraid

34. A. shouted     B. cried      C. smiled        D. jumped

35. A. young      B. great      C. nice       D. quiet

My friend, David Smith, kept birds. One day he phoned and   26   me he would be away for a week. He asked me to feed the bird   27   him and said he would leave his key in my mailbox.
Unfortunately, I did not remember to feed the birds  28  the night before David was going to return. I rushed out of my house and it was already dark when I arrived at   29  house. I soon found the key he gave me could unlock neither the front door   30  the back door! I kept   31  of what David would say when came back.
Then I noticed   32  one bedroom window was open. I found a big tone and pushed it under the window   33  the stone was very heavy. I  of niose. But in the end, I managed to climb up.
I had one leg inside the bedroom when I suddenly realized that someone  34   a torch(电筒)up at me. I looked down and saw  35  policeman and an old lady, one of David’s neighbours. “What are you doing up there?” Said the policeman. Feeling like a fool, I replied, “I was just going to feed Mr. Smith’s birds.”
A.tellB.tellsC.toldD.had told
A.to thinkB.thinkC.thinkingD.thought
A.is shinningB.was shoneC.shinesD.was shining


I was waiting for the bus when I met the woman. “You look   26  . Come and sit here,” she said. “ 27   are you going?”

“I don’t know. I just want to catch a  28    and see what it will be like at the end.”

“I’m afraid you’ll see  29   there. Why don’t you enjoy the sights on the way?”

“How can I do that while my heart’s   30   ?” I asked sadly. My best friend had left me.

The woman seemed to understand my feeling. “Don’t cry, little girl. I’ve had a similar experience to you. Thirty-five   31   ago, my husband left our three children and me. I was deadly sad. I decided to kill myself and the children, so I took    32   to the sea.   33   ,they seemed to know what would happen, so they   34   loudly. Their cry suddenly woke me 35   . How could I  36    my hope to live for one of life’s problems? After that, I worked hard to raise the children. Now they all live   37    and one of them has his own family.

Then the woman gave me a   38  , “We should never wait for the door to   39     before us. We should find the key to the  40   or try to find another way”

The bus came and I got on it with a smile

1.A. tired

B. excited

C. happy

D. well

2.A. What

B. How

C. Where

D. When

3.A. train

B. bus

C. boat

D. plane

4.A. nothing

B. everything

C. something

D. anything

5.A. smiling

B. breaking

C. singing

D. dancing

6.A. days

B. weeks

C. months

D. years

7.A. her

B. them

C. him

D. it

8.A. So

B. Or

C. Besides

D. However

9.A. laughed

B. talked

C. spoke

D. cried

10.A. in

B. out

C. up

D. down

11.A. give away

B. give up

C. get up

D. stand up

12.A. happily

B. sadly

C. badly

D. hopeless

13.A. cry

B. shout

C. hit

D. smile

14.A. open

B. close

C. lock

D. mend

15.A. classroom

B. office

C. door

D. shop



Zhang Li lies in bed sadly. The 24-year-old young man lost his right leg because of a blood disease (血液病). The doctor said that his 10 years of smoking had caused the disease.

“I first smoked a cigarette when I was in Junior 3. It made me feel like a man and I thought it looked cool. Now I know I was really wrong,” said Zhang.

According to the 2008 China Tobacco Control report (中国烟草控制报告), 130 million young people who are under 18 years old have tried smoking. Fifteen million of them are addicted (上瘾的).

The report came out on May 31, World No-Smoking Day. (83)It also found that nearly 68% of teenage smokers smoked their first cigarette before the age of 13. Those living in big cities started even earlier.

“Some tobacco companies try to make cigarettes cool and attractive. It’s just to make money,” said Yang Gonghuan, a doctor. In fact, smoking is one of the top killers in China. Each year 1 million people die from smoking-related (与吸烟有关的) diseases. Smoking causes illnesses like lung cancer and heart disease.Doctors say that the younger a person starts smoking, the worse it will be. If a person starts smoking as a teenager, he or she may live twenty-two years less than non-smokers. 


1. Zhang Li’s disease was caused by ______________________________

2. Doctors think that non-smokers will live ___________________ longer than those who began smoking as a teenager.




4.Why did Zhang Li smoke at first? ___________________________________________

5.If someone smokes too much, what diseases can he develop?




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