摘要: ―How far is it to the airport? 20 kilometers? ―No, it’s . About 30 kilometers. A. far B. farther C. the farther D. the farthest




1. ( A  B  C )      2. ( A  B  C )      3. ( A  B  C  )    4. ( A  B  C  )


(    )5. A. It’s my pleasure.                  B. I’m sorry to hear that.            C. Never mind.

(    )6. A. I’m not sure.                      B. Yes, please.                                                   C. That’s too much.

(    )7. A. Nice to meet you.               B. See you later.                        C. What a good idea!

(    )8. A. Yes, I agree with you.           B. Certainly, This way, please     

C. Yes, it’s very nice of you.

(    )9. A. What are you going to do?

B. I think so. Why?

C. Oh, what shall I do?

(    )10. A. It’s cheaper than yours.                   B. Fifty yuan.                 C. It’s expensive.


(    )11. Who is going to visit her friends this afternoon?

A.   Betty.  B. Betty’s sister. C. Bob’s sister.

(    )12. Why did the girl get up so early?

A.To catch the early bus.

B. To prepare for an English exam.

C. To prepare for a math’s exam.

(    )13. Where was the man last Sunday?

A. He was with his friend.  

B. He took a walk with his friend.

C. He went shopping with his friend.

(    )14. Where does the dialogue take place?

A. In a classroom. B. In a store.  C. In a computer room.

(    )15. What’s the woman?

A. A shop assistant.  B. A librarian.  C. A customer.

(    )16. When does the dialogue probably happen?

A. In the morning.  B. In the evening   C. At 7:45 a.m.

(    )17. What place is the woman looking for?

A. A hotel.  B. A cinema.  C. A hospital.

(    )18. What are they talking about?
        A. The moon. B. Animals. C. Plants.
(    )19. How far is the moon away from the earth?
        A. Three hundred metres.
        B. Three hundred and eighty thousand kilometres.
        C. It’s not very far
(    )20. Why can nothing live on the moon?
        A. People don’t like to live there. B. There’ no air or water.
        C. There’s no light.
(    )21. What’s the weather like tonight?
        A. Cloudy. B. Rainy. C. Clear.

(    )22. Where are they talking?
        A. At home. B. At the cinema. C. At a shop.
(    )23. How much rice did the man buy?
        A. One bag. B. Two bags. C. One bottle.
(    )24. How many kinds of things did the man buy?
        A. Four. B. Five. C. Three .
(    )25. How much did all the things cost?
        A. $13. B. £300. C. $30.

(    )26. Where was the telephone?
       A. It’s in London’s school.                     B. It’s in her office.                        C. It’s in her home.
(    )27. Who made the first telephone call?
       A. A man.                                 B. Linda’s father.           C. Linda’s mother.
(    )28. How many telephone calls did the man make in the story?
       A. One.                                    B. Two.                                                            C. Four
(    )29. Who made telephone call three minutes later?
       A. The man.                             B. Linda’s father.           C. Linda’s mother.
(    )30. How many persons are there in the story?
       A. Two.                                               B. Three.                                              C. Four.


Would you like to go to Beijing, our capital? It's far away from Guangdong. It's 2313 kilometers from Beijing to Guangdong. The city of Kunming is 2216 kilometers away from Guangdong. It's always very warm there. But it's very hot in summer in Wuhan. It's 1084 kilometers from Guangdong to Wuhan. Changsha is near Guangdong. It’s 726 kilometers from Changsha to Guangdong. Do you know which city is the biggest in China? It’s Shanghai. It’s 1811 kilometers from Guangdong to Shanghai. If you travel (旅行) by air, you'll find it very interesting and fast enough to fly from Guangdong to Beijing. It only takes you about four hours and you’ll get there easily, safely and unhurriedly(从容不迫).But traveling by train is quite different. You have to stay on the train for over thirty hours to arrive in Beijing. More and more people like to travel by air. You can see why, can't you?
【小题1】How far is it from Changsha to Guangdong?

A.1084 kilometersB.2216 kilometers
C.726 kilometersD.706 kilometers
【小题2】If you go to Beijing, our capital, you'll know _________.
A.It's not far away from all the other cities in China.
B.You have to travel long by train from Guangdong to Beijing.
C.It's not far away from us all.
D.It's not far away from Guangdong.
【小题3】From the passage, we know ______ has the longest way to Guangdong except Beijing.
【小题4】Which one is WRONG?
A.Wuhan is very hot in summer.
B.It's as warm in winter in Kunming as Beijing.
C.It's 1084 kilometers from Wuhan to Guangdong.
D.It's warm in winter in Guangdong.
【小题5】It takes more than 30 hours to arrive in Beijing from ______ by train.


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