

I am not sure when I started listening to the radio. In the evening, I like listening to some talk programmes. The host’s (主持人的) beautiful voice makes me relax. The host often has the same feelings as the audience about love, friendship, life and so on. I am often moved (被感动) to tears. I usually go to bed at 9:30 pm and then I begin to listen to the play on the radio in bed. I can only listen to the sound, but I am always interested in guessing who they are and what they look like. I often fall asleep while listening. During lunch and supper time, I listen to the radio, too.

I like listening to music because it can make me quiet. I also like thinking about something while listening to music, for example, what I shall do tomorrow, that I have to call my family tonight and that I should send short messages to my friends on Christmas Day.  

You see, radio is important in my life, like a friend.

1.In the evening, the writer likes listening to some ____ programmes. 





2.At 9:30 pm, the writer begins to _______.

A.think about what to do tomorrow

B.listen to the play

C.send short messages to his friends

D.call his family

3. According to the passage, when does the writer listen to the radio?

A. When he is having breakfast.    B. When he is having lunch.

C. When he is having supper.      D. Both B and C.

4.The writer likes ______ while listening to music.





5.Which of the following is RIGHT? 

A.Radio is important in the writer’s life.

B.The writer often talks to the radio like a friend.

C.On Christmas Day the writer must listen to the radio.

D.The writer should send short messages to his friends while listening to the radio.



I am not sure when I started listening to the radio. In the evening, I like listening to some talk programmes. The host’s (主持人的) beautiful voice makes me relax. The host often has the same feelings as the audience about love, friendship, life and so on. I am often moved (被感动) to tears. I usually go to bed at 9:30 pm and then I begin to listen to the play on the radio in bed. I can only listen to the sound, but I am always interested in guessing who they are and what they look like. I often fall asleep while listening. During lunch and supper time, I listen to the radio, too.
I like listening to music because it can make me quiet. I also like thinking about something while listening to music, for example, what I shall do tomorrow, that I have to call my family tonight and that I should send short messages to my friends on Christmas Day.  
You see, radio is important in my life, like a friend.
【小题1】In the evening, the writer likes listening to some ____ programmes. 

【小题2】At 9:30 pm, the writer begins to _______.
A.think about what to do tomorrow B.listen to the play
C.send short messages to his friendsD.call his family
【小题3】 According to the passage, when does the writer listen to the radio?
A. When he is having breakfast.    B. When he is having lunch.
C. When he is having supper.      D. Both B and C.
【小题4】The writer likes ______ while listening to music.
【小题5】Which of the following is RIGHT? 
A.Radio is important in the writer’s life.
B.The writer often talks to the radio like a friend.
C.On Christmas Day the writer must listen to the radio.
D.The writer should send short messages to his friends while listening to the radio.





receive  minute  when  helpful  early  if  I  from  waste  three  year  but


     Michael Leung, a famous TV host (主持人) in Hong Kong, wrote a letter to his son. It

is not only   66   to children, but also good for all ages. The following are chosen  67   his


     1. Life is short. While you are   68   it today, you’ll realize you are at the end of it

tomorrow. So the earlier you start to value your life, the   69   you can enjoy it.

     2. You might not be successful   70   you don’t study hard, although a lot of

successful people haven’t   71   higher education.

     3. I don’t expect you to support (供养) me for the rest of   72   life, so I’m not going

to do the same for you. You will be living on your own when you grow up.

     4. You can require yourself to be nice to others,   73   you shouldn’t expect the same

from others.

     5. I’ve been buying the lottery (彩票) for almost twenty   74  , but I’m still pool. I

have never got the   75   place even once. So you have to work hard to be successful.

There is no free lunch in the world.

1.             2.              3.             4.             5.           

 6.            7.              8.             9.             10.           




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