摘要:2.When did he begin to sing?


  Once a rich woman invited(邀请)Martin Brown, a famous(著名的)singer, to her house. She wanted him to sing for her friends. But she didn’t invite him to have dinner with them. She told him to eat downstairs with the servants(仆人).

  The singer was surprised(感到惊奇). But he said nothing and went downstairs. After the meal he stood up and said to the servants:“Now my good friends, I shall sing for you.Of course, the servants were pleased. He sang them several songs. When they asked for more, he sang more.

  At nine o’clock the rich woman asked the singer to come up to the sitting room. When he came in, he saw all the guests(客人)sitting and waiting for him.

  We are ready now, Mr Brown.said the woman, You may begin.

  Ready for what? asked the signer.

  For your songs of course.she answered.

  But I have sung already! said Mr Brown, And I can’t sing twice in one evening.

  “You have sung already!” said the rich woman in surprise. But when? And where did you sing?

  Just now, downstairs.

  Really? she cried.

  Yes, Madam. said the singer.

  I usually sing for the people after I have eaten with them, you know.

  And with a politeGood night.he left the rich woman’s house.

根据内容判断正误, 正确打“T”,错误打“F”。

(1) Martin Brown was a famous singer.

(  )

(2) The rich woman wanted him to have dinner with her.

(  )

(3) The singer ate upstairs with the servants.

(  )

(4) He sang for the servants after the meal.

(  )

(5) In the end the singer sang several songs for the rich woman’s friends.

(  )


Jackie Chan was born on 7th April, 1954 in Hong Kong. His parents left the mainland(大陆) for Hong Kong a short time before he was born. His parents named him Chan Gangsheng, which means “born in Hong Kong”. When Jackie was 7 years old, his family moved to Australia. Later that year, they got back to Hong Kong and Jackie’s father sent him to Beijing to study and work. When Jackie was 17, he began to do dangerous performances(表演) in films. In the early 1980s, Jackie went to Hollywood, but he wasn’t successful there. He went on to make films in Hong Kong and had great success. Finally, in 1985, Jackie Chan became a movie star in the United States. Today Jackie Chan has fans all over the world.

1.Where was Jackie Chan from?

A.Sydney.           B.Hollywood.        C.Hong Kong.        D.Beijing.

2.Which name means “born in Hong Kong”?

A.Chan Gangsheng.    B.Jackie Chan.        C.Cheng Long.       D.Chan Yuanlong.

3.When did Jackie’s father send him to Beijing to study?

A.In 1954.          B.In 1961.           C.In 1971.           D.In 1980.

4.What did Jackie begin to do when he was seventeen?

A.Study films.                            B.Sing songs.

C.Do performances in films.                 D.Make films in Hollywood.

5.Which of the following is the same meaning with the underlined word “finally”?

A.On the end.        B.As a result.         C.Right now.         D.At last.



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