摘要:15.A.small-sized B.comfortable C.frustrated D.ordinary-looking(B)On April 19, we were told to leave school and stay at home because of a new disease called SARS.We started an unusual holiday.It’s not very 16 for us to stay at home all day.I think going to school is much better than staying at home, although our classes are sometimes 17 .It would be good to see my classmates because I started to 18 them so much.After two weeks, my parents took me to the Great Wall.I felt 19 when I was able to be outside again.It was not crowded there because 20 people were leaving their houses.My school had asked me to do a special job during this unusual holiday.Every day 21 ten of my classmates and asked them to take their temperature.I also asked them if they had done their homework.Then I gave the 22 to our teacher.This was a lot of fun.I had 23 made so many phone calls to my classmates before.It’s the end of the month now. 24 knows how long this holiday will last.men we go back to school, I 25 everything will return to normal, and SARS will never come back again.


Most teachers agree that the first lesson of a teacher is often unforgettable.I remember getting into the class with the   1   of a beginner teacher: nervous, careful, excited…etc.The school I   2   my first lesson in was well-known to hold the most troublesome (顽皮的)students in the city.With this in   3  , I was more nervous than I should be.But I tried my best not to   4   it out and went into the class.The first thing I did was taking a look at the whole class.My eyes   5   on a big black student.He was sitting in the back   6   of the class with no one in front of him.His body was much   7   than mine.I thought it would be better to   8   that boy untouchable.As soon as I started my lesson writing on the blackboard, I heard some noise from the back.I   9  the students to find out who did it, but the class looked very   10  .I went on writing and the noise went on.Then I stopped my lesson to   11    this problem because I believed that if I lost control of the class from the   12   I wouldn’t be able to get it back.I thought the big boy made the noise.To my   13  , a small boy was the source (根源)of trouble.Days went   14   and I discovered that the big boy was good and quiet and the great source of trouble came from a group of   15   students who became under control after some weeks.From then on, I realized that judging (判断)by appearance can often be wrong, not only with students!

1.A.ideas                        B.feelings                   C.thoughts                 D.ways

2.A.started                      B.found                     C.opened                   D.finished

3.A.head                         B.mind                       C.school                    D.hand

4.A.make                        B.bring                      C.work                      D.show

5.A.stopped                    B.noticed                   C.pointed                   D.warned

6.A.line                          B.row                        C.room                      D.part

7.A.higher                      B.lighter                     C.larger                            D.thicker

8.A.let                            B.relax                    C.increase                  D.leave

9.A.faced                       B.wondered                C.discussed                D.described

10.A.common                 B.confident                C.quiet                       D.crowded

11.A.decide                     B.solve                      C.improve                  D.produce

12.A.beginning                B.example                  C.matter                    D.end

13.A.competition             B.congratulation          C.surprise                  D.difference

14.A.out                         B.down                      C.away                      D.on

15.A.small-sized                                                 B.comfortable

C.frustrated                                                   D.ordinary-looking


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