摘要:4.A.make B.bring C.work D.show


Dear Reader,

Think about an 11-year-old child spending her days washing clothes,looking after a baby brother,and doing hart work on the farm.

Think about a little girl.She knows there will not be enough food for dinner,and has no water to drink because it if not clean.She has watched her father.brother and sister lose their lives as the family has no money to send for a doctor.

Hard to believe? For Maria Pastora, these are the facts of life.

Maria would gladly walk to school,but her mother,now alone,really needs her at home.Mafia had to leave school to work for her poor family.

But for five dollars a week,you can help out a child like Maria.Show her that somewhere,someone will help her.Through Save the Children.you can help Maria's mother get better crops(收成)from their farm,and earn the money to buy clothes and things for school.

To help Maria most,your money is to put together with other helpers,so hardworking people can help themselves.Build a school or a hospital,make their farm better,bring in clean water… This is what Save the Children has beer about since l932.

For you there are many returns.You can write letters to each other,get photos,or study reports.Know you are helping and saving another person in the same world as you.That's how Save the Children works.But without you,it can't work.Please take a moment to fill in this form to help a child like Maria and her village.

It can make such a difference… in her life and yours.

Save the Children

David L Guyer


1.Maria's father.brother and sister died because they             

A.were too poor to see a doctor                   B.didn't know where to find a doctor

C.didn't have enough food to eat                     D.were too busy to see a doctor

2.This letter mainly tells you to           

A.know about poor people                           B.earn some money for poor children

C.show pity to poor people                            D.donate money to help poor children

3.If you try to help a child like Mafia,which of the following can't you get from her?

A.You can often get some pictures from her.

B.You can get more money from her when she grows up.

C.You can often get her letters.

D.You can often be told how she is getting on.

4.This letter most probably appears            

A.on TV                 B.in a magazine        C.in a dictionary         D.on the radio



  Most supermarkets in China provided free plastic(塑料)bags.It was convenient(方便)for people to do shopping,but things changed.To protect the environment,supermarkets all over China stopped providing free plastic bags from June 1,2008.If you don’t want to pay money to buy them,you’ll have to bring your own shopping bags.

  What can we use to hold things we buy from shops? Students at Qingshan Middle School had some good ideas.One idea was making different kinds of eco-shopping bags.54 students at the school made their own eco-shopping bags.They held an eco-shopping bag show last Friday afternoon.Many students made the bags with used clothes.They painted pictures like the Olympic rings on them.Some bags were made of used materials like used paper,old newspapers.Some were made of eco-materials like bamboo(竹子).

  A boy student,Wang Lin made his bag with several old newspapers.We asked him whether the bag was strong enough.Wang Lin said it was.“No problem.I took six bottles of water in the bag from the shop to my home yesterday evening,”he said,“I think it’s strong enough to hold even ten bottles of water.”

  Fang Yuanyuan,a girl student,had a more traditional way to make her bag-a bamboo basket.“It was a hard job.”she said,“With my grandfather’s help,I spent a whole afternoon making it.”

  The students also asked their parents and friends to use eco-shopping bags instead of plastic ones.Next Saturday afternoon,the school will hold another eco-shopping bag show to help shops and stores get ideas from the students’ work.


The supermarkets all over China stopped providing _________ from June l,2008.

[  ]


eco-shopping bags


plastic baskets


free plastic bags


bamboo baskets


Wang Lin made his bag with _________.

[  ]




used clothes




old newspapers


Why will the school hold another eco-shopping bag show?

[  ]


To know if the bag was strong enough.


To show their pictures on the bags.


To make money by selling them.


To give ideas to shops and stores.


What is the main idea of the passage?

[  ]


People can still use plastic bags.


Students encourage people to use eco-shopping bags.


Students have good ideas to make money.


Most supermarkets will go on providing free plastic bags.


From:Li-Hong @ net. cnTo:jenny@compail.ca
Subject:School termDate:01/09 6:00 p.m.
Dear Jenny,
  Today is my first day of new high school.Many students in our school come from big cities.They bring the high-tech things to school,for example,mobile phones,MP3 players,CD players and electronic   dictionaries.They show off these things to others.What about your classmates in the US? Do they have these things?
Li Hong
From:jenny@compail.caTo:Li-Hong @ net. cn
Subject:Repeat!Date:01/09 8:00 p.m.
Dear Li Hong.
We also bring   these high-tech things when we are back to school.However,we   often work during the holidays,and make money to buy   these things.I think we need these things.We need mobile phones to contact with our friends.We also need CD players to listen to music.Electronic dictionaries can be useful for our study too.

  1. 1.

    The word “high-tech” means ____________ in Chinese.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.

    Where do you probably read these two letters?

    1. A.
      In a magazine
    2. B.
      In a book
    3. C.
      In a guide-book
    4. D.
      On a website
  3. 3.

    Li Hong thinks many students like to bring the high-tech things to school because ____________.

    1. A.
      they like to listen to music
    2. B.
      mobile phones are useful for their studies
    3. C.
      they want to show off these things
    4. D.
      they want to contact with their classmates
  4. 4.

    Jenny thinks students bring CD players to school because they want to _________.

    1. A.
      make money
    2. B.
      contact with friends
    3. C.
      listen to music
    4. D.
      study well
  5. 5.

    From the passage we know that ____________.

    1. A.
      Li Hong has many high-tech things like her classmates
    2. B.
      American students often use their own money to buy the high-tech things
    3. C.
      Chinese students work during the holidays to buy the high-tech things
    4. D.
      all the high-tech things are useful for the students


“Life is speeding up(加快速度). Everyone is getting unwell.” This may sound like something someone would say today. But in fact, an unknown person wrote it.

Inventions can change our lives. But have all these things really improved our lives? Imagine this. You’re doing your homework on the computer. Your mobile phone rings and the noise from the television is getting louder and louder. Suddenly the computer is turned off and you lose all your work. How do you feel? Inventions have speeded up our lives, but they often leave us feeling tired.

One family in England went “back in time” to see what life was like without these inventions. The grandparents, with their daughter and grandsons Ben 10 and Tom 7, spent nine weeks in an old house. They had no computers or mobile phones. The grandmother, Linda, said, “The more things you have, the harder life becomes.” And Ben also noticed that his grandmother had changed. She cooked delicious food for them!


1.The writer uses the quotation(引语) at the beginning to _____.

A.tell us a truth about our lives

B.tell us what life was like before

C.show why such a thing happened

D.show that we face big problems

2.In the passage the writer describes a picture to show that new inventions _____.

A.have speeded up our lives

B.have improved our lives

C.may make people feel happy

D.may bring people some trouble

3.The family chose to spend some time in an old house because _____.

A.they loved to live simple lives

B.they wanted to know how people lived without modern inventions

C.they were troubled by modern inventions

D.living in a different way would be fun for them

4. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A.With the improvement of our lives, we often feel tired.

B.An unknown man was sure that life would get better.

C.The family had some changes when they lived in an old house.

D.The grandson Ben was ten when the family went “back in time”.

5.The passage is mainly about _____.

A.problems with technology

B.improvements of our lives with technology

C.changes happening to technology

D.the importance of technology



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